Worst class at 19?


I'm kinda glad too. The most cliche class to twink historically speaking. I think most other guild leaders/leadership would probably agree its pretty annoying getting whispers from fresh rogues asking to join your guild and 19 times outta 20 they are just terrible. Also because there are so many rogues and because the class has become easier to defeat the bar is set extremely high to get into a good premading guild. So be pro or go join the other 12 yr olds in the lower end guilds. Pally's aren't far behind. At least they have a lot of flexibility in what they can do to make themselves viable in WSG: Healing, ret, or Pure FC
Arenawise i must say

Druids. Easily. A priest or shaman does better in every situation. And as of "healdin" goes. Slap Ret set on for dmg and heal your partner if/when needed, hella lot better than a druid in 2v2. Restodruids just comes to short here.

Though a druid can be a surprice and gamebreaking, if played good. But if the opponents know you and know that u can play good, they play it safe and you're really worthless again.

Anyways, for the gulch i really find..... most classes works good in the gulch, as long as they do what intended for that class. I.e a rogue shouldn't really leave Enemy Flagroom, cause thats where his job is. If ya get me :p
Bragh said:
Arenawise i must say

Druids. Easily. A priest or shaman does better in every situation. And as of "healdin" goes. Slap Ret set on for dmg and heal your partner if/when needed, hella lot better than a druid in 2v2. Restodruids just comes to short here.

Though a druid can be a surprice and gamebreaking, if played good. But if the opponents know you and know that u can play good, they play it safe and you're really worthless again.

Anyways, for the gulch i really find..... most classes works good in the gulch, as long as they do what intended for that class. I.e a rogue shouldn't really leave Enemy Flagroom, cause thats where his job is. If ya get me :p

I agree rogues need to minimize their mid field exposure. all it takes is a hunter mark and no cleanser to make their life miserable. If you are going to cross mid stay close to a friend(s)
Buff icey!
Conrose said:
If only they could get to use crip earlier, it wouldn't be so bad... especially vs Hunters in a bracket without Disengage.

I agree. I was hoping that with the last patch, Blizz would give Rogues crippling poison. Without it, they are at a major disadvantage.

After getting kited around the gulch and reading this thread, i'm going to level my rogue to 39. It's too bad, because that's my only 19 twink that has ALL three: AGM, fishing hat, and herb.
Crossing mid for me on my rogue isn't a problem anymore, if I see an potential threat I can just stealth and after the buff to stealth I'm moving around 95% speed.
Conrose said:
I refuse to allow Druids to have a decent, reliable snare at this level... it will make them OP, never... Rawr!!!

Um, they already have roots... :p Its an excellent spell and gives alot of CC options in the hand of a decent druid
Kore nametooshort said:
Um, they already have roots... :p Its an excellent spell and gives alot of CC options in the hand of a decent druid

Dispell, Hand of Freedom, Shapeshift?
Kore nametooshort said:
Bash them priests, just root the pallys again and hibernate the droods :p

true its get more tricky when theres a priest about tho

By the time HoF runs out the priest won't be under the effects of bash therefore being able to dispell, but anyhow I know what you're saying because it's rare in a PuG that there will be a priest that auctually dispells.
funny how much people in here base their argumentation on personnal opinion and passes it as a general fact thinking that everybody thinks the same about a class.

i'll simply add to the DPS doesn't make the class good argument.

it is a fact that it does, if the class you play is actually made for dps.

what i said was that priest, are awefull as DPS and FC, thus are stuck in healing, considering how much they can't do and how much they are forced to do only one job, and at that its CC and dispell. they kinda are stupid and thus "TO ME" and i will repeat it "TO ME", they are useless in most of what they do, because even the healing part needs them to be in a good group or die before the fight is over with.

rogues are better then what most people say, most thinks only hunters in their scenarios and at that passes every class as not worth playing because of it, but you gotta remember that there isn't that much hunters in a game, not to mention the numbers on "YOUR SIDE" thus helping you out as well.

ust tell me how come a druid can kite you if you are a rogue, you got glyphs and talents to help you make it to him. tell me how far a warrior will kite the rogue to begin with. tell me how the mage can kite the rogue for long ? seriously when you consider everyone on the same level, with their big CDs still up, they got pretty much all the chances of getting his opponents in !

rogues, have trinkets and sprint to get out of snare effects. that alone is enough to make them passes thru the necessary CC and get to their enemies. same goes for every classes, they all have something to make the kiting strat you all say a moot point.

