Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

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To those saying scooby is bad etc just because he uses potions. Using potions doesn't have anything with skill to do. wtf. Even the most skilled person could use a potion if he wanted to, it's not like using a potion instantly makes you a bad player. + He has also learned me alot of jumps etc, and to me the 2 most important factors in a bg is: 1. Use of skills at the right time. 2. Use of enviroment / obstacles / jumps. Jumps is in fact something that requires movement skills, and shouldn't be frown upon. Let the people who can't do the jumps hate.

Sorry for bad english.
that's why this bracket sucks, the most important factors are level, gear, class, and consumables rather than strategy and skill. roll a 24 druid, pop a fap, and do some jumps and you're the best fc in the bracket? what an awful game
that's why this bracket sucks, the most important factors are level, gear, class, and consumables rather than strategy and skill. roll a 24 druid, pop a fap, and do some jumps and you're the best fc in the bracket? what an awful game

And this is why its easier to determine "skill" as far as skill goes in this game by arena rating.
It needs alot more to be good giving scooby as an example again cause he was mentioned he just runs, shifts and just doing fc things but he can't really play resto, not healing his team m8s, running around solo, bad with his stealth and i probs could mention alot more things. This guy is missing alot to be any good like so many 24s in this bracket (you know who you are). I suggest you remove him from any best list and put beastclaws on top of that list as druid that guy knows how to play his.

Aren't you Beastclaws? I always thought so. Anyway, you say comparing 85 arena and 24 twinking is so different... Yet you think youself and Scooby should be differentiated from one another, when both of you have completely dissimilar play styles.:confused:

Must I choose between what I find more challenging to play against, a DPS or FC druid? I only played vs Scooby like, twice, and both times he got annihilated; but even so he made the game 10x more exciting than any other druid I've ever seen.

Also, Yndi has a feral druid @24, so i'd most likely say he was the best in the whole bracket considering his skill level is beyond most of the players mentioned in these lists.
Aren't you Beastclaws? I always thought so. Anyway, you say comparing 85 arena and 24 twinking is so different... Yet you think youself and Scooby should be differentiated from one another, when both of you have completely dissimilar play styles.:confused:

Must I choose between what I find more challenging to play against, a DPS or FC druid? I only played vs Scooby like, twice, and both times he got annihilated; but even so he made the game 10x more exciting than any other druid I've ever seen.

Also, Yndi has a feral druid @24, so i'd most likely say he was the best in the whole bracket considering his skill level is beyond most of the players mentioned in these lists.

Beastclaws is just a friend, old guildie, im not him :)
Well this is my first post here, when I saw the thread I was actually a bit excited to see how many people I recognize on the list.

Me and my wife have been playing the 20 - 24 range on the EU servers for a couple months now. Neither of us have level 85's our highest level characters are in the 60's because to be honest, I found the game a tad boring when I left the f2p range. I LOVE the 20 - 24 bg's, the 3-4 min queue time for one thing.

I have only played Horde, and probably only will, I'm rolling my way through all the different classes at 24 and my most successful so far has been a hunter (obviously). Players that make this range interesting and fun for me are the people you are all bad mouthing, scoobydrood as an alliance player can single-handedly make a BG change from a walk over to a challenge. No he isn't a God, yes he can be nuked fast with the right team. But chasing him across the map and fighting off an entire team of allies trying to protect him is FUN which is what the game is all about.

You can go on and on about rated battlegrounds and balanced 85's honestly I don't understand half the stuff that's said here. What I know is scoobydrood plays well and he is never arrogant or rude. What more do you need to get into a list of best 24's.

Though the biggest laugh I've had reading this thread was reading that grimelisback's post. How full of yourself can you get without seeping liquid arrogance through your eyesockets. Seriously who makes videos of themselves killing a healer then runs to a forum to talk about how pathetic everyone is. Saying 'I think you have issues' might be the understatement of the decade.

But enough ranting, my list of good horde alliance EU 24's that have been active the last few months in my timezone are:

Druid - Scoobydrood (ally) / FeralFlake (horde)
Paladin - Razore (Horde) / Demonic (Horde)
Rogue - Shellshock and her accomplice (ally... though I was told shellshock got banned for cheating or something) / Shrike (Horde) / Deerpina (ally)
Hunter - DirtyGreen (ally) / TimeTrial (Horde) / Ganymede (Horde) / the anonymous Russians (horde) ... and many more I can't think of :\
Mage - Zipp (Horde) /
Warlock -
Warrior - Mechanic (Horde) /
Priest - Raspberry (Horde) /
Shaman -

I've suddenly drawn a lot of blanks, their are a lot of skilled f2p's I could fill those spaces with but i'm getting confused now with who is what lvl and what class. Maybe a few bg's will spark my memory.. I shall return to edit soon!
Well this is my first post here, when I saw the thread I was actually a bit excited to see how many people I recognize on the list.

Me and my wife have been playing the 20 - 24 range on the EU servers for a couple months now. Neither of us have level 85's our highest level characters are in the 60's because to be honest, I found the game a tad boring when I left the f2p range. I LOVE the 20 - 24 bg's, the 3-4 min queue time for one thing.

