Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

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Well I will backpedal out of this conversation and probably this forum, you guys take this way too seriously. Who gives a tiny rats ass if someone backpedals or emote's or spawn camps... And to check my character and mock how many kills I have? Really, I made that guy a couple weeks ago and like I said I am trying all the classes at 24, I'm relatively new to the game as a whole and love this pvp bracket.

My honest opinion, if you want to know who is the 'best' you just have to listen to the masses, you will never get a true comparison, the only measure of a characters strength is their notoriety. People don't say "oh shit Franks on the alliance team" when Frank gets 2 kills 5 deaths, so armoury statistics mean very little. I can't offer wise insight into who has the better hit rating and whose 85 has the better arena ranking, all I can tell you is the people that get respect when they play with me, and get a mention when they play against me.

And no these aren't my friends, the reason I pick more horde names than Alliance is I know more horde 24's from playing alongside them. The alliance teams don't have as many of the same faces every day.

Oh and for the record, the only one of your characters I know is Tokon and I would pick ganymede / timetrial and many other hunters over you.

Really when I found this I thought it would be a great opportunity to show some appreciation to players I think do well, but unfortunately the thread is full of bitter players who nominate the same few idols they can agree on and dismiss everyone elses opinion because they're just 'scrubs'.
I never seen any great f2p'rs i always read about on here. I understand it's hard to determine cause without pocket heals anyone under 2k health is 3 shots away from dying.

A great player on a shitty team is a shitty player though, i've seen players dominate ally side when they have good 24's with them and get annihilated when they solo Queue, same for Horde side.

TLDR, who knows who is great or not.
either way the drama sucks, best drama is some bad 24 hunter telling 20s to get GY camped...zzzz

No, no, I'm waiting for another 24 to tell another 24 to pay for this game.

Also, i agree with the post that says you can't tell who's the best when they're competing against players that aren't on equal footing. Who would know who the best 85 was if they just played against 80s.
Well I be darned only left for few days to come back to this thread tugging and pulling all over the place, thought I was out of the woods after the going back and forth in 24 question thread. Now where should I start , well first of all thank you for all the amicable posts directed at me its nice change from horde of frowns I get on frequent basis mostly from F2P in pugs.

So the lets see all the chatter reguarding potion usage :

i would just like to point out that scooby never stops popping speed and free action pots
24s who using alot pots like scooby wich doesn't make him good in playing his class

When I started playing the bracket I armed scooby with 61 FAP (Free action pots) and 62 Speed potions. At the time of posting this, after no restocks I have 41 FAP and 37 Speed potions left. So far my total amount of WSG played is 265 you do the maths. I had also commented on this replying to Alphapygmy on previous thread :
I play objectively and when I'm facing 2 x rogue , 24 hunter , and you prowling midfield with no immediate backup its one good avenue I take to ensure I give myself best odds of making it, even though they are slim.
I think people tend to remember when things do not go according to plan when their expectations are broken, eg: where some of you might have thought I was grilled coming at me with 24s decent efc gank squad and I barely made it out alive with FAP , that will stands out to you and fluster you, but please dont take it and paint whole painting black because of it .

Well having a pocket healer cause your 24 is weak.
..Bur saying im a backpedler is the most lol ever
3 wordsCool Story Bro

Sorry Ganny but I have seen you back peddle on two or three occasions it think it was more of panic response to being tricky spot , not sure how often you do it though and most time I run against you I see you backed up with 24 healer , may it be by chance or premade don't know , wernt you also in 10 man AB grind video? And hey no big deal as long as you still get the job done.


Oh but there is more to come :
That pretty much stands for those who see players like Scoobydrood (and yes he is a good player-but only that ) as the best or one of the best when he can't even remotley compare to players like Beastclaws who does it all FC,EFC,HEAL,DPS- if i lost you there i will give you an example :

Alphapygmy I only remember facing beastclaw twice and both time he was in a premade or maybe it was random luck and horde were sporting 3-5 24s by chance, now with a solid team a feral druid becomes really effective at carrying out all those roles that you mentioned earlier FC,EFC,HEAL,DPS, but it doesnt quite cut it out when the majority of time I pug in the afternoon and all the 24 horde log and start steam rolling BGs , I come across solid horde groups then I find playing resto as dedicated FC to be much more effective and advantageous to our group than going feral, in that light you can't really compare our gameplay they both made to best suit situation.

