Had some great moments when premading with Ploy/Swelly/Ash/Sun![]()
My fave:
This was against Honeybadger's premade. We had me and Ploy on roof and Ash/Sun on offense. Like 4 24s come to roof. Ploy drops down to FR and I drop a standard and drop to second. The 24s drop to FR and start bursting Ploy. I keep him up until he wild charges up to my standard. The 24s start going to roof and I run behind them. Ploy jumps down again but the 24s kill my standard this time and jump down also. So then Ploy wild charges up to me. Jinx and a 24 rogue didn't jump down and blow ploy up with a disorient on me. He dies right when the disorient wears off but I get the repick. So at this point a couple things were happening: more 24s were running up to roof, jinx was a little low on HP and the rogue had blown a trinket on roots to kill Ploy. Rogue and hunter start blowing me up now. At about 10% HP I drop the flag and pop bubble + swiftpots. I HoJ the rogue and denounce Jinx down. Ash calls out that efc is going down and I cancel bubble --> repick flag and jump in epic hail mary fashion. Sun gets the return right as I land on cap and we hold off a 1-0.
Yeah we had tons of great games, ofc I remember this and many more great moments. I guess I'll add the time me and sun (both rogues) went 2v2 against a 24 spriest and a rdruid we got the return and we got out alive.