Worst class at 19?

Maelstromz said:
Lol shut up Painaid, you can't even jump well irl = p.

this is true. I definitely am not black :(
Ertai said:
Sap perhaps.

In what way is a meleerangedability(when not specced) that requiers your target to be out of combat and breaks on damage better then say, fear?
Rolt- said:
In what way is a meleerangedability(when not specced) that requiers your target to be out of combat and breaks on damage better then say, fear?

Fear has a cast time, can be resisted, can be dispelled or tremor totem'd off, and is random in the direction it takes it's target.

If a rogue was brought to a premade he would be specced for sap and increased stealth so that's a moot point. Breaks on damage is also moot because you should be running with a team competent enough to not hit the sapped guy. Needing your target out of combat is the only drawback.
Ertai said:
Fear has a cast time, can be resisted, can be dispelled or tremor totem'd off, and is random in the direction it takes it's target.

Fair points although the last one is in some cases benefical(spc. in WSG with efc crossing midfield)

If a rogue was brought to a premade he would be specced for sap and increased stealth so that's a moot point. Breaks on damage is also moot because you should be running with a team competent enough to not hit the sapped guy. Needing your target out of combat is the only drawback.

It still doesn't match the range of fear nor poly.

Breaking on damage is a drawback. Being able to freely nova and keep pressure dots up is very usefull.

Stupid argueing about this when it's obvious sap isn't the best.
Rolt- said:
It still doesn't match the range of fear nor poly.

Breaking on damage is a drawback. Being able to freely nova and keep pressure dots up is very usefull.

It's only a drawback if you're playing with morons. I tend to play with intelligent people who know not to break a sap. Sure fear and poly have greater range but are both dispellable, plus poly breaks on damage as well. Both also have a cast time which can be interrupted.
Ertai said:
It's only a drawback if you're playing with morons. I tend to play with intelligent people who know not to break a sap. Sure fear and poly have greater range but are both dispellable, plus poly breaks on damage as well. Both also have a cast time which can be interrupted.

Interrupted, LoS'd outranged, or in later brackets, self inflict a DoT on yourself, lol. Anyways, Sap is the CC the target doesn't see coming.
hmm every class can be played right and be awsome, but i got a finger on mage tbh even on my warrior they usualy go smooth, a rend or 2 is all it takes to make em pop life blood, and after that its a question of nuke :p
Rogue :rolleyes:
Rogue is probably the worst for wsg. A damage-based class with no slows against people with speed-increasing abilities is fairly weak.
Falaris said:
Rogue is probably the worst for wsg. A damage-based class with no slows against people with speed-increasing abilities is fairly weak.

Yeah, Travel Form, Ghost Wolf and Aspect of the Cheatah really hurt the Rogue's situation in WSG... but the Holydin is in a pretty bad situation itself.

near total reliance on a 2.5 casting time for heals, only utility comes from a short stun and a short duration Snare/Root Immunity buff (Before the nerf, this alone made any Paladin worthwhile), as well as poor itemization on 10-19 mail gear and shields for healing purposes makes life hell for Healadins. Hand of Protection and Divine Protection overlap and both possess crippling shortcomings, I believe that neither one protects against the Shaman interrupt either.
Conrose said:
Yeah, Travel Form, Ghost Wolf and Aspect of the Cheatah really hurt the Rogue's situation in WSG.

Aspect of the Cheetah is by far the easiest to deal with of the 3. Provided you have evasion up, if you dont engage a hunter at max range its not difficult to stay on them long enough to drop them before they kite you to death. Cheetah and Ghost Wolf are much harder however.
Falaris said:
Aspect of the Cheetah is by far the easiest to deal with of the 3. Provided you have evasion up, if you dont engage a hunter at max range its not difficult to stay on them long enough to drop them before they kite you to death. Cheetah and Ghost Wolf are much harder however.

I've found Rogues to be chumps to kite even with Evasion up while I was a Cookie Cutter Build, I just jump/spin into their rear arc to ignore their avoidance for my wing clip. Granted your standard Huntard will probably not know they can do that.

Fine tuned management of Aspects makes Aspect of the Cheetah more potent, especially against warriors/rogues who stop to try to get off a throw, but again, probably not for the standard Huntard... especially if said Huntard does not drop Cheetah Aspect after stays in Cheetah WHILE engaged in melee.
crusade said:
Would say rogues or paladins, mainly because while all the other classes have gotten better through buffs over the patches those two classes remain the same or get nerfed. It's not to say that someone skilled wouldn't be able to make the class effective, especially in pugs, but it does require extra effort to keep up with all the abilities that the other classes bring to the table.

I heard 30% speed reduction stealth is a nerf
Sinjo said:
hmm every class can be played right and be awsome, but i got a finger on mage tbh even on my warrior they usualy go smooth, a rend or 2 is all it takes to make em pop life blood, and after that its a question of nuke :p

Those mages must be bad

Edit: just noticed you're rolling with 7 stam on boots, yep they're bad

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