Now for more somber post (Leo could you let me who you play on EU as I don't recognize any of the chars in your signature) :

as an example again cause he was mentioned he just runs, shifts and just doing fc things
Well I am a dedicated resto FC and we resto FC's do tend to shift , run and fc ' things ' or to be more precise flags :p

but he can't really play resto, not healing his team m8s, running around solo
Well the times you might find me skipping on keeping teammates alive it just comes down to calculating my best odds of survival , il give you example last night :
Coming down horde ramp with decent backup , we have horde efc gank squad inc they have heavier firepower, a healer, etc and it is clear to me my team will eventually get stomped regardless of if I extend the clash by short while with heals. I will make a run for it asap while horde still have handful to deal with. Same with if we have few defending roof and there is inc gank , most situations you can make the right call on who comes out on top so I will not linger and start kiting straight away. There are so many factors to try keep in mind midfield when i come across ' player in need of heals ' like , which dangerous horde are on the res timers and what you will have to deal with if ' you linger around ' , which rogues are missing , it really all comes down to anticipating outcomes and opponents movements, as rule thumb always try to get to my half of the BG asap to gain advantage. So when I do skip healing you I probably have a reason for it :)

bad with his stealth and i probs could mention alot more things.

I lost you at bashing my stealth :confused: , but hey as long as you like my transmog we can still be friends !


Well back to main topic ,think this thread is good idea but maybe should be changed from best players to just good players to avoid flaming and derailments , the thing is at least for EU, there is not much competition within each class due somewhat limited amount of active 24s , I mean when I started out was only 24 druid FC as far as I know who was active EU with just couple ferals thrown in on horde side, not a whole lot to go on . Also burst in the bracket is way off charts , classes quite unbalanced some pulling way ahead of others making it even harder to spot out skilled players.
Yet recently seen many new faces, up and comers suputruper resto FC horde side had my first draw game with him, 100% debuff was fun and Swift alliance resto druid we did some double resto runs vs some horde premades , very exciting. So things looking more promising.

Contributing to this thread I want to start with , alliance side Geñesis first game I played with her she peaked my intrest by topping charts with KB , flag returns and with only measly two deaths, now we were playing against decent team who also had 24s. Shortly afterwards got to play second game with her , after 2-0 i stalked her a bit to check out her play style , she did nice shadowstep kick midfight , saw her twice successfully kick a spam fake casting shammy , vanish sap to inc FC healbot , and ofc topping the KB meters , flag returns etc one of the noticeable rogues i came across . I'm sure two games is not enough to judge by but maybe someone can confirm my initial impression.

Cya on the field folks !
Now for more somber post (Leo could you let me who you play on EU as I don't recognize any of the chars in your signature)
The toons in my sig are my f2p trials on Aerie Peak US. I have no intention to reveal my 24s in the EU. Even if i would place my p2p twinks here in my sig there wouldn´t be enough room for them. I have to many of those.

I lost you at bashing my stealth :confused:
Getting caught by hunters with hunters mark and who can track you down cause you don't run in stealth sounds familiar?

And sorry, i dont give a f* about any mog gear at all.
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Hey Guys.
Just realised that I actually do use the S key alot. Well then I am a backpeddler. No big deal for me I still get you killed. Anyways Scooby your great in game and out of game it seems. Looking forward to chase you again and backpeddel when you are up in my face
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I was in doubt whether or not to give an anwser because this wil end up prolonging this post even further due to Scooby's continues need for justify himself or any piece of written questionable play so to speak (in short to anything that isn't 100% to his will),and here it goes :

1.excuses excuses excuses

2.I'm so glad to see ppl's mentality hasen't changed seing the moment someone makes a 2 mile long post and thrives to make it as eloquent and articulate as possible (where in most cases he looses his readers perspective due to over philosophy-ing (lack of clear and short means of expressing himself ))
and they have a feeling that what he ment to say is like cool and inteligent but in fact isn't so much-they just got lost in all of that .

3.Pure BS from you to say only time you use your pots is when surrounded by 2-3 24's with rogues and hunters and so on,that's just a lie cause of the fact that i was present to see it otherwise (but nice effort thought-everyone should bullshit there excusses in order not to sink in there eyes).

4.I agree that this post shouldn't be about ''the best'' but rather ''good players'' because ppl lack experience playing with alot of other players and some aren't competent enough or are biased-and not even to mention that the one starting this post feels he's the best at his class so he opened a post on the subject....

5,Am just wondering how many of the above mentioned facts some of you are or were thinking but decided not to say them out loud especialy if someone mentioned you were good or great and then you cba to tell the truth about someone's BS-well i always tell the truth even to idiots that put me on a pedestal.

cheers all :)
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Alpha you mgiht be intimidated by scoobies ahem english eloquence and you seem to have lost yourself in all his thread but please dont speak on behalf of other people here, as i perfectly understood his post , actually go back read it ,he doesnt does he say he only uses potions with 24s, rogues, around if you actually understands it he sais basically that he only uses it when he thinks its necessary if you bothered to read earlier you see he doesnt rly use that many pots at all.

most bashes post I read so far was quite silly but now your pushing it turning to his writting style ,,next time before making urself look silly please go read carefully and stop tunnel bashes.

ps: i dont see rules against long post .
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he sais basically that he only uses it when he thinks its necessary if you bothered to read earlier you see he doesnt rly use that many pots at all.

