What is the best hordeside Ruin guild?

Well the best HORDE guild actively right now in the game is < Pizza Hut >. We have done the most, we have accepted all challenges, we have won all challenges. I can't say if we are better than < Prodigy >'s alliance guild since we were not able to play, BUT I know we have a stronger horde side set-up than any horde guild could imagine.

Edit: Also on the topic of best Horde Ruin premading guild < Prodigy > is the only guild that has room to say which is the best. They have played all the horde guilds and have beaten them all. They know from experience which one was the toughest. All of you guys who don't even 10v10 or are just not even in a twink guild really have no say. In-fact I have no say in it either since I have never played one of them in a 10v10 match.
I thought you guys died...And I dont think you have more to say to that then NM did back when they were active.. both of you were horde.. so you could never play lol.
Pizza said:
Well the best HORDE guild actively right now in the game is < Pizza Hut >. We have done the most, we have accepted all challenges, we have won all challenges. I can't say if we are better than < Prodigy >'s alliance guild since we were not able to play, BUT I know we have a stronger horde side set-up than any horde guild could imagine.

Agreed, however...

What is the best hordeside Ruin guild?

Silly Goose.
Evocate said:
I thought you guys died...And I dont think you have more to say to that then NM did back when they were active.. both of you were horde.. so you could never play lol.

It's like the old Yankees they may of been the best back then but the past is the past. The current Yankees are all that matter and they are not going anywhere.

In that note. < Pizza Hut > has the strongest 10v10 set-up at the moment for horde. I have done plenty of premades and know which set-ups for horde work best at this CURRENT time. I have not seen another guild run our set-up and if so not as well.

Alliance guilds are a whole different matter. I don't have the experience to talk about them.
It's too bad Dominate members are too lazy to get on PTR and whip up on some PH :p
Pizza, if both guilds are still around and active come next PTR we should do Prodigy vs. PH the first week it's out.
I could have sworn that PH is dead though... I am super confused.. Multiple people in PH told me you quit for good and PH died -.-
Ertai said:
Pizza, if both guilds are still around and active come next PTR we should do Prodigy vs. PH the first week it's out.

We would have played last Thursday if DesH didn't reschedule last weeks match for tomorrow. But it's okay though, RL aggro can happen to anyone. Anyways, I'm sure we'll all want to fight you guys next time PTR goes up.

Evocate said:
I could have sworn that PH is dead though... I am super confused.. Multiple people in PH told me you quit for good and PH died -.-

We're all still playing WoW, it's just that most of us aren't playing our PH toons. We can still put together a 10man, and are still LF Premades (i think).
Rip said:
We would have played last Thursday if DesH didn't reschedule last weeks match for tomorrow. But it's okay though, RL aggro can happen to anyone. Anyways, I'm sure we'll all want to fight you guys next time PTR goes up.

Negative, we were scheduled for tomorrow and had to reschedule it for next Thursday.
Ertai said:
Negative, we were scheduled for tomorrow and had to reschedule it for next Thursday.

Whoops, you're right. I kinda thought today was the 12th instead of the 5th.

You guys sicken me. You go OFF TOPIC for around SEVEN WHOLE PAGES and nobody has mentioned it, You should go to the battlegroup forums for this. But Just gawd.. Even Drayner himself went off topic. X.X

Right now IMO horde would be Twink Info, the guild. One of the bets except they did a 10-hunter premade one day. I made macro doing /facepalm for every hunter I fought.
Faceroll said:
You guys sicken me. You go OFF TOPIC for around SEVEN WHOLE PAGES and nobody has mentioned it, You should go to the battlegroup forums for this. But Just gawd.. Even Drayner himself went off topic. X.X

Right now IMO horde would be Twink Info, the guild. One of the bets except they did a 10-hunter premade one day. I made macro doing /facepalm for every hunter I fought.

As a member of <Twink Info> I can confidently say we are definetly NOT the best horde guild in ruin.
Faceroll said:
You guys sicken me. You go OFF TOPIC for around SEVEN WHOLE PAGES and nobody has mentioned it, You should go to the battlegroup forums for this. But Just gawd.. Even Drayner himself went off topic. X.X

Right now IMO horde would be Twink Info, the guild. One of the bets except they did a 10-hunter premade one day. I made macro doing /facepalm for every hunter I fought.

We were off topic because we were debating what the best Horde guild is? I'm sorry that you want people to just say a guild then no one discuss it, but that's not how topic's work.
Ertai said:
We were off topic because we were debating what the best Horde guild is? I'm sorry that you want people to just say a guild then no one discuss it, but that's not how topic's work.

No, they can discuss it, but A lot of people were just Off topic.. Sheesh.

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