F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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No, it is not his list. He might have made it but it is a list from and for this community where he should take all opinions and wishes into considderation and not be an unmature stubborn person and just do like he wishes.
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No, it is not his list. He might have made it but it is a list from and for this community where he should take all opinions and wishes into considderation and not be an unmature stubborn person and just do like he wishes.
considering it's his time and effort that's making and maintaining the list...he has every right to do whatever he wishes with the list. if you don't like it, make a much nicer list and convince every to look & comment on yours instead of his. His list will then drop off and you'll be able to sleep at night (after you're done updating your list of course).

otherwise learn how to deal with it the way it is (you really do have the option of not clicking into this thread).

edit: my money says he's most definitively taken your opinion into consideration. you might call it stubborn and immature, but it might just be he doesn't want to do the extra work (regardless of how much work it is) to satisfy a couple people...or that he just doesn't "feel like it". People make these types of threads because they want to...because they "feel like it". They most certainly don't do them because someone else told them to do it, what it should include, or what it shouldn't include.

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Personally, I don't see MM being a benchmark.

Tattered Dreadmist Mantle gives you 1 more INT with almost 2% more added CRIT.

They are fairly even IMO. Sure, farming one for months takes determination, but overall it's a very slim margin of difference.

In terms of difficulty of acquiring, yes. Of course it only matters to people that want to be hit capped. Most scrublets, *looks up* either don't know what hit cap is or don't consider it worth getting. I see people with 30k HKs and only 1% hit rating. Of course in MP much less hit rating will be required, so it won't be as important. Many people currently under the cap will hit cap by default.
MM should stay on the list. Regardless of its rarity (or non-rarity) its generally a BiS item and is typically a sign of seniority and/or determination. Furthermore, it's a good item to have on practically any class, unlike RoP, Demon Band, or Mindthrust.

Regardless, as a personal appeal... It took me so fucking long to get it, let me show it off with pride haha.
It's not really BiS, it's just high stam. You're sacrificing other stats for it. The mail boots are on the same loot table, but I saw five MM before I got the boots. Obviously that's just RNG, and it could just have easily been me seeing five mail boots on a clothy before I got MM. MT on the other hand are better than CC, and since they are dungeon BoEs, much more difficult to get, just like RoP. With mana pools becoming so much smaller in MP, spirit will be a much more important stat to many.
Updated lists and spreadsheet. Added Drakewing Bands, Ivycloth Bracelets of the Eagle and Mindthrust Bracers to rare itrem tracking.
Lofi, your link to Mindthrust bracers says "magician's mantle".
Thanks, I fixed the text. Let me know how you guys like the red/blue squares instead of color-coded races. Also, if someone has a proposal for less-jarring red/blue combo please post them.
Thanks, I fixed the text. Let me know how you guys like the red/blue squares instead of color-coded races. Also, if someone has a proposal for less-jarring red/blue combo please post them.
Those squares are hurting my eyes. Can't you just color the numbers?
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