What really grinds my gears?

When I play my 21 rogue and 24 rogues send PMs all game telling me that I am geared or spec'd all wrong.

"BoA weapons are better then your blue weapons"
"You should level to 24 so you can get better gear"
"You should have chose subtefuge, you'd do much more damage"
"Dancing Steel sucks"

The most common question/comment I get is, "why 21?". I reply simply, "Blackvenom Blade, otherwise I'd be 20". I am seriously considering making a macro to answer. Back in the Vanilla/BC era, I had a macro explaining how to get Lucky Fishing Hat because it was all too asked.

It's amazing how many F2P and P2P players I encounter that do not know about item scaling.

Anyhow, I might not have my rogue set up perfect, but it does the job and I have fun playing her. I just wanna play, not answer questions and field criticism about my gear/level/talent/enchant choices.

If you want to comment on my crappy play, go for it... but leave my gear/level/talent/enchant choices alone. :) Thanks!

That's weird, seeing as I play a p2p 20 rogue aswell and never really get whispers regarding said things (that I should go 24, my gear is wrong or something). Must be an US thing I guess o_O Not trying to criticize US community though!
That's weird, seeing as I play a p2p 20 rogue aswell and never really get whispers regarding said things (that I should go 24, my gear is wrong or something). Must be an US thing I guess o_O Not trying to criticize US community though!

Perhaps you being 20, you go under the radar? I dunno... maybe a US thing. Who knows. :)

And... after looking at your 20 rogue... we're almost identical aside from my BVB, your AGM, and our talent choice.
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@Drayer. Dude I hate unsolicited advice. When someone does that to me I picture a tree falling on their house and crushing them. Brings smile to face.

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Was actually gonna play some 24: tonight and


And then


3 times in a row gg I'm out of twinks with no debuff

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Same thing happened to me. Started last night.

Edit: got into one after 2 logins, there were 8 horde and 3 alliance in the game 2 minutes in. Surprisingly enough, I was still in the WSG and not in SW with deserter.
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It was sporadic last night now it's 100 percent no go. We have about 30 guildys on, not one inside a instance pve or pvp...
It was sporadic last night now it's 100 percent no go. We have about 30 guildys on, not one inside a instance pve or pvp...
If you ever want to run, just let me know. I'll run with you (hugs)

When I'm healing in a mid-clash and I have a sneezing attack
Real world Stuggle is Real. I would like too see a Screenshot of 30 Sanctuary players on at one time*24 twinks* haha Holy Crit only active guild as of late.
Farming Swiftness potion recipe on a dead-realm. Farmed DM 20 times - nothing, RFC 18 times - nothing, killed about 6000 mobs in northern barrens 30 recipes of Giant str, and 37 deviate recipes, yet not a single fkin swift potion recipe.
Yet a fkin minor agility recipe (which seems to be even more rare) has dropped for me 6 times.....

Seriously - I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to farm this god damn recipe for an F2P.
Farming Swiftness potion recipe on a dead-realm. Farmed DM 20 times - nothing, RFC 18 times - nothing, killed about 6000 mobs in northern barrens 30 recipes of Giant str, and 37 deviate recipes, yet not a single fkin swift potion recipe.
Yet a fkin minor agility recipe (which seems to be even more rare) has dropped for me 6 times.....

Seriously - I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to farm this god damn recipe for an F2P.

maybe ur killing pirates, dont think they drop speedpot recipe, atleast i farmed steamwheddle rep to exalted and i think never seen it drop.
Farming Swiftness potion recipe on a dead-realm. Farmed DM 20 times - nothing, RFC 18 times - nothing, killed about 6000 mobs in northern barrens 30 recipes of Giant str, and 37 deviate recipes, yet not a single fkin swift potion recipe.
Yet a fkin minor agility recipe (which seems to be even more rare) has dropped for me 6 times.....

Seriously - I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to farm this god damn recipe for an F2P.

That's pretty bad. If you want to transfer to Elune, Dragonmaw, or AP... I've got several on each server I'd give you.

PS. I wouldn't xfer for that, but ya never know. :)
Took 6600~ giraffe kills in Cata for my Swiftness recipe. The drop chance was higher then I believe.
Looking back I think I kind of enjoyed the farm, in a perverse way.
Sounds like you're dedicated, so good luck. Hope it turns up on the AH : p

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