I have only played Horde, and probably only will, I'm rolling my way through all the different classes at 24 and my most successful so far has been a hunter (obviously). Players that make this range interesting and fun for me are the people you are all bad mouthing, scoobydrood as an alliance player can single-handedly make a BG change from a walk over to a challenge. No he isn't a God, yes he can be nuked fast with the right team. But chasing him across the map and fighting off an entire team of allies trying to protect him is FUN which is what the game is all about.

You can go on and on about rated battlegrounds and balanced 85's honestly I don't understand half the stuff that's said here. What I know is scoobydrood plays well and he is never arrogant or rude. What more do you need to get into a list of best 24's.

Though the biggest laugh I've had reading this thread was reading that grimelisback's post. How full of yourself can you get without seeping liquid arrogance through your eyesockets. Seriously who makes videos of themselves killing a healer then runs to a forum to talk about how pathetic everyone is. Saying 'I think you have issues' might be the understatement of the decade.

But enough ranting, my list of good horde alliance EU 24's that have been active the last few months in my timezone are:

Druid - Scoobydrood (ally) / FeralFlake (horde)
Paladin - Razore (Horde) / Demonic (Horde)
Rogue - Shellshock and her accomplice (ally... though I was told shellshock got banned for cheating or something) / Shrike (Horde) / Deerpina (ally)
Hunter - DirtyGreen (ally) / TimeTrial (Horde) / Ganymede (Horde) / the anonymous Russians (horde) ... and many more I can't think of :\
Mage - Zipp (Horde) /
Warlock -
Warrior - Mechanic (Horde) /
Priest - Raspberry (Horde) /
Shaman -

I've suddenly drawn a lot of blanks, their are a lot of skilled f2p's I could fill those spaces with but i'm getting confused now with who is what lvl and what class. Maybe a few bg's will spark my memory.. I shall return to edit soon!

24s want interesting fights determined by skill? Do tell, please.

I also think a List of this nature should be of 20-24, considering the majority are not 24.
And this is why its easier to determine "skill" as far as skill goes in this game by arena rating.

There is no Arena Rating at this level. And please stop saying rated @ 85 determines skill on a twink. It's not true, it's a complete different game. You know that and every other here knows that too, don't be so trollish and keep repeating that.
There is no Arena Rating at this level. And please stop saying rated @ 85 determines skill on a twink. It's not true, it's a complete different game. You know that and every other here knows that too, don't be so trollish and keep repeating that.

at 85 warlocks are good at 24 warlocks are near shit.
at 85 hunters are near shit at 24 they are good.

^ Example of how 85 =/=24 and why 85 should determine 85= 85 skill and 24 skill = 24

I play warlock at 85 w/ people i got up to 1300 Rbg until my guild stopped could have gone to 1600. PuGing Rbgs is not very good. highest arena was 1540 with a Rogue obviously it won't show since i was not at 1550... :(.

Tbh idc for arenas i like Rbgs more i feel more useful as well as i am very good in group scenarios. 3v3s can be quite annoying as well as 2s.
You kids have yet a lot to learn about pvp and this is only lvl 20-24 (4-8 button fights and 3.7 abilites) which is merely a 10 % of what the game has to offer,but lets not be petty and move to your light-minded'nes (god i love the way i disguised the word ''dumb'' ) .

That pretty much stands for those who see players like Scoobydrood (and yes he is a good player-but only that ) as the best or one of the best when he can't even remotley compare to players like Beastclaws who does it all FC,EFC,HEAL,DPS- if i lost you there i will give you an example :

Your average WSG with Beastclaws- he caps atleast 2 flags-kills EFC 3-5 times,heals those around him and is in most cases number one on the DMG all together -that's the kind of player you should rase your glass to -
or a hunter like Qball who half geared wipes the floor with 99 % of lvl 24 BIS Ally hunters with such ease.
Or someone like Kraud who when he is your pocket healer manages to stay alive more then some of the best lvl 24'' healers and always dies before his DPS

A little tip how you can really shine as a player : roll a f2p of a class you enjoy playing for itself and not cause it's OP'ed or FOTM(flavor of the month)
then try to compete with p2p 24's as hard as you can-cause the harder it gets the better you become - THEN ROLL A P2P LVL 24 of the same char you played just now on f2p and tell me what will your game effect be like-i'll tell you,most of this simple minded kids typing various posts here will concider you like totaly awsome/cool/godlike/the best/ and stuff like that.

Well enough love and hate for one post-can't wait to hear the reactions to this one:)

Hugs, kisses, and broken fingers,

Dr. Alphasky :)
Well. tbh, the reason I voted Scooby is because I haven't seen to many lvl 24 druid fcs the litle time I've played this bracket and he inspired me.
lol, well I play every day for about 4 hours a day in bg's... Have done this pretty much everyday for the past few months, and I don't think I have ever seen this beastclaws dude. So excuse me for not voting for someone i have never played with / against.

