i found an error: Major Spellpower for Weapons gives 11 Int (spellpower), not 10.
And +3 versatility enchant on boots is missing.
There is also a +5 mastery option on hands in cata, not very likely to get as f2p, but theoretically possible, but easily to get in pandaria.
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helpin account today's changes:

incanter's cowl: 10 stam 5 crit
mana etched vestments: 10stam (was the 1sp setbonus counted as int? if so it's the same)
mana etched gloves: 5 crit
pontifex kit: 10 stam (was the 1sp setbonus counted as int? if so it's the same)
slippers of serenity: 5 vers
incanter's robe: 10 stam 2 crit (a crit reduction!)
pontiff's pantaloons of prophesy: 12 stam

many items are the same as they were. the pattern appears to generally be 1 more stam and crit here and there.
is a list like this the best way to pass this info on, or how'ja want it done mr document editor sir?
Hey, I'm new and I have a question. When looking at all the items in the Atlas at wowhead, a lot of them say "Required level 27" or some other level above 20. Are all of them actually obtainable at level 20 even though it says that? Is there something on wowhead about this that I'm missing? I just want to know if I can even obtain / equip certain items before I go hunting for them at level 20.
Hey, I'm new and I have a question. When looking at all the items in the Atlas at wowhead, a lot of them say "Required level 27" or some other level above 20. Are all of them actually obtainable at level 20 even though it says that? Is there something on wowhead about this that I'm missing? I just want to know if I can even obtain / equip certain items before I go hunting for them at level 20.
wowhead is goofy as hell. you can obtain these items.
many dungeon drops are scaled to your level, usually ilvl25.
wowhead used to have a ilvl slider and while it wasn't perfect it was better than the nothin we got now.
About the ring enchants, can't you use the "Word of" and "Breath of" enchants instead of the "Binding of" ones? Because they are way, waaaaaaaaaay cheaper to make/buy.

was just looking at this in game, so (counting both rings) 8 chaos crystals and 100 arkhana just for 2 more stats (since it scales up in bgs) doesn't seem very worth imo.

fwiw I would put both on your sheet so that people dont go to the AH only looking for Binding like I just did.
there's so many, there is no "best". All depends on what you're building and how you play.

But some popular ones are
Orb of torment
armored elekk tusk
ember of nullification
engi dragon trinket
enforcers stun grenade
Pit Fighter

Dont forget pvp trinket! I'm still shocked how many people dont run it.

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