Worst class at 19?

Conrose said:
I always state "When Sap is not available, use Gouge" hehe.

Unfortunately, both abilities have many limitations, having to be in melee range is one of them. Once an opponent is more than 5 yards away and your sprint is on CD, you're as good as done fighting unless you get help.
Rayu said:
Unfortunately, both abilities have many limitations, having to be in melee range is one of them. Once an opponent is more than 5 yards away and your sprint is on CD, you're as good as done fighting unless you get help.

It's why I stated in the post prior to my previous post that a Rogue would need to work in close conjunction with another player... Warrior and Hunter probably being the two best choices. With the Warrior, Sap, Gouge and Magic Powder would be used to create an opening for the Warrior to get into melee during.
Magic Dust doesn't work anymore.

sorry thought it was availlable at 19 but its at 29, where they can improove sprint to serve as a trinket removing all slowing effects on them.

but reguardless, rogues aren't worthless at all, i've seen so much rogues able to top damage or a warlock or hunter, i even saw rogues almost two shot priest before they can react. the fact is, rogues aren'T made for full blown combat and need the surprise attacks to win, mainly like a warrior.

so if you guys are willing to say rogues sucks badly and are worst then any others, then clearly you are putting warriors in the same plate. why not add pally as well, they can be slowed and killed by anyone having slowing effect. actually any characters without their trinkets or removing effects are just that, easy targets !

i seriously think no class sucks, it all depends on your play style which isn't necessarily fitting the class style of play you chose !
ArthurianKnight said:

sorry thought it was availlable at 19 but its at 29, where they can improove sprint to serve as a trinket removing all slowing effects on them.

but reguardless, rogues aren't worthless at all, i've seen so much rogues able to top damage or a warlock or hunter, i even saw rogues almost two shot priest before they can react. the fact is, rogues aren'T made for full blown combat and need the surprise attacks to win, mainly like a warrior.

so if you guys are willing to say rogues sucks badly and are worst then any others, then clearly you are putting warriors in the same plate. why not add pally as well, they can be slowed and killed by anyone having slowing effect. actually any characters without their trinkets or removing effects are just that, easy targets !

i seriously think no class sucks, it all depends on your play style which isn't necessarily fitting the class style of play you chose !

Available Roots and Snares at level 19 are as follows.

Druid: Entangling Roots, Nature's Grasp

Hunter: Concussion Shot, Wing Clip, various pet abilities.

Warrior: Hamstring, Glyph of Hamstring

Shaman: EB Totem

Mage: Do I really?

Paladin: I'll go ahead and list Hammer of Justice

Mobility Enhancing Mechanics:

Priest: Fair number of Instant Cast abilities.

Druid: Shapeshifting, Travel Form and heavy reliance on instant Casting HoTs to do healing

Shaman: Ghostwolf

Hunter: Aspect of the Cheetah and reliance on Instant Cast Abilities and split second stop shots.

Warlock: Heavy Reliance on instant cast DoTs

Warrior: Charge

Paladin: Hand of Feedom

Rogue: Sprint, Glyph of Sprint

A Rogue really has to rely on his Sprint cooldown at this low bracket without access to Crippling Poison, and the lack of any mobility increasing talents hurts them further. If they don't have someone nearby to keep snare/roots applied, they'll quickly get kited if they don't get the kill against any of the snare classes, and even against the non-snare classes they can suffer complete loss of time on target once the player gets past 5 yards, and can suffer damage from ranged instant cast abilities without the target having to stop.

A Warrior at least has the satisfaction of being able to snare a target down to their own speed near the moment they get in melee range with them... when they manage to path their way to a Hunter without the Hunter noticing them, the Hunter is usually toast unless they can get a Paladin's Hand of Freedom or someone tosses a CC on the Warrior.

A Rogue could be effective in a PuG v PuG, but usually Premade v Premade life gets rough for them since other classes can offer similar damage in a more effective way while offering additional benefits. The biggest thing a Rogue has going for it is Stealth as they can provide info on FR Defense, detailed EFC location in advance of an attack. If you could get together a subgroup within a Premade that can provide the snares for the Rogue to make use of, they can be effective, perhaps this is what the rogue you've seen topping charts has been doing.
I sadly have to agree that rogues are probably the worst class at 19 at the moment. They can still be played well and do their part, but comparing available skills across all classes they are definitely behind the others. I used to feel guilty and try not to speed pot very often...but with the travel form changes i'll chug one with no remorse and carry around 100+ at all times. I have to agree that throwing out a gouge and allowing others to catch up to help with snares is more valuable now than it has ever been.

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