We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

With 100% time on target I do 150 DPS. More than that, I burst harder. Melee, CS and TV within a single GCD means you'll be spending the entire time healing yourself with WoG and FoL. Your DPS and damage generally will be junk. Also, I have 40% physical reduction from armor. Most rets I've seen are terrible. I'd say there are more decent protadins than rets and that it's you that haven't faced a decent one.

I've fought you before, although it wasn't quite 1v1. I lived you died. This was on Earl of some description. Not sure of the exact lettering. You emoted a little but like I said, it wasn't quite 1v1 so not entirely accurate. If I see you again, and we are alone, big ifs there, we can find out.
You won't do 150 DPS on me and you won't burst hard. I've faced better prot paladins than you have, unless you've spent as much time dueling laglol as I have, which I doubt. See, I've done far more arena and dueling at 20 than you have, being on AP. Tell me, Are you going to be able to stay above 900 at all times and still keep pressure on me? Paladin duels are about knowing when to heal, when to stun, and when to go balls deep DPS. But none of that means **** when I catch you low in the 1 minute and 10 seconds between your trinket CDs. The only way a ret of equal gear beats a prot is a TV crit.
I have dueled quite a few 19s that are incredibly geared and chanted and pretty damn good too. With all their chants, they'd be on a very similar, if not higher level than 20s in terms of pure stats. Prot is popular at 19 too. Can you even name one decent ret that you have dueled? BTW, no need to name them directly, it's a genuine question, do you duel or even see many (any) rets you would consider good.
Well, on my hunter, I haven't found any class able to beat me. (lol Vashj) I do have to admit that that all the times someone got remotely close, they over extended and left their LoS. But, I would imagine that even against someone who knows their ****, moth beats all potential classes. ie: pally, disc/shadow

I would LOVE to duel Kale... but i don't guess that will ever happen

And now that I think about it, I don't think a skillcapped pally vs hunter could ever turn out in favor of the pally (exo range vs lol maxrange). Maybe a godmode priest.
I have dueled quite a few 19s that are incredibly geared and chanted and pretty damn good too. With all their chants, they'd be on a very similar, if not higher level than 20s in terms of pure stats. Prot is popular at 19 too. Can you even name one decent ret that you have dueled? BTW, no need to name them directly, it's a genuine question, do you duel or even see many (any) rets you would consider good.

Kale, here's the thing. In a pally duel, it's completely about who can get the other below 900 HP with HoJ up twice.

A prot has 2 distinct advantages here: +15% STA, and -10s HoJ.

The whole thing is trivial - Ret is a far better spec for anything other than this. However, on equal skill level, the prot wins. You don't think you could beat yourself as Ret if you were Prot?
Enh sham out right rape Priest.

I disagree, enh shams should be relatively easy to beat on a priest.. You just have to survive till the 2nd fear.

The only way a ret of equal gear beats a prot is a TV crit.

This is basically true, as long as the protadin doesn't let his HP get too low, he'll eventually win unless the ret gets some RNG crits. I think a BE retadin might a different story though.
Honestly, no. This is a thread about spec/class not skill. Anyone skilled enough will beat the most OP class with a junk player, that's not what I was talking about. Ret can move faster and control the duel if need be by keeping their distance. Ret does far more damage and prot spends most of the duel healing and will run OOM. Ret will not. Prot has stun, exo exo exo and that's literally it. Shield for when the stun wears off so ret can't get off an immediate heal. Ret has far more burst and doesn't need to burn mana by healing or exo spamming. Ret is superior.

There are two reasons why people think prot is better, firstly, everyone uses it, so assumes it's better, and secondly, they never see any decent rets. The only way ret would lose would be if they get over confident and forget to keep their health up. Ret needs to heal far less often than prot. At the end of the fight recount shows that ret does more damage and prot does more healing. Prot doesn't have the mana to outlast ret though. The 10 secs less HoJ CD isn't that big a deal when you consider you don't spam HoJ, you have to choose the best time for it.

Anyway, I stand by my opinion of ret's superiority 1v1 and I doubt that any of the F2P protadins have seen any decent rets to prove them wrong.
Yes, but opinions aside, I don;t expect us to agree here, which is fine by me, do any of you have any experience as prot dueling decent rets? I'm going to assume the answer is no since I rarely see any myself.
Yes, but opinions aside, I don;t expect us to agree here, which is fine by me, do any of you have any experience as prot dueling decent rets? I'm going to assume the answer is no since I rarely see any myself.

You have 1400 HP.

If a good prot gets you below 900 with your trinket down, he wins. That's 2 swings, a CS, and a judgement. Unless you waste your time topping off with Flash every time he does 500 damage to you, you will die in the HoJ. You are going off on weird tangents. A prot only needs enough mana to do HoJ, 4xExo, and AS.
I have 1.8k self buffed any time I enter into any kind of PvP. That's not the isue. It's not about me. It's whether or not ret or prot is better. The real issue is that none of you have any experience of ret to compare it to. Getting down to 900 HP would be half my HP which is what I said in my first post is not something you want to do.

Anyway, none of you have any experience dueling rets because no one goes ret. Discussion over? Pretty sure anything else is simply opinion and we are hardly going to agree.
I doubt that too. Also, skill is entirely subjective and situational and not really relevant to this topic. This topic assumes equal skill and experience with the spec.

At least they're both hit capped, which is more than I can say for most rets I encounter from either faction. They both lack health and the second one lacks hitting power and any profs.. That makes all the difference really.

The extra health, hitting power and crit really do make a big difference. The best ret compared to the best prot and ret wins. My opinion of course. Yours obviously differs.

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