I hope you guys make a nice list.
I will be back in a few months when my season ends to post the hundreds of videos I frapsed over the winter to show you which of the players on the list shouldn't be there.
The videos include not only 1v1s but bg stats for that player, links to other twinks, and links to their 85s. You can ban my TI account (BB who cries to TIsupport) and you can make tickets when I make fun of you ingame but sorry you wont be able to cry to youtube support for help.
Did you think I couldn't just right click you to see your bg stats? Did you think realId wouldn't tell me your toons names? Did you think you could talk shit to people while being a complete hack and no one would expose you? I bet some of you bad Spirestone and AP horde don't even show your faces after the channel is up and videos get circulated.
Some of the funny videos I can remember:
*BB 1v1 opening with fear and not dotting, after 3 deaths using soulstone only to die again and then calling for help while his 9 other guildies camp the alliance gy.
*BBs pm where he admits to crying to markcrusader any time there was a negative post on TI about EPLC/Provocative
* Splashpunt (rogue) in a warsong alone not knowing what a sap macro is, just like all the other garbage rogues in this bracket. Trinkets a sap, vanishes, only to get sapped again. He gets zero openers in 25 min.
* Angrytoilet bringing a pocket healer into wsg and I was able to get 9 ave f2p to focus him while I killed his healer. 0-3 before refusing to res..lol
* Humantrafkr (fake 20 with p2p ench) trying to fight me 1v1 over and over off to the side and going 0-9.
* Bully saying how he is the best pally because he has the best gear ugh 79 mek kills, time he could have spent learning how to pvp. Note he transferred to Spirestone after getting raped in pugs, and in earlier videos it shows how shitty his gear was.
* Beating three AP 5 man premades in a row and they got so mad they had to do a 10 man to win.
*Ipullfortank (TI saptastic) disengaging only a few feet into hills about 40 times.
* There is a vid devoted to all the 24 hunters addicted to health potions.
When I return Ill be transferring to Spirestone to record to some duels to add to my collection.
It was just brought to my attention that Lithogen doesn't even have ONE ARENA WIN ever and look at the shit he tries to talk on TI, check out his profile on TI for a real laugh, he actually calls others scrubs.
Grimel - the only "Arena Master" player with a toon in the pos 24 bracket. I urge all of you to prove me wrong and transfer your 85s to Darkspear and see if you even win 30% of your duels outside SW.