My greatest moment on my F2P orc arms warrior, was saving the game, haha. Geared DPS with a few heirlooms, but has decent health. So nobody was deciding to FC, so I went to pick up flag, got to our tunnel and died.

A good F2P rogue picked up our flag at the right time before they returned their flag, but I knew he wouldn't make it with half of their team on him. He was already up tunnel, so he was quite a bit away from my corpse. Thinking quickly, knowing this was our last chance to win, instead of rezzing at GY, I ran to my corpse, rezzed, charged a healer, then charged a prot using the double charge talent, grabbed flag with at least 3 of the alliance trying to return their flag, got the tunnel boost, and capped. I looked behind me, thinking I was chased, and at least 3 of them who weren't druids, night elves, or rogues disappeared (They freaking /afk'd at that sickening loss to them.)
It was just, wow. Probably the most sick win I've seen in this bracket and for them it was probably one of the worst losses.