Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

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And sorry, i dont give a f* about any mog gear at all.
That was a little sarcasm for you btw , you seemed to bash so many things that I brought up the one thing not related to skill or gameplay : transmog where we might find common ground , get it.

Leo I suspected you were Qball even though you deny it and you don't want to post your 24 EU twinks. From very first time I posted Qball's screenshot in another thread, you straight away said it was Photoshopped , that i was attention whore and needed post to be deleted. You mentioned your beastclaws friend both times i met beastclaw he was running with Qball , also hunters mark comment tipped me off you might been playing hunter too.
Well reafirmed today when I met Qball and Beastclaw together in BG followed by your post.Reguarding the actual game you (Bm hunter) and rogue were camping flag room the whole time after first score with beastclaw roaming ramp, and even with you three adamantly defending my team was being stomped to gy, I come across many of these unbalanced games but its part of playing Alliance side , nothing much about it.

So I think I will call you Qball or maybe Waldo from now on and I'm glad you and Alpha decided to end your little bash contest on trying to find facade of my gameplay you find subpar.No one is perfect , I will make mistakes and try to improve ,and hopefully so does everyone else .

Cya on the field Qball & company !
TLDR you have to play the game like others play the game or you are a horrible player, person, life form.
People who seem like nice players and which i have respect for in Ally:

Baradin(easily best palas in bracket with Dumrum)
Maicon(you are more fun to play vs when on your priest)
Little...something (rogue)

People i dont have respect for in ally:

Seriously, remove your autoemotes on steady shot......it´s rediculous and gonna cost me a new computer soon.....

People i have respect for and am honoured to play with on horde:

Mackie (on shaman)

Might have forgotten a few 10 peeps but hopefully I show appreciation ingame.

Cya in bgs!
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TLDR you have to play the game like others play the game or you are a horrible player, person, life form.
with respect to the game, yes. 24 hunters are pretty much a cancer to the bracket, growing consistently. as more people learn that the only way to adapt is to either quit the bracket or roll a 24 hunter/paladin/FAP'er, this will ultimately kill the variety and equality that made twinks interesting (hence why lv20 arenas are 10x better). there's plenty of hicks and tweens willing to play a 24 hunter, too, which makes the quality of gameplay atrocious.
Surely you're thinking of Darro. When it comes to hunter skills, he's in a tier all of his own, and it's kind of ridiculous no one has mentioned him so far, imo.

Its hard to tell about darro.
Is the kind of guy who only focus on KBs, avoiding any fair 1v1 by using all he got to run away. Its like those rogues who only pop out from stealth to ambush 50hp people.
Surely you're thinking of Darro. When it comes to hunter skills, he's in a tier all of his own, and it's kind of ridiculous no one has mentioned him so far, imo.

Being the best in this bracket is hardly an achievement as 99% of the players (including 24's) are pure awful. I'd much prefer to have decent 20's such as kraud (nice guy) or darro (arsehole) in a game than some of the p2p idiots that stop their xp.

nice to see your paying attention :p
u play priest really well btw, best ive seen ally side.
I will call him ScrappyDrood from now, that sounds and fits him alot better cause as you know Scrappy is the little causin from Scooby who rushes into things without thinking and fear but does not realise he is just a little dog.

that is the best line I have ever read in my life arv, signature worthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if only i could vote you for mvp.....
Not really no, it's not the same thing.

I've seen a few who are good but there are so many bad 24s and 24s who using alot pots like scooby wich doesn't make him good in playing his class.

Consumables are consumables, and every serious pvp'er will farm and use them when needed. There is no difference between drinking potions during pvp and buffing up with Rumsey or Halaa Whiskey before a bg starts.
Consumables are consumables, and every serious pvp'er will farm and use them when needed. There is no difference between drinking potions during pvp and buffing up with Rumsey or Halaa Whiskey before a bg starts.
FAPs are op as fuck

might as well roll a retardin or hunter and spam faps all day cause it's "serious pvp" LOL
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So I think I will call you Qball or maybe Waldo from now on and I'm glad you and Alpha decided to end your little bash contest on trying to find facade of my gameplay you find subpar.No one is perfect , I will make mistakes and try to improve ,and hopefully so does everyone else .
Sorry but it's no bashing contest at all. If i read something here wich i don't agree too i will give a comment why. I did that and nothing more. You just had to many fanboys wich you don't deserve seeing you play... yet :)

Or you could roll 24 hunter like leotseddap and get mad at FAP users :rolleyes:

Who says i'm mad at fap users. Hell they can use it all they wan't. There is no rule not using them in whole wow pvp.

And yeah i had a hunter in this bracket, locked it at 20 and 24 for sometime and get boa's but that one is level 40 and preparing him for av weekend at this moment and i don't mind Scrappy calling me Qßàll, i won't deney http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-steppes/Qßàll/simple. At first we had the intentions of making mirrors for the bracket and i even made 3 others for multyboxing them and another friend wanted to make Qßallswife all for funz and sit on my rocket as duo.
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If i read something here wich i don't agree too i will give a comment why. I did that and nothing more. You just had to many fanboys wich you don't deserve seeing you play... yet

So your entitled to your opinion , which is fine, yet you then go on to taking opinions and arguments of other members and completely disregard them by calling them fanboys...

I think this never really was about my gameplay to start with , it was more about personal dent in your ego for whatever reason ever since I posted this :


Your img is shopped there. It seems this is not the actual screenshot. Mods remove it please because its fake.

Also it makes me think about that you faked a screen here to prove something, i guess that guy there was right with you using exploits too.

Being Qball (24 BM hunter at the time) you knew It was not a fake but still went about and posted that trying to get the screen removed and well yes ever since there up to your previous to last post you have been going around ' Qball said this ' ' my IRL friend said that ' etc pretending you were someone else. You can call me scrappy as many times as you want if it makes you feel any better, not that it reflects my behavior in forum in any way so far, but it won't change that you come off as dishonest and arrogant .

Quoting you from two post ago which you failed to follow , I will toast to :
I'm not going to comment on this anymore
In hope of turning our attention to more fruitful matters , have fun in the 40s bracket.

Cya on the field folks !
inc 24 rdruid fc

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