What really grinds my gears?


I don't get why people won't stay with the flag after they cap it. So annoying.
6 hunters of the same faction in a WSG. I don't care which faction or what level they are but 6 of them all at once ganging up on me. I can kill a hunter 1 on 1 no problem, With a little luck I can kill 2, no amount of healing is going to let me last through 6. Although dropping a flag of ownership in most of their corpses probably did help my chances of avoiding them.
I'm sure this has been said many times and I didn't want to make a new thread about it but ...

Concussive Shot - Spell - World of Warcraft

Just look at it ...
  • Duration lasts longer then the CD of the skill.
  • 40 yard range.
  • Costs ZERO Focus.
  • Instant cast.
  • And has no Diminishing Returns.

Did i miss anything else?

I have been playing WSG recently and I have a hard time supporting FC or running to heal and back up dps who are chasing EFC.
Now this isn't so bad until you realize that there are almost never less then 4-6 Hunters on alli.

As soon as I get noticed by a hunter ... CS spam all the way ...

Not being able to play objectively due to one spammable skill really grinds my gears ...
Alliance team had only one class that was not a huntard or spriest...and that was an ele sham.

Games like that highlight and underscore the class imbalance so profoundly that I pretty much just want to backburner the game until WoD hopefully brings it closer to balanced.

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Free action potion. The other type would be taken without complaint, but would probably come to a sticky end.
I love free action potions. Especially versus hammer heavy paladin teams. I let very little in game "grind my gears". Now in life, it is probably immature pukes that grind my gears the most.

Sweetsidney ...
Of course *forehead smack*

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Pugging gnomer grinds my gears. I get people asking me why a 24 is queueing for it or why I'm not doing 500 dps. It's because I'm geared for hit in gnomer.

Then I lost the roll on Charged Gear of Restoration. 4 stam 4 int 4 spirit. Would have been awesome on my boomkin. Oh well. Back to the gnomer grind!

you're getting yelled at about your DPS in a pug dungeon?
twinks usually get ridiculously more DPS than normal levelers... even in hit gear.

Gnomer blues though
People with "big man" syndrome. No not "little man" syndrome. Those I can laugh at and not take seriously. It's the people who are: A) naturally large or tall. B) people in sports or people who do a decent amount of labor and workout/protein shakes everyday. C) fat people. While there's nothing wrong with those, what bothers me are the people like that, that think just because they have the ability to easily shove someone around or stand in your way when you're trying to walk past. I get it "bro" you're bigger than me, I know physics. Either it's a friend or some random person/classmate. I'm not talking about bullying or any of that shit. I'm talking about common moronic childish behavior. Not sure if any of you behave this way, but if so, you need to stop and wrestle a bear or some shit to let out you're superiority. Idk if you get some type of sick satisfaction out of it, but for others it's either awkward, embarrassing, annoying, or downright frustrating.
When it comes to WoW, I see these tards as the people who duel people who are at least 10 levels below them
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People with "big man" syndrome. No not "little man" syndrome. Those I can laugh at and not take seriously. It's the people who are: A) naturally large or tall. B) people in sports or people who do a decent amount of labor and workout/protein shakes everyday. C) fat people. While there's nothing wrong with those, what bothers me are the people like that, that think just because they have the ability to easily shove someone around or stand in your way when you're trying to walk past. I get it "bro" you're bigger than me, I know physics. Either it's a friend or some random person/classmate. I'm not talking about bullying or any of that shit. I'm talking about common moronic childish behavior. Not sure if any of you behave this way, but if so, you need to stop and wrestle a bear or some shit to let out you're superiority. Idk if you get some type of sick satisfaction out of it, but for others it's either awkward, embarrassing, annoying, or downright frustrating.
When it comes to WoW, I see these tards as the people who duel people who are at least 10 levels below them

So basicly that tall foot ball player type of guy that thinks that just because he's in foot ball he can do whatever he wants to people just because he's twice as tall, 5 times bigger than you and stronger. Not calling all football players douche bags but in reality, most of them are retarded assholes that play gay on each other.
So basicly that tall foot ball player type of guy that thinks that just because he's in foot ball he can do whatever he wants to people just because he's twice as tall, 5 times bigger than you and stronger. Not calling all football players douche bags but in reality, most of them are retarded assholes that play gay on each other.

Ehh. Some. I still have a lot of cool athletic friends. A couple are even computer smart. But yea a lot are kinda empty in the noggin
Ehh. Some. I still have a lot of cool athletic friends. A couple are even computer smart. But yea a lot are kinda empty in the noggin

Yea in my school, I know a lot of athletic people and the majority of foot ball players grades are barely a C average, and that's in the basic classes in school, while all the other people in sports keep up their grades in honors/ AP classes.
The use of the word " 'tard " or retarded or any form of it. Not that much different than the "n-word". Except those people are not capable of defending themselves.
The use of the word " 'tard " or retarded or any form of it. Not that much different than the "n-word". Except those people are not capable of defending themselves.

The common use of the word is like people saying "god!" Or "wow that was gay" or "son of a bitch" is sort of an everyday used term that I doubt you haven't used before. Nobody usually means anything by it, they just say it. Now when people call anyone a n***** I see it immature, and even being from Texas and a somewhat redneck town, I still facepalm when people say it.
But when it comes to saying those other things, it reminds me of the saying, "Either you're a masturbator, or you're a liar"
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