Arenas are different, the classes do not sucks, its the combo that does... in a 2v2 you have to think about what your strat will be and focuse on it because changing when the game has started is strickly impossible. so i'll say it again... if everyone were on par skillwise and gear wise... the strategies woiuld determine the winner, not the class !
ArthurianKnight said:
funny how much people in here base their argumentation on personnal opinion and passes it as a general fact thinking that everybody thinks the same about a class.

i'll simply add to the DPS doesn't make the class good argument.

it is a fact that it does, if the class you play is actually made for dps.

what i said was that priest, are awefull as DPS and FC, thus are stuck in healing, considering how much they can't do and how much they are forced to do only one job, and at that its CC and dispell. they kinda are stupid and thus "TO ME" and i will repeat it "TO ME", they are useless in most of what they do, because even the healing part needs them to be in a good group or die before the fight is over with.

rogues are better then what most people say, most thinks only hunters in their scenarios and at that passes every class as not worth playing because of it, but you gotta remember that there isn't that much hunters in a game, not to mention the numbers on "YOUR SIDE" thus helping you out as well.

ust tell me how come a druid can kite you if you are a rogue, you got glyphs and talents to help you make it to him. tell me how far a warrior will kite the rogue to begin with. tell me how the mage can kite the rogue for long ? seriously when you consider everyone on the same level, with their big CDs still up, they got pretty much all the chances of getting his opponents in !

rogues, have trinkets and sprint to get out of snare effects. that alone is enough to make them passes thru the necessary CC and get to their enemies. same goes for every classes, they all have something to make the kiting strat you all say a moot point.

Arenas are different, the classes do not sucks, its the combo that does... in a 2v2 you have to think about what your strat will be and focuse on it because changing when the game has started is strickly impossible. so i'll say it again... if everyone were on par skillwise and gear wise... the strategies woiuld determine the winner, not the class !

The problem is that even with Sprint up, they are slower than their target while a snare is up... and Hunters and Warriors would just casually reapply the snare. Burning up Trinket is a big thing in PvP, especially in this low bracket with 5 min cooldowns on the trinket. Other classes are able to hold off on popping trinket when a casual snare is applied, while rogues are virtually dead in the water without trinket, and Sprint can only make up for so much without a snare of their own to apply. Gear Wise and Skill Wise... a Hunter's Strategy vs a Rogue is apply Conc/Wing Clip, then proceed to kite. Warrior would proceed to smash face in jousting fashion while Hamstring is applied, and Druids + Shaman would Travelform/Ghostwolf kite.

Now at this low level, dispell is a pretty powerful mechanic, hence why Priests are taken along with Shaman for Purge... not to mention Psych Scream is a powerful FC Escort ability.
ArthurianKnight said:
just tell me how come a druid can kite you if you are a rogue, you got glyphs and talents to help you make it to him. tell me how far a warrior will kite the rogue to begin with.

A druid can kite a rogue for as long as he likes, its not too hard. Actually most of the time it doesnt involve coming out of travel form at all.
maybe some of you are still living in the past, but what mages used to be able to do, they can not anymore since they took away leg kits.

A good reason why I believe mages are now the worst class because they have to either sacrifice a good deal of HP for any semblance of DPS or visa versa.

All things being =, a mages ability to kite/DPS their opponent was severally diminished when leg kits were nerfed.

If timed right a melee DPS can trinket a frost nova and DPS a mage down before next frost nova is up. As I said b4.. all things being =, a melee shouldn't allow a mage to sheep him to stop the burst damage.

As long as 19 mages have to stand and cast 2+ sec. frost/fire bolts for DPS they will only be used as utility. Not even that since most defense are kiting/travel form ones.

Along with rogues who I think are the 2nd worst class, they have been left alone in the dust while other classes who have received buffs over the past several patches are more viable and can be utilized in more ways than these two.

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