What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

Runed Orb 50g.. the guy must have meant to put it up for 500? Which would have still been a 160g profit for me.. but even so.. lol.
Legguards of the Vault for 43.5g, I was too excited to take a screenie lol
In vanilla 2g40s - feet of the lynx ( at the time they went for ~100g ), took me all of two weeks before I decided to use them rather than resell.. 100g was alot of money back then ^^
Ok i dont understand this file shit, i upload and nothing happens same with the sig i made myself with photoshop and same with my avatar i made from a SS ingame, and make the pic negative.

Still no go.

So heres what the pics should say. -

Twisted chanters - 5g

Forest leather bracers -6s

Sentry cloak - 2g

Thorbia's gauntlets - 10g

To add to that i've also got other things that I dont have SSes of but here goes nothing

From my memory ;

Asss blade - like 50g

Staff of jordan - 200g

Shadowfang 1050g

Perfect eagle and falcon wrangs(which are equiped on my huntard) 50s a piece

2 Stacks of spider silk - 10s each!! lol

a runed orb for 10g ( like 5 of them on the ah)

And thats about it for now - :(
I just bought a sentry cloak for 1g buyout :)

take into account a deviate scale belt (which can't be had for literally free.. was up on the same server for 130g buyout lol.)
dont know if there worth anything since i dont play 19's but got a set of 4/4 falcon gloves today for 75s......missed out on an uwb that was up for 50g because i was on the wrong toon :(

^pre nerf assassin's blade.

less then 1K

lol, I Ment to say before they nerfed assassians' blade but I am retarded.

Ogsir said:
Shadowfang 1050g

a runed orb for 10g ( like 5 of them on the ah)

And thats about it for now - :(

im jealous of that shoadwfang.. and i want to say its safe to say who ever posted the ruined orbs A.) made a typo and didn't catch it. or B.) is someone who bought his / her account.
Shadowfang - 100g

Wrangler's Wristbands of the Monkey - 2g

Meadow ring of Eluding - 50s

Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina - about 5g if I remember right

EDIT: a friend of mine bought some Epic 80 shit for like 50 copper each in the goblin AH, huge profit
Xposure said:
EDIT: a friend of mine bought some Epic 80 shit for like 50 copper each in the goblin AH, huge profit

You realize he stole from someone trying to transfer that, right?
iaccidentallytwink said:
You realize he stole from someone trying to transfer that, right?

you do realize putting stuff on the ah makes it buyable buy everyone and thats the risk you take right:D
roudy said:
you do realize putting stuff on the ah makes it buyable buy everyone and thats the risk you take right:D

Of course, but the "huge profit" part makes it seem like he didn't know.
Story based on true events.

90% of my income is from AH broking. Working the AH. So I usually spend a decent amount of time on the AH. I have never once farmed for gold. I have been working the AH since day of release, literally. I have seen some really good deals in that time.

But the best one came about two or three years ago. I found a Pendulum of Doom on the AH for 15g. I was reluctant on buying it at first because I had forgotten what it was. But, when I am skeptical on something, I usually buy it anyways, just to prevent myself from missing a good deal. And, not to mention, when I started looking at the item level and stats on it, I knew it had to be something twinks would want.

I ended up buying it for 15g. Later realizing what it was, I sold it instantly in the trade channel for 4,500g. Which actually was a good deal, it was worth around 7k back then. Since that day, I have never seen another POD in the AH. Not one.
I constantly watch the goblin AH for people trying to xfer gear cross faction for cheap. I've picked up quite a few rare/expensive items for less than a gold. While not the most scrupulous thing in the world, it's the nature of the beast that is wow economics.

Aside from sniping the goblin AH, I've got some rather screaming deals. Miner's Hat of the Deep for 20g, PoD for 700g, Teebu's for 700g are probably my 3 biggest profit margins, since i sold all those for many thousands of gold a piece.

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