What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

I bought my Shadowfang for 250golds.

Keller's girdle bid 3silver and some coppers.

3/3 wrangler's or monkey around 10golds

16ap legs 15golds

10ap bracers 15golds (both leather ofc)

thats pretty much it. The Maelstrom horde ppl rly don't know nything about twinking, selling everything very cheap. still got some left or sold for nice profit
While there have been some good ones, like buying the schematic for the Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector for 5G and reselling for 125G, just a few days ago I bought a Whale Statue for 3G from the goblin AH; it vendors for 11G...
Well, i got about 2 full pages of BiS twink gear for cloth/leather/mail including 5 SF's and 1 AB, from a guy that told me he was quiting wow so he gave me his account and said 'Go nuts, be be off by tomorow, the month expired them.' So i took everything from his bank, his mains bags, and got a transfer for his mage :)

Free shit for making friends with one guy.
Right after reading this I was like "oh wow, haven't seen anything cheap myself on AH for ages" checked AH straight after I finished. Sentry cloak for 1g & Thorbia's Gauntlets for 5g. Not the best but it's something ^_^

Primal Mightx5 for 50s.

Obviously the guy was selling it to his other account. He told me he was gonna turn the whole realm against me. He didn't succeed though:)

500g wasn't too bad for a first time lvl 40.
Its great having a level 80 and knowing how to make money, because all twink items are easily buyable. Shadowfangs priced at 5k are easy buys, Im trying to get 10 stocked up for the lulz. (8 so far)
Tree Bark Jacket -- Bought for 1g, resold in minutes for 315g.

Wrangler's Wristbands of the Monkey (3/3) -- Bought for 16g, trying to sell.
rishi said:
Its great having a level 80 and knowing how to make money, because all twink items are easily buyable. Shadowfangs priced at 5k are easy buys, Im trying to get 10 stocked up for the lulz. (8 so far)

I'll join you. Inchase you might get hacked while stocking up, you could send me a couple so you won't loose all if you get hacked;)
Sentry cloak 13s

3/3 tiger ring for a few gold

First mate hat 2gold that hat is so smexy
Nah its on Deadhed D: Sorry, It's on Jaedenar xD If I find an eagle one on medivh i'll let cha know haha, even though I already have a first mate's hat on Medivh :p
1 month before the release of BC, I bought every Assassin's Blade that I could - that'd be 10 of them at an average price of 100g. I enchanted every one of them with +15 Agility and threw them on the AH for 1000g each and spammed the trade channel letting people know they were out there and that after BC - high level enchants would no longer be allowed on items lower than 35. Since your average player didn't know what this meant, 8 of them sold in less then 2 weeks. Two were sold for 750g, but the rest went for 1000g. I kept the last two and put them on my rogue - b/c at the time 2 of them worked quite well (I also had a Shadowfang on him).

So my answer is 10 Assassin's Blades for the ballpark of 1000g (100g each).

Other items of note:

Petrospil Leggings - 20g

Bow of Searing Arrows 5g (right after BC came out and everyone was considering low level items to be worthless)

Gloves of Holy Might 10g

Staff of Jordan - 25g

Icemail Jerkin - 12g
way back in the day pre-bc before i started twinking i got a pair of hotshots for 1g.....and sold em for 100 -.- GG lol

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