What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

I got Petrolspills for 5g about a month ago, which is my best AH deal by far, and I've had several other AH grabs for decent deals (50% value or less).
Hate to open up a dead thread - but I was pretty happy about this :)


perfect +5 stam wranglers for 55 silver 82 copper
Well I'mma blow you all out of the water here.

I got a few years ago a PoD for 7g off the alliance AH.

My most recent one (Which I actually have a SS of) was a staff of jordan for 10g.

bought a skeletal club for 86s, bought vendetta for 5g, holy shroud for 1g. i know i've had more just cant think of them atm

oh, bought 5x enchant bracer +7 str and sold all 5 individually for 10-15g each so, like 10,000x profit lol
Spellshock Leggings - 80g

The dude had them sitting around since way pre-bc times, he had no clue what they were, whisped him in trade offered 60g, he said 90, I said 80. Bam. The account with that char has since been banned for various drunken gen chat conversations and an accusation of exploiting in wsg which I couldn't defend due to an old e-mail address.
Most recent one:

Bought Assassin'S Blade for 200g on AH, traded it for Shadowfang and sold that SF for 3K
Twinkytoes said:
You sold a shadowfang??!?!

Yeah I did. I dont really play 19s.

Ok I'll add more of the sweet deals I got:

Ribsplitter fo the Eagle for 40g

Multiple Underworld bands (like 10+) for under 300g each (not really a big deal but I sold them all for 800-1000g+)

9/9 Monkey head for 5g that I sold for 500g a while ago (and I regret it because now I need one really bad lol)

2 SVBBs for under 20g, both sold for 1K ea

19s blue (darkweaves, magister, kellers, lynx, sentry, meadow, wrangler, twisted chanter, etc etc..) for cheap I wont name all the prices but in 4 years of checking the AH everyday I play I got maybe 200+ for under 10g

I got a assassin's blade but not from the AH, a very kind mob in SFK let me took from his corpse :)
Arrowsinc said:
It's easy to fake these print screens tbh ^^ Have a friend with non soulbounded Shadowfang, ask him to put it at AH for like 30g or something and then you just spam search the AH for 'Shadowfang'

Seriously..? You expect me/us to risk losing a shadowfang for 100g for the sake of a F'king screen shot to show how uber lucky we are on a video game...? Sorry but that's not going to happen. I would NEVER put a shadowfang on the AH for 30g, because the risk of losing it is WAY too high

Who would honestly do that lol?

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