What really grinds my gears?

When I try to talk to someone in my guild and nobody talks to me :(
I understand people grouping together, but this is ridiculous.


Pretty pathetic. I almost never premade anymore, I just don't find having absolutely 0 competition fun and there's nothing more satisfying then solo que'in with a group of F2P's that know how to play their class, and beating a premade of trash 24s, who are so concerned with farming in mid they fail to realize the objective.

Oh and week old, S key, hunter twinks killing me grinds my gears. Must have been really awful for them to be balanced for a short period of time.
I understand people grouping together, but this is ridiculous.


And I bet not one node was capped and they went straight for gy to show their skill lmao. Feel bad for anyone who uses the HC guild tag (or would want to).

Edit: pointing out their playstyle, not the fact that its a 15 man. Nothing different then these BWL/AP/whatever realm premading wise just that atleast those F2P realms have the class/decency of getting the faceroll over with quickly instead of prolonging it
Pretty pathetic. I almost never premade anymore, I just don't find having absolutely 0 competition fun and there's nothing more satisfying then solo que'in with a group of F2P's that know how to play their class, and beating a premade of trash 24s, who are so concerned with farming in mid they fail to realize the objective.

Oh and week old, S key, hunter twinks killing me grinds my gears. Must have been really awful for them to be balanced for a short period of time.

I couldn't say it better myself. I don't mind solo queuing into 5 man 24 groups, I still try to make a game of it, but when 10 24s in a single WSG pop up, it's normally a waste of time for everyone involved.

I guess some people enjoying GY camping. I don't
And I bet not one node was capped and they went straight for gy to show their skill

you are correct. The games last much longer than they should have. The 1st of the 3 times I faced this group, the score was ~1100/1600. 1/2 their crew were ass deep in the ally gy. The 2nd match went a little quicker. There were less of them and we had a couple 24s besides me as well. We still lost but they could have 5 capped easily. I didn't stick around for the 3rd game. This was the game the screenshot came from. 13 24s vs 1 24 = no point.
I solo'd the other day and ran into Duo and his group. They were all over me, but hey I got better stealthing out of gy lol.
I find it funny p2p 20 with restrictions, takes them what 2 hours to get geared vs a real f2p. I don't consider p2p with restrictions a challenge , with use of gold and auction house and mailbox. Biggest joke in the bracket.

To bisons comments noob bracket is a nice way of saying it . I always find it funny people puffing their chest in this bracket regardless if f2ps in Premade /f2p rogue , f2p hunter/ 20-24 p2p anything. All brackets r unbalanced.

when people realized blizzard doesn't care about anything under 90 the healing can begin for 99% of the people. Play this bracket for fun or GTFO.

The first test is, if what I just said offends you/ people . You take this game way too serious. The jokes on you.

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I hate Duopaladin's premades, last night I played him and his like 10 man premade and whenever I play them all they do is camp our gy. So obnoxious!
Alright. I give in. I've been playing in this bracket since early cata, long before a lot of people. In cata a played a ret pally/enhance shammy. I no longer premade, because I really dont find much personal satisfaction in facerolling some 1300hp jaja's for 25 minutes. I solo que and enjoy competitive games and being a competitive and objective driven player. In my opinion, as far as consistently being a major game changer while solo queuing, I cant see anything being even remotely comparative to a well played priest/rogue/hunter.

That being said....WTB Hotshot's lol (sadly)
The triple team of rogues that kept stalking me in wsg all weekend

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