US What is going on?


SV huntard
Huge kudos for you admins who made this. Very more pleasant on the eyes and easier to surf imo, just please get some of that valuable info from TI on here.

I guess this'll be my first thread on XPoff.. Kinda sad it is but I don't understand something that is happening. As I look on here once or twice a week I see something I haven't seen since I started this bracket. I see 20-29 activity tripling F2P/vet activity. Back when it was F2P and 24 in the same bracket even at 24s height of activity it couldn't compare to F2P. Back when we got merged in with 29s and every person in the game was making a 29 due to the huge imbalance they STILL couldn't compare to 20 activity because the old timers were coming back.

20/vet was completely carrying TI in activity before it merged but now since I see less and less activity and hardly any actual useful information. I see 20-29 setting up (or atleast atempting to) events and tournies and the works however the most consistent thing I see from vets is which guild neon will be in this week. Where's all of the guides we had? Where are the people to step up and make UPDATED guides? Where is the scaling index? Where is Yde's welcoming post? Where is Yaseah's addon info? Where's the replacement for lofi or myself or shft or yde to take over and help bring information and knowledge to this bracket?

I do not know about in-game activity since I don't play very often however forum activity since this merger is a complete joke for this section compared to what it used to be. Are there any people out there that are willing to step up and lead like so many others did in cata/mop? 20s have already been taken over by 29s and if no one steps up 20s seem like they'll just be another 39s.
For bg's, this bracket is the worst it's been since starters became available. Queue times are unpredictable and long. The games themselves are currently dominated by 29 premades (esp. from bleeding hollow). I think about logging on for a bit of fun, then remind myself of how little fun is to be had. It's just not worth the effort any more. Play with yourselves on 29's or go to another bracket.
24s from before were viewed as scum, but 29s now are viewed as the norm. it's still very active, AV popping sat/sun multiple times. but the 20 community is not nearly as coordinated, they are mostly randoms/jajas/solo Qers now
Basically this bracket had turned into 19s, a lot of egos, bad attitudes. No one wants to create content for this anymore.

I know that's why Yasueh abandoned the addon. I have a bunch of stuff for pulling gear stats too but... yea. Some people are stepping up, some guy made a chardev that runs in game. Major props to him. I think Recluse made a huge spreadsheet for rogues weps that I've been meaning to check out, also looks really nice.
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When I say this I don't mean everyone, but most of the people that stepped up for level 20s, whether it be Vets or F2Ps, have moved to the 19s bracket. That's why you don't see near as many useful / event threads anymore.

In this bracket pugs became a huge joke, a ton of 29 FOTM premades roaming around killed it, both factions. It killed que times for the most part, which is the only reason that this bracket was truly worth it.

It also seemed like in the recent past all the 20s really just pushed competitive play, the only problem was is we couldn't get new faces to want to come out, so going 19 made more sense.
All the 20 guides and threads still haven't been moved over from TI and the main people that organised 20 events are busy with 19s atm @Burg @Manny @robbyjuana. Its sad to say but 20s are slowly becoming a thing of the past. I cant see very much activity from the 20 scene until Legion. Now 29 fotm just ruin the bracket and make pugs no fun.

You choose to play at a disadvantage.
I'm not disagreeing with you tho I just as anyone dislike playing versus heavy fotm stacked comps.
But your so called 20s is not a thing of the past. Aslong as they are going to be F2P players in this game that blindly refuses to pay for a game they are addicted to you will have games one way or another.
I personally used to play a ton of 24/29 EU, yes i was what you guys would have called a scum, at least I played lock for the most part. Anyways I am here with peace:p I just want to know who is the known people in the f2p/veteran community as I dont mind inviting em into the old TI archives if they will be willing to help us find the quality content for the f2p / veteran community so I can put it up here on XPOff
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I personally used to play a ton of 24/29 EU, yes i was what you guys would have called a scum, at last I played lock for the most part. Anyways I am here with peace:p I just want to know who is the known people in the f2p/veteran community as I dont mind inviting em into the old TI archives if they will be willing to help us find the quality content for the f2p / veteran community so I can put it up here on XPOff
Id suggest bring back the scaling thread for 20s as it was nowhere to be found when I was looking for it!
You choose to play at a disadvantage.
I'm not disagreeing with you tho I just as anyone dislike playing versus heavy fotm stacked comps.
But your so called 20s is not a thing of the past. Aslong as they are going to be F2P players in this game that blindly refuses to pay for a game they are addicted to you will have games one way or another.
Not sure why you mentioned about choosing to play at a disadvantage, lets not forget that the bracket wouldnt exist today without old f2ps. I dont mind people play 29s, they can do what they like, I was just reffering to fotm ruining the bracket, 29 was just the first thing that came to mind haha, lvl 20 feral is also fotm and ruins the bracket.
Not sure why you mentioned about choosing to play at a disadvantage, lets not forget that the bracket wouldnt exist today without old f2ps. I dont mind people play 29s, they can do what they like, I was just reffering to fotm ruining the bracket, 29 was just the first thing that came to mind haha, lvl 20 feral is also fotm and ruins the bracket.

Well first of all gimping yourself to 20 instead of 29 lowers your gearing options significantly, you lose out on what could be important / game breaking abilities also loses out on glyphs as it is right now, such as stormstrike for enhancement shamans.

Either way im not here to try to stear up something and get into a disagreement over nothing. I myself when playing this bracket nowadays play on my F2P restricted hunter which means im choosing to play at a disadvantage, just as a f2p / vet does by not paying for the game and going the extra mile gearing themself and leveling up to BIS for a 29.

As for players playing fotm based classes / specs is nothing new and has existed in almost every game since the dawn of time and they are not going away and there is nothing we can do or say to get these players to play a less overpowered class.
I dont mind bringing threads back to life at all, such as:

Starting a Starter Account

etc, the main problem I can see is if the authors of the threads arent around anylonger, so I would really appreciate to get some names on the more "known" people in the f2p/veteran communitys and perhaps make a little group on curse/skype where we one day can go over the threads you guys want restored or not.
Well first of all gimping yourself to 20 instead of 29 lowers your gearing options significantly, you lose out on what could be important / game breaking abilities also loses out on glyphs as it is right now, such as stormstrike for enhancement shamans.

Either way im not here to try to stear up something and get into a disagreement over nothing. I myself when playing this bracket nowadays play on my F2P restricted hunter which means im choosing to play at a disadvantage, just as a f2p / vet does by not paying for the game and going the extra mile gearing themself and leveling up to BIS for a 29.

As for players playing fotm based classes / specs is nothing new and has existed in almost every game since the dawn of time and they are not going away and there is nothing we can do or say to get these players to play a less overpowered class.
Not sure how we got to here when the OP was about where did the 20 guides go and why has 20 activity gone down. I know fotm isnt new and has been around since the beginning, I was just saying that its making pugs shit now. Im happy that you like playing f2p hunter, people can play whatever they like, I never said I dont like people playing 29s. Stop bringing up this playing at a disadvantage shit, If you really wanted to go in depth about it 29s are gimping themselves when they could be playing endgame where they have access to all glyphs/talents/abilitys. Like you said, there's no point in starting any beef in a thread that has a different topic to what we are getting into.

Enjoy the rest of your day :D
OK, a lot of tripping going on , A lot of f2ps got bored with wod and are waiting on legion so they either quit , playing a different bracket for now , or just logs on every now and then.

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