Hm my best deals where those in pre-tbc..
Shadowfangs were around 150g then, got at least 2 for 70g,
did know it was BiS for my rogue, but never expected the prices to peak
the way they are now ofc, else I would have stacked the damn things.
Also got an assasin's blade for 45g.
Not sure if it was all luck, seemed as if the prices werent that
high for twinkstuff those days..
Best one was not in AH, but trade..
WTS [Shadowfang]
- me: How much?
- him: Offer..
- me : 20g?
. ( Yes, smiley included! )
- him: okay.
He was close, traded me 5 seconds later and I was smiling haha.
Never seen another Shadowfang on the AH ever since Vanilla though,
and I mean that =(.
Okay this was all pre-tbc, best deal after that must be a
Ribsplitter of the Monkey, 20g =).