F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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EDIT: Currently there is a bug where it lists everyone with Alchemy as having Swiftness Potion recipe. Hope to have this resolved for the next update.

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Lofi can you pm me back wen you get a chance? Also to say something constructive I think the list should be slimmed down to the most important stats rather than who has this recipe, or who has this item
legend items suggestions:

Axe of the enforcer
Assasins blade
Praire ring of eluding

Also I had an idea of a "boa count", so like it counts how many BOAS they are wearing, either that or It counts how many BOAS they have in total, i have 15 but most of them are banked, so yeh..... just a suggestion :)
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions.

I have removed Swiftness Potion recipe icon, since it is not related to gear.

I added # of boas, Axe of the Enforcer, Doomspike and Prairie Ring of Eluding.

Also, I have decided to allow opt-outs, and have removed the two people who previously requested. If you would like to be removed from the listing for any reason, please send me a PM with the URLs to remove. I may ask for verification that you are in fact the account owner. Also if you have been removed and would like to be added again, just send me a PM.
Just a potential oddity with the "# of boas" - it really only tracks which boas are equipped, so its not the greatest marker. If you click on a character's armory it's pretty clear how many boas they have equipped - it's not clear how many are in their inventory for other gear sets. Take Felix, for example. He has like 17 boas?

I'm not sure it's the most accurate statistic. Most of the characters are bis anyway.

Again, great work. Very interesting to see that you're allowing opt-outs. Are you also considering botters and multiboxers?
Add what characters are guilded and/or even are guildmaster of a guild. Yes, extremely rare, but there are some!
Assasins blade

Regarding these two, I left them off since they really are not BiS for anyone at level 20.

Just a potential oddity with the "# of boas" - it really only tracks which boas are equipped, so its not the greatest marker. If you click on a character's armory it's pretty clear how many boas they have equipped - it's not clear how many are in their inventory for other gear sets.

It is only intended to track number of equipped BOAs. This is to make it easier to distinguish gear differences without even visiting the armory.

Again, great work. Very interesting to see that you're allowing opt-outs. Are you also considering botters and multiboxers?

No current plans to remove botters/multiboxers, unless of course they request to be removed. I find it kind of interesting/humorous to leave them in.

I am open to suggestions on cleaning up the PvP rankings by adding some minimum criteria (e.g. ratio of wsg games to flag returns, deaths per BG, etc).
I am open to suggestions on cleaning up the PvP rankings by adding some minimum criteria (e.g. ratio of wsg games to flag returns, deaths per BG, etc).
Please. Minimum 50% win ratio. Minimum 1 flag cap or return in each WSG.
Please. Minimum 50% win ratio. Minimum 1 flag cap or return in each WSG.

This is a bit steep. 25% win ratio and 1 flag cap or return per 5 games? Some people are deserving of being on that list (without automating their hks) and don't play objectively.

While I agree this would be an optimal player, it's pretty clear who bots or multiboxes when you have... say, 1255 WSG played and only 9 returns. There are people who don't go for the flag but still deserve to be on the list for their time put in on their character.
This is a bit steep. 25% win ratio and 1 flag cap or return per 5 games? Some people are deserving of being on that list (without automating their hks) and don't play objectively. .
1 really isn't alot... Or just make it 1 per win then. Idc. I believe only people who play an objective should deserve to be in there. But that's my opinion ofc.
Well then please take me out of the ranking. I'm not a dedicated FC, nor do I feel it is my job to return flags when I'm sticking to FC and healing, nor do I /afk out of losing games.
Well then please take me out of the ranking. I'm not a dedicated FC, nor do I feel it is my job to return flags when I'm sticking to FC and healing, nor do I /afk out of losing games.
Which just means my point is invalid and needs to be refined :) But some statistics from some players are really horrible nonetheless.
1 really isn't alot... Or just make it 1 per win then. Idc. I believe only people who play an objective should deserve to be in there. But that's my opinion ofc.

They could be playing the objectives...

They could be escorting the FC.
They could be carrying the flag and then die before a cap.
They could be killing EFC with others and don't get the return themselves.

There are people on that list who don't meet your criteria who I have seen in game and can vouch that they are not botting, not GY farming, not camping mid, not AFKing, etc.

I'm not seeing an issue with the ranking as is.
Lofi... I guess an extra TOP 10 or a TOP 20, in your first post ( Worldwide - PVE / PVP ), would be great. :D. I love to see EU players next to US players. :p

@ rsq , SallyG , Yde - Thank You ! /salute
1 really isn't alot... Or just make it 1 per win then. Idc. I believe only people who play an objective should deserve to be in there. But that's my opinion ofc.

You can't really do that though, if I am a mage killing the EFC and there happens to be a rogue helping me, there is no way I can return that flag before him. That is the case most of the time, you zerg the EFC and then there are 2-3 people standing his body while you are 20 feet away.

Edit - Darn, 2-3 people said the same thing before me :(.
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