What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

Got 2x keller's girdle for 1g 20s today...

Ribsplitter of the monkey 20g yesterday...

Soulcatcher halo 10g, mindseye circle 4g a few weeks back

Sentry cloak 2g.
Best deal I have ever got was 2(!!!!!!) POD's off the neutral AH for 10g a piece . Was so bloody happy that i decided to be lazy and check neutral AH and buy Bloodstone Ore rather than mine it xD. I will upload a SS when i get my laptop back (Spilled coffee on my brand new laptop yay .... >.< ) .
Mortox said:
Best deal I have ever got was 2(!!!!!!) POD's off the neutral AH for 10g a piece . Was so bloody happy that i decided to be lazy and check neutral AH and buy Bloodstone Ore rather than mine it xD. I will upload a SS when i get my laptop back (Spilled coffee on my brand new laptop yay .... >.< ) .


I think someone who was transferring something over Neutral AH is going to be PISSED.
I've bought a [item]Redbeard Crest[/item] for 1g

[item]Silver-Linked Footguards[/item] for like 60-some silver

[item]Keller's Girdle[/item] for 5g

Only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
LOL my buddy put a pair of Wolfclaw Gloves (not too expensive i know, around 80g on my server) on the neutral AH and someone, in the 2 minutes it took him to get my toon down to the AH to buy them, bought them for the 25s he put them in the AH for!

i busted his chops soooo bad for DAYS afterwards...told him thats what he gets for not being prepared =)
gotta be super careful with ah transferring :p

i have the other char ready with the item search already filled in for as soon as i post the auction
i know! LOL i told him that before he did it to and said "nah its ok, no one will be there to buy it". i think THAT is the reason i busted his chops so hard too. didnt take my advice and he ate a 80g loss for NOTHING!! needless to say, every time he's done it since, he's been prepared =)
horde toon: 1 linen cloth for 1,000g

alliance toon: buys linen cloth

alliance toon: puts twink item up for 1,000g

horde toon: buys the twink item

Sure it takes a bit of extra time, but it A) ensures you will get the item, or B) you just made a nice profit.
I've had many great deals on AH, most of which I can't remember. I have searched for 2-19 on AH for four years now.

But I do rembemer some recent ones. I bought Sentry Cloak for 5g just the other day. And I kicked myself for not screenshotting it. Been SSing good deals since that.


the best part is, the sellers are probably like

"OMG that guy just bought my 7/7 gloves of the eagle for FIVE GOLD!! LOL WHAT A NOOB!"


This is my haul since the first of the year.

Legguards of the Vault 5g

Hydralick Armor 4g 67s (This is the starting price set by the AH, I have the feeling someone screwed up with Auctioneer. OH WELL!)

Kang the Decapitator 75g

Gut Ripper 10g

Brightwood Staff 16g

You ask me, Legguards of the Vault at 5g is my best bargain ever followed by the Brightwood Staff. There have been other blues here and there but those are the HA HA funny ones.
libram of constitution is not a big deal on some of the servers... i ve seen it a lot at ah for 18 gold or something... or hundreds of gold on other servers...

we laugh of the noobs that sell pendulum of doom that droped in ulda... and he is a hunter so he can;t wear it so he put it at ah for 20 gold... so we buy it and use it or sell it for 8000 gold.

to be honest i would prefer to be a noob and don;t know how important that item is... and you know why? because now i know everything about twink... and it's nothing left to discover. i make 100 KB in BG but i am bored... when i was a noob i enjoyed every hour in wow... once i found a green item. I was very happy. I told a friend about it. And he told me how to link it to show him. It was a stupid bow level 13 or something. and i was a priest. I was going to put it at ah an see how much i get for it... everything was so intreasting.

Now , when a blue item drops in WC i just say... oh well... another 5 gold ... boring. Then the party start yelling at me that i shouldn't need that item because it;s lether and i am a warrior... and i tell them that i am level 29 warrior that has 500 atack power and that i can solo WC DM and SFK (actually BFD too but i don't go cause i get xp :)

so they just leave and i solo WC killing boss after boss hoping that this time the boss is a little better and i get to use my AGM...
Tree Bark Jacket for 5G but that was ages ago, haven't seen another one in ah since then.

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