We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

Also, what did I selectively ignore? Do you see things that you want to see that aren't there?

i wrote that kale keyboard turns, you flat-out denied it and said that he doesn't. don't get me wrong, i've seen him turn correctly before as well, so it's not a black-and-white thing. but i've definitely seen him schooled more than a couple times because of his keyboard turning.

maybe if he didn't AFK out of every single battleground that i play against him, i'd be able to supply more accurate data.....
I think all this "discussion" has made it clear that to determine what class is the best dueler, it needs to be better defined. Buffs or no buffs? consumables or no consumables. And really I don't think there is a "best" dueling class. Here is an example: Prot pally vs hunter. If the hunter never chases the pally to the pally's LoS and stays maxrange, the hunter won't die... conversely if the pally never leaves his LoS, he will never die. Whoever goes on the offensive in that duel will lose. If neither does then its a stalemate. The only time there is a "best" dueler is when one class is extra OP. Like if rogues could 1 shot people then they would be the best. Prot/ret pally and hunter are probably the bestish... They can beat any melee. They can also beat all the healers (I think pallys can). However, like I said, a pally can't beat a hunter unless the hunter decides to get in range. I would say there is no class that can beat all the other classes in all dueling situations. So, maybe the "best" dueler is the class that can beat the most classes in the most situations. So that's probly prot/ret pallys, and BM/surv hunters. Oh and sorry for derailing the flaming and getting back to OP's topic.
I don't think I've ever lost to a hunter, and I've never had to use LoS to do it.. Stay at max range all you want, I'm just gonna kill your pet and nuke you after focus dumps.
I don't think I've ever lost to a hunter, and I've never had to use LoS to do it.. Stay at max range all you want, I'm just gonna kill your pet and nuke you after focus dumps.

that is not a very smart hunter, set up hunter's mark, give your pet a hot ,and send in the pet first from halfway across the map (75 yards min) and spam kill command and intimidation (if beast hunter) an pray for crit of 500+, if that doesnt work and the pet is getting pwend then just call it back and/or rezz it. Try again until the foe makes a mistake (they all do) . Once the enemy is around 50% get close (no less than 35 yards) and rip it a new one, spam your heavy artillery and some cc in between. Works with other everyone except smart prot and holy pallys. Against prot and hpallys just make sure you kite like the most annoying kid on the block and oom them. Keep sending the pet make him do the dirty work and use it as a distraction make sure your foe is forced to deal with the pet and play by your rules. The second the pally attacks the pet get close and throw a ss and follow up with something heavy. Move back away when it hits and/or if the pally trinkets. Keep kiting like a boss eventually pallys go oom. Finish him off and then spam you /spit @ target macro.

what would be a strategy against this?
For starters, don't start a fight against a hunter 75 yards away, keep judgement up for mana regen, Crusader strike the pet to 3 stacks, all while throwing Avenger's Shields at the hunter on CD.. pretty sure you'll die before I oom.

As for the pet control thing - that's a good strategy, but it'd probably be better to dismiss the pet before it dies rather than rez it. If you go for a pet rez, I'm going to mount up and close the gap.
that is not a very smart hunter, set up hunter's mark, give your pet a hot ,and send in the pet first from halfway across the map (75 yards min) and spam kill command and intimidation (if beast hunter) an pray for crit of 500+, if that doesnt work and the pet is getting pwend then just call it back and/or rezz it. Try again until the foe makes a mistake (they all do) . Once the enemy is around 50% get close (no less than 35 yards) and rip it a new one, spam your heavy artillery and some cc in between. Works with other everyone except smart prot and holy pallys. Against prot and hpallys just make sure you kite like the most annoying kid on the block and oom them. Keep sending the pet make him do the dirty work and use it as a distraction make sure your foe is forced to deal with the pet and play by your rules. The second the pally attacks the pet get close and throw a ss and follow up with something heavy. Move back away when it hits and/or if the pally trinkets. Keep kiting like a boss eventually pallys go oom. Finish him off and then spam you /spit @ target macro.

what would be a strategy against this?

There is no strat against this. A hunter that stays at max range (aka a good hunter) should not lose. The only reason a Priest can beat a hunter is b/c of 40 yd Mindblast.

Nuke the pet? How can you do 1000 damage in 2 seconds? Between the baseline HP of the pet, 2 ticks of Mend Pet, and Dismiss Pet to reset the HP completely, you have to have more DPS than possible at 20.
no iam saying the hunter will start at 75 yards away the hunter wont get close at all. We die to easily. Staying at max range and above is best strat against pallys since getting to close would equal an AS or EXO spam. If you stay at range the pally wont get a hit at all. Albeit the fight can take a while which more is than enough for back up from both sides.
Yeah.. if the hunter stays at max range all duel and doesn't let their pet die I'll eventually go oom and die, but I think I'd rather just go all out and pet kick a heal..

I'd rather end a duel quick than kite a paladin all day.
There is no strat against this. A hunter that stays at max range (aka a good hunter) should not lose. The only reason a Priest can beat a hunter is b/c of 40 yd Mindblast.

Nuke the pet? How can you do 1000 damage in 2 seconds? Between the baseline HP of the pet, 2 ticks of Mend Pet, and Dismiss Pet to reset the HP completely, you have to have more DPS than possible at 20.

umm is the second remark going to me or laglol

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