Your Greatest Moment

Beating a 10-man AP Horde premade with Mindy, Rhae, and Shft.
I dunno if it was my "greatest moment," but it was the best/most fun memory I have of cata WSG.

I don't remember that one.

I was leveling a shaman in on-XP BGs. Was in a WSG were my team was at a disadvantage. Horde was doing so much damage and had good heals. Tauren warrior was oneshotting me, one of our only healers. We were getting farmed, morale, crushed. I got out of GY and made it across mid. Picked the flag and knowing that I would die, rested my hooves on horde tunnel roof. I sat there for quite awhile, even thought of just dropping the flag. I was watching and my team got out of GY, they were coming towards me. Horde met them at tunnel and started circling me like sharks. So I continued to wait.

Horde and alliance start fighting, hurray chaos to escape in! I'm watching that tauren warrior, I knew that guy was trouble so I waited until he charged and become distracted. I jumped down and headed across mid. I didn't look back, I couldn't so I looked at my raid frames and watched in horror as my team got destroyed. It was too late, I was already too far across mid though and I got the cap, 1 to 1, we capped last of course.

Everyone was like "No way!1". Then the best part happened (well, maybe not, the end is pretty good!), my team's morale shot through the roof. Everyone was like "We're winning this!". Both teams got the pick, both started turtling. We were all snug in or little bunker, our FCer, a very under-geared druid was sitting right in the middle of our flag room. A few people told him to not stand there, but he didn't move. This is the good part! Death is near! Tauren warrior jumps from our roof, charges mid air, crusader procs, oneshots our FCer. 1 min left, they return, EFCer isn't on cap yet annnd... they cap. "NOOOOOOO!"

By far, one of the best games I've ever been in. It has all the good elements. Disadvantage, a reoccurring villain (that tauren warrior!), broken morale, followed by a change that reinstills hope in your team, only to be crushed moments later in a funny twist. Too much fun :)
On my paid account, when holy paladins were OP and my friend and I healed each other against a raid of at least 20 horde in AV. They finally managed to kill us but we had a disgusting amount of healing done at the end, easily triple the 3rd best. And yes we won (ally side). Obviously not skill based but it's amazing to see how op we were as we usually play non op classes.

On my paid, getting a feral charge on the shaman and then killing him at lm after he blasted me.

On F2p, probably any time i play against a loom druid. I know how to play and they just give up. I can't kill them if they know how to play due to gear differences but even with a busted, lacerated finger I won't ever die to them.

And lastly anytime i kill a loom solo I chalk it up to them sucking more. Loom anything can easily hold their own to me if they know how to play but i won't ever die on solo matches unless i'm like a non healing class vs healing. we all know how op healers are.


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Its a bit sad to say, but I had more fun playing the game when I was a completely awful player. I remember that I had quite a lot of fun one shotting people in duel with my 2 hander enhancement shaman. I was still a clicker and no skill was involved, but God it was fun
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I've had many great moments, but there was an awesome moment yesterday during a level 10-14 bg on my level 10 ret pally. (p2p, so I have heirlooms)
The score was 0-0 and I was carrying the flag. Both sides kept heavy O but neither flag carrier would budge even though we both had x10 stacks.
Then, once we had one minute left, about 4 hordies came and actually killed me. The enemy flag carrier was just about to capture the flag when the game ended.

My face went from :( to :eek: to ;).

Not a win, but not a lose either.
Its a bit sad to say, but I had more fun playing the game when I was a completely awful player. I remember that I had quite a lot of fun one shotting people in duel with my 2 hander enhancement shaman. I was still a clicker and no skill was involved, but God it was fun
Back when I was a clicked and a shaman in vanilla I would ts ppl off lm a laugh so hard I'd almost pee myself now is just like " meh what ever they were nub" this game is a lot more fun as a nub and a lil kid
I have many Great Moments, i keep getting Great Moments Everyday. [ And all the great great moments happen when i am not Recording for a new video]
Beating 10 mans of any kind are always good.
Lothar 10 mans from <BOPE> make me cringe though. Easier to beat them than 10 pug 20s with average gear.
I have many Great Moments, i keep getting Great Moments Everyday. [ And all the great great moments happen when i am not Recording for a new video]

This is Sooo True! You only get awesome moments when your not recording.
I have many Great Moments, i keep getting Great Moments Everyday. [ And all the great great moments happen when i am not Recording for a new video]

story of my life right there
Thunderstorming 8 turkeys off of LM on Thanksgiving. Bg chat was dying. It was a happy Thanksgiving.
I was thinking about starting a thread like this just today. Good thing I didn't.

Best story ever:

A long time ago, in 2008, I had a pretty little lvl 29 pvp huntard named Shindrell. Totally overpowered, absolutely BiS and pretty like hell. Nah, not really as it was a blue-haired nightelf with a gun but you get the point. It was inner beauty. The beauty of entertainment and a pretty guild tabard showing a crying bear. Usually I was playing that char because I wanted some quick games but by that time, warsong matches could last very long. In one of these matches my story takes place:

Sexy as my char was, I took the flag and ran over to my base to keep and cap. At least that was the plan. The rest of my team weren't "noble twinks" as we called it, so it took a while for them to find the enemy base and their carrier. Fights in the middle can be so tempting, we all know that. So I was wating on the roof... and waiting... and waiting. Good thing, there were no debuffs by then except that mental debuff next to me. A dwarf trying to kind of guard me or something and saying that players like me ruin the battleground because they weren't interested in winnig and just zerging. Just to mention again - the flag was rammed in my back right next to him. So a lot of waiting time went down the river of expectations. My team mates weren't able to get our flag back. The Horde was defending with six players. After about 20 minutes waiting and getting an ear chewed off by that dwarf, I decided to drop the damn flag and give it a try. I went over there like a boss and was instantly scared of the amout of guarding players. Well as heroic as I wasn't, I sent down my wind serpent called Dosenöffner (can opener), put the hunter's mark up and started to cast the aimed shot from the roof top. Boom! It hit the carrier like a truck, just like the other shots. I jumped down. With the last few hitpoints left I barely managed to click the flag and return it to its base before I died. Scored!
Damn, that felt so epic - better than in the movies.
A story of super uber pwnage where it shouldn't have been:

Alterac valley in classic. I was sneaking with my lvl 59 feral druid into the back lines of the alliance. A gnome mage was sitting there to recover. I could see he was wearing some parts of T1, so he had around 3k hp, prolly less. Ravaged him critically and a critical Furious Bite afterwards, dead - two shotted a lvl 60 as lvl 59 :D
The other day. we were losing 1-1 and I was on my Frosty.
So our FC gets killed right before our tunnel, I manage to repick I pop AGM (hunter and rogue right there) use speed pot, blink, nova, I'm speeding up tunnel when Crip poison hits... I use pet freeze, I pop insig, and I reposition to blink right into cap zone with 1 sec left on CD... I die. OP rogues >_< It was a pretty good rush though haha.

Moral of the story. Pop every CD you have, Rogue is still gonna get you ;P

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