What is the best hordeside Ruin guild?

Ertai said:
Hey are you guys still making a guild on Alli side as well as rolling Horde?

Yea I plan on it, and I'l be xferring my ally shaman in a week or two.

A pretty big group of us are all just getting to 80/grinding honor on our mains to get ready for s7 though, so getting the guild started is being put off to the side for now.
Psh please. You do 2s.. and thats it. You rarely have more then 2 on ever Goma. Face it. And trust me I am not anywhere near you in arenas (yes you are good at arena) but I guarantee I can hold my own in arena and I am sure other people in Prod can as well. Furthermore we ONLY CARE ABOUT PREMADES. This is a PREMADE guild and thats what people want. Why do you think people want to leave WTS? People dont care about your false bluster or your "arena skills." Any time you lose like to Slythan its hushed up by fanboys. No one in ti.com respects you. Just keep your trolling to the Ruin forums before Drayner bans you again.

Btw unlike Goma I can show you proof. Peanut can tell you himself. Second Peanut doesnt play on Ruin anymore..hmm I wonder why.

And finally:


I wonder where that came from.


Btw Goma unlike you I have a reputation for not being super cocky and irrational. I can happily tell you I am not as good as you and I probably wont be. But I can also tell you people actually want to play with me. Can you do the same?
Carrot said:
I think DEM is up on WTS skill in 5's?

I think Prodigy is up on DEM!

Oh wait you're in Prodigy too.

Tombrady said:
Yea I plan on it, and I'l be xferring my ally shaman in a week or two.

A pretty big group of us are all just getting to 80/grinding honor on our mains to get ready for s7 though, so getting the guild started is being put off to the side for now.

Cool stuff, if you need anything over there run-wise or gear let me know. I have an 80 over there and would be more than happy to help out where I can.
evocate i would stay out of this to avoid making a fool of yourself, ctrl has twinks in almost every bg. just because he has a character in your guild doesn't mean he doesn't want to play with me
I didnt say he didnt want to play with me Goma. I said he wants other toons because he said you would never premade. Get over yourself. You arent nearly cool or good enough to attract people to you for more then a month.

And yes I know Ctrl pretty well from MYT.. Ive played against him before.
Ertai said:
Cool stuff, if you need anything over there run-wise or gear let me know. I have an 80 over there and would be more than happy to help out where I can.

Aight thanks for the offer.
And again you would be the person who cant see past black and white. He likes playing with you but he acknowledges like everyone else.. you probably arent planning on premading. If you were in guild by yourself would you say you are the best guild in Ruin cuz you can Arena? I highly doubt it. WTS has like 5 ish kids that arena.. and I dont remember seeing more then you/Ctrl and some random priest in quite a while.. and that priest wasnt that good at arena.. Dont talk trash about other guilds if you cant back it up
i can talk trash because ive seen them play in arenas

why dont you let ctrl talk for himself
Talk trash about what? They might not be the best at arenas but they are good enough. And at premades they excel. I can understand if they talked the amount of trash you do but they dont. Its a premade guild not an arena guild. No one said that Prodigy was good at arenas, certainly not them. If you want Ctrl to talk for himself, why dont you stop talking for us? And like I said.. I think I can hold my own in arenas. Maybe if you stopped leaving arenas any time you came close to losing.. you might see some more good people. k?
Evocate said:
Talk trash about what? They might not be the best at arenas but they are good enough. And at premades they excel. I can understand if they talked the amount of trash you do but they dont. Its a premade guild not an arena guild. No one said that Prodigy was good at arenas, certainly not them. If you want Ctrl to talk for himself, why dont you stop talking for us? And like I said.. I think I can hold my own in arenas. Maybe if you stopped leaving arenas any time you came close to losing.. you might see some more good people. k?

this thread is so entertaining, keep it up guys =) sup evo
he just said he made that pally because he wanted a pally

not because he wanted to do premades
/shrug not what he told me =P

In fact he asked first what I need or wanted him to make =P

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