So if alliance team is loosing with 2-0 and defo gonna lose the game with 3-0 it is necessary to use it? or versus classes he can't outrun even when using? Is fap needed in these situations? nope, it's a thing a desperate player would do and in his case necessary cause of lack of skill playing his druid and team play.

In a situation like above, it seems he thinks like: I am going to FC and not heal fellow team m8s when it is needed and just let them die and focusing on solo fc-ing when he doesn't even stand a chance.

We placed Qßall on defense this afternoon cause we knew he would do it solo when we met him in a game and at a certain point people were asking "did scooby leave or something?" then Qßall said, something like i don't remember the exact words, that he was stopping him getting the flag before he tries to pick it up in horde base and did that a few times. It was so easy he said because he could see him comming from a mile away and that was the reason some people were missing the horde flag pick-ups and thinking he afk'd. He had no chance on his own, he might have if he healed some people and taking them along but i guess that doesn't suit his play style.

I will call him ScrappyDrood from now, that sounds and fits him alot better cause as you know Scrappy is the little causin from Scooby who rushes into things without thinking and fear but does not realise he is just a little dog.

I'm not going to comment on this anymore because i bet he will selective quote this anyway to post some denial, i just hope he will get better at his class and spec.
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to Bubbletub ,
his posts go way back then this one so you're the one in denial here m8 and further more you've just proven that you are the one not reading and understanding the treads since i said;(p.s. watch out for the bolded part)

''that's just a lie cause of the fact that i was present to see it otherwise''

Also i think someone might have missed the point here :

''Alpha you mgiht be intimidated by scoobies ahem english eloquence and you seem to have lost yourself in all his thread but please dont speak on behalf of other people here, as i perfectly understood his post''

1.intimidated -yeah i'm scared,cmon have you lost your comon sence or just your brains ?
2.behalf of ppl here - another cmon !?!?!?
3.worshiping the floor he walks on much- regardless of being wrong ?!?!

You really think this little bullshit you wrote will change the truth- just because you've gotten loud with some 0.5 arguments all together !?!
Alpha are you slow or something , read my post again :
1. you stated scooby is lying because he does not only use pots when when 24s are around etc , i told you nowhere does scooby say he only uses pots around 24s etc . so your : ''that's just a lie cause of the fact that i was present to see it otherwise'' does not have any place in this argument .

and they have a feeling that what he ment to say is like cool and inteligent but in fact isn't so much-they just got lost in all of that
thrives to make it as eloquent and articulate as possible
you talk about us posters as if were halfwits who get awed by long post and dont understand but think its cool and truth, how do you know he thrives to make it eloquent etc maybe do some more reading you will realise theres nothing special with his style writing.

3. you call that worship , im not here call scoobs god , but call you on your bashing spree , for someone who stands for ahem truth maybe start by accepting when your wrong instead of calling what I say bullshit. You have hard time understanding arguments what they are about , take more time understanding.
So if alliance team is loosing with 2-0 and defo gonna lose the game with 3-0 it is necessary to use it? or versus classes he can't outrun even when using? Is fap needed in these situations? nope, it's a thing a desperate player would do and in his case necessary cause of lack of skill playing his druid and team play.
"necessary" for what? so it's desperation, so he's USING EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER HE CAN USE, isn't that the POINT of 24s? it's just silly to think that it's skill, but he seems content with doing it, just like how people are content playing a 24 hunter worse than a quadriplegic.
Well I will backpedal out of this conversation and probably this forum, you guys take this way too seriously. Who gives a tiny rats ass if someone backpedals or emote's or spawn camps... And to check my character and mock how many kills I have? Really, I made that guy a couple weeks ago and like I said I am trying all the classes at 24, I'm relatively new to the game as a whole and love this pvp bracket.

My honest opinion, if you want to know who is the 'best' you just have to listen to the masses, you will never get a true comparison, the only measure of a characters strength is their notoriety. People don't say "oh shit Franks on the alliance team" when Frank gets 2 kills 5 deaths, so armoury statistics mean very little. I can't offer wise insight into who has the better hit rating and whose 85 has the better arena ranking, all I can tell you is the people that get respect when they play with me, and get a mention when they play against me.

And no these aren't my friends, the reason I pick more horde names than Alliance is I know more horde 24's from playing alongside them. The alliance teams don't have as many of the same faces every day.

Oh and for the record, the only one of your characters I know is Tokon and I would pick ganymede / timetrial and many other hunters over you.

Really when I found this I thought it would be a great opportunity to show some appreciation to players I think do well, but unfortunately the thread is full of bitter players who nominate the same few idols they can agree on and dismiss everyone elses opinion because they're just 'scrubs'.

The type of players who emote spam and GY camp, are the same players who lose to inferior teams. To me, they are a detriment to the team. If that earns you respect, great.

You've heard of me? That's nice, I haven't heard of you.
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