The Future of Twinkinfo

You really think that 51%(the majority) percent of the people on this site play on private servers? Did the post count in that section support that? I very seriously doubt it.

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Ya know, we had big arguments and polls to decide on the "veteran and f2p" site change

maybe this could be argued too, but then again this was the owners decision unlike the situation i just mentioned ^
And still no answer... Lawls...

Unless there is an invisible question that I've missed, I have answered your question. Here I'll answer it again: Yes, TI should make policy changes to benefit the community.
Now, where is the benefit in removing the private server section?

You really think that 51% present of the people in this site play on private servers?

I have no idea. That's why I haven't brought it up. You also have no idea. That's why you can't bring it up. There are no statistics on this. Besides, it's not about pure numbers. It's about potential, the same way this policy change is about potential.

Did the post count in that section support that?

I don't know, but if we're allowing feelings and anecdotes then I distinctly remember two of my threads there being in the top 3 longest threads on TI at the time.
You can't claim this. There aren't any statistics on this.

I'm in full support of changing policies to benefit the wider community. This particular change hasn't been demonstrated to benefit the wider community.

Where in this did you answer my question of " Why should TI change its policy to support the minority over supporting the majority?"

Since you refuse to answer that question I will reword it.
Why should TI go against Blizzards ToS to serve a some users on the site, when not breaking the ToS could mean a blossoming for this niche of the game's player base?
What say you?

Has anyone actually defined those supposed benefits yet? It is quite hard to answer the question if having a private server section outweighs them if no one even knows that they are expected to be.

wasnt the private server section just removed recently? with the same reasoning given now? and then brought back because there were no benefits? why is no one mentioning this? am i remembering things that didnt happen?
It`s been closed in the past, yes, but not due to Blizzard ToS violation but due to drama, iirc.
Why should TI go against Blizzards ToS to serve a some users on the site, when not breaking the ToS could mean a blossoming for this niche of the game's player base?
What say you?

This is a different question to the first one you asked. Before you were asking me if it's worth trading private server discussion for a guaranteed hypothetical benefit for the wider community. Sure, I can get behind that, assuming it's not something insignificant like everyone gets a picture of a stale cookie.

Now you're asking me to evaluate the worth of trading the section for a possibility at some benefit. I can't do that without more information about a) the likelihood of receiving any benefit and b) the scope of the benefits themselves. It would be moronic to try to answer that question without this information. Perhaps you can fill me in on these things.
Unless there is an invisible question that I've missed, I have answered your question. Here I'll answer it again: Yes, TI should make policy changes to benefit the community.
Now, where is the benefit in removing the private server section?

I have no idea. That's why I haven't brought it up. You also have no idea. That's why you can't bring it up. There are no statistics on this. Besides, it's not about pure numbers. It's about potential, the same way this policy change is about potential.

I don't know, but if we're allowing feelings and anecdotes then I distinctly remember two of my threads there being in the top 3 longest threads on TI at the time.

The question has been posed three different ways and has been dodged three different times.

There are statistics to how many users visited that forum, how many posted, what percentage, we just do not have access to that information. If the owner of the site thought it was relevant or in the direction he wanted the site to go, he would have kept the forum in place.

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There are statistics to how many users visited that forum, how many posted, what percentage, we just do not have access to that information. If the owner of the site though it was relevant or in the direction he wanted the site to go, he would have kept the forum in place.


Who is arguing about whether it's the direction he wants the site to go? That's not in question at all. We're talking about the decision itself, not whether or not the decision exists. And again, pure numbers do not matter and don't tell the whole story. If I took a sample of twinking at a time of low activity for whatever reason and concluded it was no longer worth pursuing, that would be ridiculous. It's the same thing here.
I will ask a simple yes or no question.
Should TI change its policy to support the minority at the expense of the majority?

A simple yes or no will do.

I will ask a simple yes or no question.
Should TI change its policy to support the minority at the expense of the majority?

A simple yes or no will do.


The biggest unknown here is whether this change will actually help /the majority/ _at all_.
Because, for what it`s worth, Blizzard could just throw pictures of 'stale cookies' at us, and nothing of value`s been gained there.
The best way forward on this discussion is for [MENTION=5141]Myrm[/MENTION] to reach out to Blizzard to gauge their support of a new TI. If they are apathetic, then this is all a fools errand. Has there been a response?

A word of wisdom: TI is here because of us. No "owner" caused its growth and sustainment. Don't betray the trust and effort established over years at TI by shuttering the "underground" part of the community we've built. Find a compromise between these two factions.

I suggest a backpage accessible through an innocent icon that requires approval by a mod designated to manage it. Those in the know can spread its existence through word-of-mouth.
Assuming the site is acknowledged by Blizzard thanks to a more streamlined ruleset, it could be easier to facilitate change on behalf of twinks. In the past, interaction with the developers has proven tedious in the form of long Twitter campaigns and unanswered posts on the official WoW forums, but if the site was to gain some traction within Blizzard, we might be able to better communicate our thoughts to them. If this is doable by sacrificing a few "underground" aspects of the site, although it will suck for the people affected, it might, in the end, prove to be a good move for the majority, and definitely worth investigating.
This is one step for 19s, one giant step for twonks in general!

Love ya Myrm, good luck with this.
I'm happy the mastermind(s) behind the twink cup is also now the mastermind(s) behind TI
and definitely worth investigating.

for how long is this investigation going to last? it's not really an investigation if the answer is forever. It would be nice for someone to officially outline any specific outcomes they hope will come of this. If there are actual plans that aren't just wishful thinking then I'm 100% behind them.
for how long is this investigation going to last? it's not really an investigation if the answer is forever. It would be nice for someone to officially outline any specific outcomes they hope will come of this. If there are actual plans that aren't just wishful thinking then I'm 100% behind them.

Can there be much of a question with next years twink cup in mind and Myrm as the owner of TI? Upcoming WoW eSports Events - July 2015 - Forums - World of Warcraft. It seems to me that blizzard has proven receptive to our community under the appropriate circumstances. I understand peoples hesitation but the best way to get blizzards attention is to get active on Twitter, beyond a doubt. If TI isn't in line with the WoW CoC we never even have the chance at any official recognition.
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