Waw Tawent open for premades!

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Cannabis12 said:
edit: and if it where up to me you wouldent be in usa. your jus lucky titan is a nice guy.

lol you must be under the impression that I WANT to be in USA.

I could just go Orc again and wreck your shit when you rarely Q.
Turdel said:
lol you must be under the impression that I WANT to be in USA.

I could just go Orc again and wreck your shit when you rarely Q.

please go orc do me a favor

idk why you try when everyone in your guild, hell even all 19s know your a joke
Turdel said:
lol you must be under the impression that I WANT to be in USA.

I could just go Orc again and wreck your shit when you rarely Q.

Okao from this I'm getting that you don't want to be I'm your guild but you ate because you couldn't get past WT c team.
wowo u guys are retarted and play straight into pizzas hand obviously talk of tawent fills him up inside and this thread is no exception to that.
it must be strange being waw tawent everywhere u go people are questioning your every action and wondering what u are really up to, gotta respect the "air" of mystery that pizza is shrouded in.
Draduik said:
I'm not good eh? You're only known in the twink community because you stream WT's games, and you're easily the weakest link on the WT team. Oh and i'm sorry that blizzard made my race flip when they jump, i'm sorry thats my fault apparently?

you aren't even known in the twink community kid, but you're right - I and Sin were the two weakest links in Waw Tawent. Good thing both Sin and I are competent so we fit right in and contributed to the guild; I having the fastest clicks at the time and Sin's ability to learn Pizzas defense so quickly. I guess that's why we never lost a premade.

you and your night elf race are so lost a national geographic couldn't help you...
Skanktmonius said:
Druids aren't exactly known for their swift, deadly openers. Sure rogues with ambush are an obvious concern with 10 debuffs, but with the current rules, you can have 2 rogues in a premade as long as you have no druids.

It is much harder for a druid to get a good opener from stealth than it is a rogue. I'm not saying there should be zero concern about it but it seems to me you'd still have bigger balancing problems with priests, paladins, and hunters than you would if you had 2 rogues and 2 druids.

And I'm well aware of the fact that premades generally have not allowed swiftness potions in the past. What I want to know is why it was decided to disallow them? Some classes such as warriors, paladins, and warlocks have no real mobility and swiftness potions would benefit them greatly in certain situations. Why is this not allowed? Is it simply a matter of the high number and cost of the potions? Do they really cause severe balance issues? If so, how?

This is wrong, actually. Ferals would probably be the most op class at 19 if they were large in numbers like hunters/rogues. They're insane, people just haven't realized it yet.

My unenchanted feral hitting fcs for 900+ isn't deadly? O OTAY perm slow, bleed, a root, stealth.
probably because the intention of the thread is not to start flame-wars but to actually get premades going
Mehcritkillu said:
I sometimes wonder how on earth the mods let these threads stay unlocked, it always develop into a pathetic flame-war.

Poor little twink, you still haven't learned how the 19 community operates and flourishes? Have I taught you kids NOTHING? I have failed you...
Skanktmonius said:
Druids aren't exactly known for their swift, deadly openers. Sure rogues with ambush are an obvious concern with 10 debuffs, but with the current rules, you can have 2 rogues in a premade as long as you have no druids.

It is much harder for a druid to get a good opener from stealth than it is a rogue. I'm not saying there should be zero concern about it but it seems to me you'd still have bigger balancing problems with priests, paladins, and hunters than you would if you had 2 rogues and 2 druids.

If feral, build 5 CPs on their EFC during the initial mid clash then run away, open with a 5 CP FB when they have full debuff.

If balance, proc eclipse in the initial mid clash and open with starsurge on the EFC when debuffed. It's harder to pull off with feral, but also does a lot more damage.

And I'm well aware of the fact that premades generally have not allowed swiftness potions in the past. What I want to know is why it was decided to disallow them? Some classes such as warriors, paladins, and warlocks have no real mobility and swiftness potions would benefit them greatly in certain situations. Why is this not allowed? Is it simply a matter of the high number and cost of the potions? Do they really cause severe balance issues? If so, how?

Team play should make up for mobility disadvantages, not blowing a consumable. Speed pots trivialize situational awareness and thus benefit poor players more than good players. Additionally, certain specs sacrifice mobility for damage and speed pots allow them to have the best of both worlds. Allowing speed pots dictates class comp as much as disallowing them, instead of considering which classes function best without them teams would choose classes that function best with them. Obviously whether or not speed pots are allowed is not the only criteria for class comp, but allowing them dictates class comp as much as disallowing them does, so that point is invalid.
(Hass) said:
you aren't even known in the twink community kid, but you're right - I and Sin were the two weakest links in Waw Tawent. Good thing both Sin and I are competent so we fit right in and contributed to the guild; I having the fastest clicks at the time and Sin's ability to learn Pizzas defense so quickly. I guess that's why we never lost a premade.

you and your night elf race are so lost a national geographic couldn't help you...

I'm done argueing with you, you're too stubborn to listen to anyone, also what is with your obsession with the word kid, i'm clearly not one, peace.
Draduik said:
I'm done argueing with you, you're too stubborn to listen to anyone, also what is with your obsession with the word kid, i'm clearly not one, peace.

y u mad bro
(Hass) said:
you aren't even known in the twink community kid, but you're right - I and Sin were the two weakest links in Waw Tawent. Good thing both Sin and I are competent so we fit right in and contributed to the guild; I having the fastest clicks at the time and Sin's ability to learn Pizzas defense so quickly. I guess that's why we never lost a premade.

you and your night elf race are so lost a national geographic couldn't help you...

1. You scroll, it's a fact, you should remove the videos on your livestream, they prove it.

2. AFK to dynasty

CY@ Hass.
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