What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

2 days ago I got yet another POD .... this time the cheapest i have ever got one for ....1g55 silver :D

Gonna give it to a m8 tho :)
I have to bump this for today's find.

Silvershell Leggings 18g US|Hydraxis|Alliance I let out a loud WOOOT on vent and was driving the people nuts for like 10 minutes after that.

Sick, just absolutely sick. I had threads here and on my BG and server forums offering 1,000g+ or trade for Ribsplitter of the Tiger, cash and trade and I got it for 18 f'in G.

Thank gawd this person had no idea what they were selling.

This kind of dwarfs the other good bragging item I got since I last posted here; Chan's Imperial Robes for 17g.
RC-ST. said:
libram of constitution is not a big deal on some of the servers... i ve seen it a lot at ah for 18 gold or something... or hundreds of gold on other servers...

we laugh of the noobs that sell pendulum of doom that droped in ulda... and he is a hunter so he can;t wear it so he put it at ah for 20 gold... so we buy it and use it or sell it for 8000 gold.

to be honest i would prefer to be a noob and don;t know how important that item is... and you know why? because now i know everything about twink... and it's nothing left to discover. i make 100 KB in BG but i am bored... when i was a noob i enjoyed every hour in wow... once i found a green item. I was very happy. I told a friend about it. And he told me how to link it to show him. It was a stupid bow level 13 or something. and i was a priest. I was going to put it at ah an see how much i get for it... everything was so intreasting.

Now , when a blue item drops in WC i just say... oh well... another 5 gold ... boring. Then the party start yelling at me that i shouldn't need that item because it;s lether and i am a warrior... and i tell them that i am level 29 warrior that has 500 atack power and that i can solo WC DM and SFK (actually BFD too but i don't go cause i get xp :)

so they just leave and i solo WC killing boss after boss hoping that this time the boss is a little better and i get to use my AGM...

uhh... what?
Worst feeling ever was when I rolled 90 on might of the scourge and some other guy rolled 91 and won them then I just bought them for 2k off him.
glowing brightwood staff - 25g

basilisk hide pants - 14g

ribsplitter of the monkey - 3g

spellshocks - 173g
I have to call BS on the Spellshocks. Sorry, the rest of these claims I can understand.

That one, I'm calling complete BS on especially since it was the last one on his list. Why? Because that would be the beginning and end of the list.
Why does it matter, if your so jealous or misguided that you have to call him out on it with very little reason then your just as stupid as he is for lying.

Maybe he saved best for last. Maybe he was tired and didnt feel like putting an emphasis on it, get off his back.
Eye of Flame: 8g

Hydralick Armor: 6g

Serpentskin Leggings: 2g

Glowing Brightwood Staff: 9g

Ribsplitter of the Tiger: 15g

Ribsplitter of the Money: 15g

Doomforge Straightedge (x2): 35g
And maybe just one of the 5-10 Spellshock Leggings that are ever known to drop got put up on the AH for 137g?

Sorry, not buying.
Inflitrator pants of the Eagle (9/9).... a whopping 2G 31S

/happydance! just need to patch them now.
Probably a year back when i was trolling Neutral AH, a Shadowfang and magefist gloves popped up for 1c each.
The recipe for Savory Deviate delight, for the huge sum of 2s72c.

Made well over 1000G selling fish, before a bot moved into permanent residence in front of WC.
Cookíes said:
Probably a year back when i was trolling Neutral AH, a Shadowfang and magefist gloves popped up for 1c each.

Ha! Bought 'em on the Allaince side to use on the Horde side methinks...

PLEASE tell me you you bought them!

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