We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

You're just theory crafting and dodging putting your theorys into use. Long story short, you're all bark no bite.

Edit: Prot > ret, in any situation. I'm willing to prove this in game any time.
I like it when people are so confident when it comes to pressing keys and discussing how bits will beat some other bits. I also like it when people with big electronic penises try to shove them up some electronic mouths while the mouth owner does the same (reversed) thing. It's all about a pally prot - pally ret 69.

Being *** on a thread that was started about hunters is definitely a sign that you guys ROCK. Keep it up (in arena or not).
I knew it you would say that. The topic is: is hunter the best dueler? Instead of answering 'no, prot pally is because of X' or 'no, ret pally is because Y > X', you turned it into prot > pally and I simply rock because I keybind well and use cooldowns smart. Topic was over long time ago, you made it personal by bashing on some guy who had a different opinion.

Thread is about the best duelers. Not just hunters.
i am not even remotely convinced that a properly geared/played prot paladin would categorically defeat a properly geared/played ret paladin in a series of duels. just because kale is a huge hypocrite and "AFKs" out of any and all challenges that are not 100% slated to end in him winning does not mean that prot paladins are at a dueling advantage against ret paladins
What this comes down to is that prot without buffs vs ret without buffs prot wins. Conversely, ret with buffs vs prot with buffs ret wins. Since Kale never pvps without his buffs he obviously was thinking about both of you having buffs when he said ret was superior. And it's not that he isn't "man" enough. He CONCEDED that without both of you having buffs, he would lose. I'll tell you something else, Kale is totally right about you turning this into a personal epeen thing.

It's alright man, he knows that he's lost. Let him go nurse his pride by 1 shotting people with 700 hp.

Oh man way to take the higher road and be the bigger man, lol.

If you and Kale did 1v1 BOTH buffed he would win. Search your feelings, you know this too be true.
I thought I already explained that. Arena is not 1v1. I also already stated why ret is superior, because as long as you don't let your health dip below the stun and exo spam point, ret will win. If you don't have the health to keep attacking and have to constantly heal then ret would also run out of mana and I have no direct personal experience of that, so I couldn't really comment. However, since other people have played with and against ret with 1k or slightly above HP then it's incredibly easy to beat them. Ret is only viable 1v1 if it has enough health to avoid dying while stunned. I also explained all of this long before you people tried to make this about skill or me personally.
arena can be set up to be 1v1
What this comes down to is that prot without buffs vs ret without buffs prot wins. Conversely, ret with buffs vs prot with buffs ret wins. Since Kale never pvps without his buffs he obviously was thinking about both of you having buffs when he said ret was superior. And it's not that he isn't "man" enough. He CONCEDED that without both of you having buffs, he would lose. I'll tell you something else, Kale is totally right about you turning this into a personal epeen thing.

Oh man way to take the higher road and be the bigger man, lol.

If you and Kale did 1v1 BOTH buffed he would win. Search your feelings, you know this too be true.

i'm not sure if you're aware of this, but kale keyboard turns and s-keys. he would lose a duel vs a melee class by default simply because his movement is so bad

i've never seen so many false conclusions drawn in such a short space
BTW, does this forum even have mods? Because someone should have stopped this about the time ppl stopped listening to anything Kale said other than "I concede". And then went on to flame flame flame. People get soooo excited when they think they have proved Kale wrong. Like I said, both buffed, ret wins, neither buffed prot wins.

I really can't believe how much Kale gets flamed here. He is one of the biggest contributors here, I have never seen him flame someone. I have also seen Kale answer almost every question on this forum objectively and helpfully. You people should be ashamed.
I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but he does not keyboard turn or s key. And I guess one conclusion is a lot, lolol.

do you just selectively ignore things that you don't like? when it's raining outside, but you're in the mood for a sunny day, do you get dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and run outside and start tanning?

i wouldn't write something about someone else if it wasn't true. obviously his keyboard turning doesn't stop him from being reasonably effective in battlegrounds, as many can attest to i'm sure, but it does present a huge problem if he was to duel another melee class, since melee dueling is primarily about movement

i can also tell you that earl does not keyboard turn or s-key (look at that - another fact!), so he would win the duel rather easily regardless of which spec is objectively "better". all of the above is relevant to this discussion. quit whining
Quit riding his ****, bro. He doesn't need you to be his white knight. Not unless you can get him to sack up and rise to my challenge.

Are you kidding me right now? You are doing the same thing I was talking about, instead of commenting on the content, you make it personal. He knows without the 2 of you being buffed, he will lose... whats the point. Why don't you come duel my hunter in an open field with no LoS? Because there is no point. I do have to say I am impressed with your ability to ignore what is being said and make flaming generalizations tho. gg
do you just selectively ignore things that you don't like? when it's raining outside, but you're in the mood for a sunny day, do you get dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and run outside and start tanning?

i wouldn't write something about someone else if it wasn't true. obviously his keyboard turning doesn't stop him from being reasonably effective in battlegrounds, as many can attest to i'm sure, but it does present a huge problem if he was to duel another melee class, since melee dueling is primarily about movement

i can also tell you that earl does not keyboard turn or s-key (look at that - another fact!), so he would win the duel rather easily regardless of which spec is objectively "better". all of the above is relevant to this discussion. quit whining

Well, I would not say something that is not true either... But I guess I could specify a bit more, I have seen Kale properly mouse turn many times, and I've never seen him Keyboard turn. MAybe he has in the past, but thats not really relevant since he can properly turn.

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