Worst class at 19?

Soy said:
Statisticly speaking, mages are the most gimped class at 19. being that Rogues are the only real class that they counter so well. But in a wsg mages can change a game. as has been said, it matters upon the player who controls it.

all wrong, you are a noob sir.

Devin > you
personally I would say mage, but rogues are a close second due to their ease of kiting.
Rogue is my bet too. Though, when i lvled a rogue thrue the Exp BG system, I was always in top of Dmg, KB, Honor gained, and normally 0 deaths :p
I'd say that warriors are the easiest to kite, if warriors don't get the charge they have no chance agaist a hunter.
I see that ppl in ruin don't know how to play warrior.
Aukko said:
I see that ppl in ruin don't know how to play warrior.

Let me know how a warrior can prevent being kited by a GOOD HUNTER if he doesn't get the charge.
As a Melee-Ranged Burst hunter, Warriors are the class I'll steer clear from. The best way to deal with them has been to let my pet run after them while I backstrafe, wait for my pet to tag the warrior (Or for the warrior to charge it) and then move in range for shooting, at which point the fight becomes trivial. Now what makes Warriors fairly impressive at 19 is the synergy they have with several other classes, especially in anti-hunter tactics.
Eliot said:
Let me know how a warrior can prevent being kited by a GOOD HUNTER if he doesn't get the charge.

thats his fault he didn't get the charge off its the same as rogues not getting sap
people will find something about every class we say.

the most useless class is by far priest !

at least to me...

sure they have healing abilities dispells and CC.

but they suck at DPS at 19, even if well geared, they just suck at it.

so they are stuck at healing or CC before dieing. even FCing is a moot point.

so because of that to me, the class is quite useless if it wants anything else then healing.

but its not the only class in that situation, druids are quite lacking in DPS at 19 as well.

mages are good at dps, they are good at CC and those saying it cannot kill anyone really needs to step up its game with that mage. the only thing i'd give them is the squishy side of mages that makes them easy to beat. but at the same time, how much spell can you dish and how close to their "OH SHIT" button have you thrown them before they got to you ?

so really i think all classes have their own ways, no class sucks more then any others. its all a matter of how you play, and if everyone was up right, it would then become a game of who has better strategies, not who got better classes !
ArthurianKnight said:
people will find something about every class we say.

the most useless class is by far priest !

at least to me...

sure they have healing abilities dispells and CC.

but they suck at DPS at 19, even if well geared, they just suck at it.

so they are stuck at healing or CC before dieing. even FCing is a moot point.

so because of that to me, the class is quite useless if it wants anything else then healing.

but its not the only class in that situation, druids are quite lacking in DPS at 19 as well.

mages are good at dps, they are good at CC and those saying it cannot kill anyone really needs to step up its game with that mage. the only thing i'd give them is the squishy side of mages that makes them easy to beat. but at the same time, how much spell can you dish and how close to their "OH SHIT" button have you thrown them before they got to you ?

so really i think all classes have their own ways, no class sucks more then any others. its all a matter of how you play, and if everyone was up right, it would then become a game of who has better strategies, not who got better classes !

DPS doesn't make a class good.
Allow me to reiterate what I said please. The two worst classes atm in wsg are rogues and pallies for a few simple reasons.

They lack mobility. Neither are top dps (or should not be against a kiting D in WSG) and if you say otherwise you are wrong. The role that a pally or rogue is supposed to play in wsg can be done better by another class, and these are the only two classes you can say that about
Rogues can still be really useful in premades. They just need proper support. The utility they can bring is unrivaled. And CC is far more important than raw DPS numbers.

Paladins, on the other hand, are much more situational. There's only one instance in which I would take a pally to a premade and I won't divulge that here. :)
Agilitize said:
I don't think paladins are at the top, but they sure as hell aren't on the bottem. HoF>All

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