Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

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i will list best 24s for US (i know not of EU players)...

Druid= Trapizoid idk if this dude plays anymore but the one time i did play against him he was good.
Hunter= N/a they take no more than 10% of you brain to play and master as well as figure out Max Dps rotation.(but if i had to chose it would be Zola)
Mage= N/a have not seen any that caught my attention.
Paladin= Too many.
Priest= Derna
Rogue= Honeybadger, Ko
Shaman= Emo
Warrior = N/a (have not seen any good ones that could stand alone the last one that i saw isn't active... Turdel)
Warlock= BB the only BiS warlock i have seen.

Hopefully guilds can get 5 or 10 people so Premades can be on the roll and we can see who are good players and who are bads and end this nonsense on these forums and leave it in game.
It's weird how all the people on Duo's nuts seem to have less then 10 posts, and have made their account in the past month or so.

It's weird how all the people on Duo's nuts seem to have less then 10 posts, and have made their account in the past month or so.


I think it's akin to being a NASCAR fan. Jeff Gordon can lose 10 races in a row and he's still a god in the eyes of his fans. Who the hell knows?
I think it's akin to being a NASCAR fan. Jeff Gordon can lose 10 races in a row and he's still a god in the eyes of his fans. Who the hell knows?

So you're saying that all of Duo's fangirls are similar to the people who watch Nascar? Well that's just...oh, yeah maybe.
So you're saying that all of Duo's fangirls are similar to the people who watch Nascar? Well that's just...oh, yeah maybe.

Some people have that one special person that can't do no wrong. I don't know the guy, nor have I seen him in a BG so I'm not going to call him bad. But look at Michael Jackson and OJ. Some say he did it, others say not. But they still have their fans that will never stop believing.
Spirestone is bad and you've fit in nicely.

But don't worry Nicholas, I'll be sure to delete the screenshots.
You complain that your frost mage at 85 is under powered. Rofl.
And I dont know what screenshots you are talking about. :/

You never even got to do the our real rated battlegrounds with us either. I was on the A team for 24s and 85s.
You weren't.
So I am the bad one?
I dont get your logic Lithogen.
I was on the A team for 24's before and after you were recruited, and you didn't do many of those either.

An un-enchanted and horribly geared (for rated) Frost Mage. And I had never done rateds before, it never interested me. That doesn't make me bad, just unprepared. I also backed out of rated because BB contradicted himself more than I can count in vent during rateds.

Of course you don't know about the screenshots. BB never bothers to tell the people he's about to kick that he's about to kick them. Or do you think he'll admit to wanting to kick everyone involved in the ordeal of you and zola? I don't think so, but you're a fool to assume he didn't plan on it. You know as well as I do, he doesn't handle stress well. Or do I have to get Angrytoilet, Bull, Bopular and the others who were in vent that night to come verify that I told them to ignore your bullshit and not to gquit vs you remaining in the guild.

The only reason you're there is because I talked BB and the others into letting you stay or the guild was about to disband. You haven't pulled your weight since you got there and haven't yet. You have yet to make any contribution that can't be done by someone else who's more tolerable than you. You haven't been replaced because the rated team can't break that ceiling into the big time. If BB didn't slum it for rated members you'd be history.

'Must have 1750+ experience" but then allows anyone in the team that can beat him in a duel outside of Org. What does that say when he finds someone better than you?

I don't think you'd understand anything if it didn't involve pokemon or video games.
LOL I had a buddy who'd get chicks in his guild to send him nekkid pics! I didn't know tiny electrons could carry loads that big! Okay, one was alright. The other two? NO
I'm a gentleman, so I never asked for those kinds of things from chicks in my guild. Partly because the wife and I ran it...
I'll agree with your post.......................... Hunters shouldn't even be mentioned, I have my cat walk across my keyboard sometimes so I don't get flagged afk and she can beat most pugs.

Then throw that kitty on the keyboard! You wouldn't believe the amount of fail hunters out there that need to be replaced with something who actually has figured out what keys to paw at. Kitten Mittens are required.
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