Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

As if they even give a rat's ass about the balance of this braket. Their only concert: making the life for paying customers as easy as possible.

I think you are right but that is to see, im not really sure...
I've searched the official WoD patch notes and never found anything about merging brackets. Also, I'v asked/searched different forums and none could give me an answer that indicates they will merge.
My opinion :Not going to happen , they said they care , so ... having mutch abilities 20-29 will make the bracket go boom and very difficult to balance.
First stage - denial.
As if they even give a rat's ass about the balance of this braket. Their only concert: making the life for paying customers as easy as possible.

its ok you can still own paying customers as a f2p

just roll some hunters, throw in a few druids and you can defeat most p2p pugs!

dont forget

The bracket merges to 20-29 etc. was a statement made on twitter, that never made it to the patchnotes. It does neither mean that it is not current anymore nor that it is a reliable source. We just dont know yet and even if you guys manage to enter a bg on the beta they might change it.
Even for P2P, 20-29 could be seriously unbalanced due to new abilities and glyphs (even for match-ups of the same class). So I doubt Blizzard gives low level PVP that much thought.
Bracket IS NOT going to be 20-29. Friiend confirmed.
Precious Ribbon is going to be Account Wide in the toy box as well as (all of your tabards) -- this is what i have been told but i will ask again for more info. Its Not a final info.
Also , MAYBE , trials might be able to invite each other since skrmishes are coming... who knows ?!

can your friend present some kind of evidence? the burden of proof lies on him since that statement contrasts what blizz have said on twitter

was he also the person who told you that trials might be able to invite eachother? geez
can your friend present some kind of evidence? the burden of proof lies on him since that statement contrasts what blizz have said on twitter

was he also the person who told you that trials might be able to invite eachother? geez

Nope , i thought that myself, and its to see if bracket is going 20-29, we will all be here. I say no because NO!

God damn they make some insane cinematics. This is fcking epic. Also Orc warlock is new BiS combo, so sick. Must. finish. Gorehowl. now.... http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/real-life-blacksmith-forges-frostmourne-59855/index3.html

So basically what I got from the cinematic was. One Orc has some glitter juice . He's offers it to a buddy but he is like nah brah I'm ight. Then basically the coolaid guy jumps in and is like "rawer why u no take glitter juice" . And then one Orc has like this bouncy ball thingy and it gets stuck so he get it unstuck and gives it to the fat coolaid guy but it's too late cause now the coolaid guy is going crazy. Then randomly another Orc jumps outa nowhere and is like leeeeeerrrrroooooooyyyyy ogar !!!! And the the coolaid guy is dea. Can anyone explain pls ???

Also im im much more interested in the damage tuning patch that's coming this week. ( supose to balance all single target dps or something)
So basically what I got from the cinematic was. One Orc has some glitter juice . He's offers it to a buddy but he is like nah brah I'm ight. Then basically the coolaid guy jumps in and is like "rawer why u no take glitter juice" . And then one Orc has like this bouncy ball thingy and it gets stuck so he get it unstuck and gives it to the fat coolaid guy but it's too late cause now the coolaid guy is going crazy. Then randomly another Orc jumps outa nowhere and is like leeeeeerrrrroooooooyyyyy ogar !!!! And the the coolaid guy is dea. Can anyone explain pls ???

Also im im much more interested in the damage tuning patch that's coming this week. ( supose to balance all single target dps or something)

I think you explained it pretty good.

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Just think, at this time last expansion, we were all bitching and laughing about Pandas... Pandas ???
Blizzard may have learned their lesson on that one. Lol


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