German invasion - Eng Realm

Why the hell now all germans gonna trans to engl realms ??

pls mates, i left that ppl to play with others. now theyre all playin defias or outland..

gimme ur message to this ... -.-
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I think it's a bit presumptuous and slightly racists to catergorise Germans as a whole as 'scrubs'.
mate i am german, i left german realms cuz i knew many ppl there, i saw them playin and messin around.. bout only 10 ppl at all german realms are able to play

thats why im crying here ..
Haha. You know this one was coming: Zhe Germans are coming!
Glad you and Beegx are the only ones at Ravencrest though! :p
It's ridiculous that you as a German, you get upset about it. Should it be reserved for you and your loverboy beegx to xfer on english realms?i lol'd

bout only 10 ppl at all german realms are able to play
I'm assuming that you are not appointed by the 10 people. Y U NO ACCPLAY IS ILLEGAL?! Before u start a QQ thread about German immigrants cuz there so bad. Try to play ur own charackter at high rating and dont let other guys play ur and beegx charackters. Ty yow and cyanerd to boosting them to 2.3k :) now they can tell everybody they must be 1 of these 10 german ppl.JK not.

Just continue ur wintrading and stop talking.
German guild inc QQ more plx
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I only said , that im crying bout the germans, cuz now all players r leavin horde site. i never be proud of some wintraded titles or achievements, its just a game and i dont care bout anything from wintrade.

and please, if u r proud to get a 2,2k achieve in a bracket with taziks and unbalanced classes then greets..

i only told ya all my oppinion bout that transfering from germans, if u dont agree, fine, but flamin bout wintrade or sth is kinda stupid - everybody does wintrade - if u dont do it , its ur fault :)

and that with cya/yow ? - pls mate u dont know that kinda true story so dont talk bout things u dont know anything about :)

and beegx / me were one of the first who left german realms - after shelbyz

btw that 10 ppl i mean r in my oppinion "well players" and nothing else, so cry to another guy thanks

whatever - have fun , well met us in bg

idc bout that shit anymore - and sorry for bad english knowledge :(
and that with cya/yow ? - pls mate u dont know that kinda true story so dont talk bout things u dont know anything about
u told me that but nvm. I just went to alli cuz of kipale for playin 3s. With my mage i went stormscale-horde cuz of faster queue pops thats all. I bored of waiting 8min for queue pop. I m not proud about 2.2k just happy that i get it. And i gonna xfer my shaman to.
Dont want that terrible warsong angain lecro/razzerz/forgot his name a shaman metha (i think his Caps Lock key clamps)...../me and bobx. always flaming each other. Bored of seeing guys with any rbg title without playin any legit one. For you there is something else.I remember u asked me a lot of times for legit rbg a long time ago. But we didnt got a spot.just fucked up what s happend with that bracket :l everywhere wintraders :(
u told me that but nvm. I just went to alli cuz of kipale for playin 3s. With my mage i went stormscale-horde cuz of faster queue pops thats all. I bored of waiting 8min for queue pop. I m not proud about 2.2k just happy that i get it. And i gonna xfer my shaman to.
Dont want that terrible warsong angain lecro/razzerz/forgot his name a shaman metha (i think his Caps Lock key clamps)...../me and bobx. always flaming each other. Bored of seeing guys with any rbg title without playin any legit one. For you there is something else.I remember u asked me a lot of times for legit rbg a long time ago. But we didnt got a spot.just fucked up what s happend with that bracket :l everywhere wintraders :(

I can take players moaning or even flaming me for win-trading when they've not win-traded themselves, but what i can't stand is players who have win traded RBG like yourself and think for some strange reason you obtain the moral high ground. You said that you found it boring and a waste of time, but the fact still remains that you've win traded rated battle grounds, if we're to blame for the bracket dissolving then that's fine, but you yes "yourself" are responsible for it to.

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