Nobody claims scooby is a God, people see his name and see red, they assume everyone is preaching his gospel where 90% of us have just said he makes battlegrounds more fun for both sides, this is a quality that I find important in deciding who is the best.

I imagine all you 'pro' players (and I use the word with deep sarcasm) look at my list and either don't recognise half the players or sneer at my choices. I am simply showing recognition to the players I have seen in BG's and thought 'he's good' ... More in the hopes that some of them will see my post and see that people are noticing their accomplishments. I know I'd like to stumble onto a random forum and find someone complimenting me :p
Timetrial: emoting GY camping badass, and Ganymede backpeddler huntard of the year. Very surprised they made a 'best of the bracket' thread. But you see, players are going to see through rose-tinted goggles (or in this case green tinted) and choose their friends etc.... I mean, how can you say you play Horde, and then pretty much only mention Horde players in your list? You have to play AGAINST someone to decide whether or not they're any good!

Then again, I'm gonna armory bash you with your 1.x% hit and measley 6k kills. Of course you don't know any better :D

Also... GRIMEL lol.. loved your post back their man, looking forward to the video.
Arielda Personally I would never put me in the best of thread...Bur saying im a backpedler is the most lol ever. Everyone who knows me KNOW that im the stupidst brawler charge Hunter there is. I have for example NEVER hit behind anyone....Ever.
ive met you in one BG where you ran around with two healers and you dare judge me? well *golfclap*
And Timetrial is hands down the one I would call the best Horde Hunter there is. I cant remember the name of the one Ally Hunter ive met thats scares me...But sure to hell not you.
And talking emotes and GY farming...Funny since your a Alliance!
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Arielda Personally I would never put me in the best of thread...Bur saying im a backpedler is the most lol ever. Everyone who knows me KNOW that im the stupidst brawler charge Hunter there is. ive met you in one BG where you ran around with two healers and you dare judge me? well *golfclap*

So..running around with healers is bad? Sounds like a good strategy to me..
So..running around with healers is bad? Sounds like a good strategy to me..
Well having a pocket healer cause your 24 is weak. And then he talks shit about someone he met once were he was the one with the most advantage...Thats borderline gay
or a hunter like Qball who half geared wipes the floor with 99 % of lvl 24 BIS Ally hunters with such ease.
Or someone like Kraud who when he is your pocket healer manages to stay alive more then some of the best lvl 24'' healers and always dies before his DPS

A little tip how you can really shine as a player : roll a f2p of a class you enjoy playing for itself and not cause it's OP'ed or FOTM(flavor of the month)
then try to compete with p2p 24's as hard as you can-cause the harder it gets the better you become - THEN ROLL A P2P LVL 24 of the same char you played just now on f2p and tell me what will your game effect be like-i'll tell you,most of this simple minded kids typing various posts here will concider you like totaly awsome/cool/godlike/the best/ and stuff like that.

Well enough love and hate for one post-can't wait to hear the reactions to this one:)

Qßall @ Burning Steppes - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Qßall is not 'half-geared' at all. He has better gear than my Alliance hunter, and most others in fact. Kraud though. Yeah, amazing Paladin. Better than every other 24 Holy out there imo.

As to whether it would give me more 'skillz' by playing 20, then playing 24.... Doubt it. I've played hunter for years, I think the only thing I would become by rolling 20 would be frustrated at being nuked by the 'all the gear no idea' tribe. Hence why I made a 24. (I play the game for enjoyment, not frustration)

To Ganymede: You were backpeddling away from someone at ST (you have move backwards bound, I saw you do it - why lie?)... And yes, we met each other the other day in 2 BG's. I didn't have a pocket healer, I never go around with healers (Although if one tags along, very nice of him).... I remember trying to solo LM a lot vs Razore and co, but to no avail. Anyway they were some nice games as the teams were fairly even.

Ofc I mention GY camping and emoting... It's the sign of a weak player. I never accused you of anything other than backpeddling (which you can deny all you want, I saw you doing it :p) Then you go on to call something 'borderline gay'... *sigh* I needn't say more.
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Qßall @ Burning Steppes - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Qßall is not 'half-geared' at all. He has better gear than my Alliance hunter, and most others in fact. .

Not really, he has no boa helm, wrong bracers, wrong chest enchant, missing rings. Hes pretty much the same geared as your alliance hunter if you look at his armory you see he is missing out on hit rating, other stats and rolling with another spec in stamina gear to compensate for the increased stamina from survival. This means your hunter is better geared unless you count his agm and his recently obtained legs perhaps?

Timetrial: emoting GY camping badass
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"and Ganymede backpeddler huntard of the year"
You were backpeddling away from someone at ST

3 words
Being the best in this bracket is hardly an achievement as 99% of the players (including 24's) are pure awful. I'd much prefer to have decent 20's such as kraud (nice guy) or darro (arsehole) in a game than some of the p2p idiots that stop their xp.
''Qßall is not 'half-geared' at all. He has better gear than my Alliance hunter, and most others in fact. Kraud though. Yeah, amazing Paladin. Better than every other 24 Holy out there imo.''

was speaking about the time when he had just started gearing up ''
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