Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

Molten Core will be available to max level players only. Read 'max level', let's speculate it wants to hide the fact that we will be level 100 by that time.
They will reveal the release date on Thursday, August 14 at 18:30 CEST - Source

Maybe you can get the achievement and mount via P2P help, just like you would now with ICC and TotC.

Regarding the new battleground I couldn't find any information about level restrictions. Lets hope it will be available for every bracket, including free to play.
well i wouldnt put it past bliz to give us a completly useless talent but how awesome would it be for destro to have ember tap and embers lulz.

seen somewhere that all ember spells learns at the same time. caos lol bolt would be nice agains inc 29 madnezz.. shokadins 2.0
seen somewhere that all ember spells learns at the same time. caos lol bolt would be nice agains inc 29 madnezz.. shokadins 2.0

imolate incinerate chaos bolt conflag conflag. :p

also if thats true then maybey i could dream that afflic gets all its soulburn stuff :O

Maybe , ember taps will be lv 15 , HOPE SO. Im opening a ticket to ask too.... Bcuz destro should go for burst at low LV's rarely use drain life, as for affliction locks or demo locks Harvest Life is the best choice in my pinion , so it makes no sense having taht as a destruction talent at this lv....
Maybe , ember taps will be lv 15 , HOPE SO. Im opening a ticket to ask too.... Bcuz destro should go for burst at low LV's rarely use drain life, as for affliction locks or demo locks Harvest Life is the best choice in my pinion , so it makes no sense having taht as a destruction talent at this lv....

GMs have about as much information as we do about upcoming expansions. They aren't a part of any design team.

Oldspike had one tell him that it was theorized that Trials were being bumped to level 30 in WoD, but that's all they really have. Theories.
So harvest life was removed as a levl 15 talent for destro locks and they gained "Searing Flames"

Searing Flames - reduces Ember Tap's Burning Ember cost by 50%, and increases its healing by 50%.

Does this guarantee destro locks getting Ember Tap?
Just my speculation. If they dont, then it be totaly useless talent for its level. then again hunters get 60sec of deterrence at 15.

Deterrence for hunters ? Nice , and ... heh , as far as i saw, our health in BGs will be like 3.5k or 4k. And explosive shot hits for 100 100 100 , maybe 150 150 150 crit. and Aimed Shot (?) , Kill Comand for 350 -500 crit or less.
So no more fun for dem huntardz... :3

Very true. There can be talents that aren't fully relevant at level 15, as you've shown with CT,HC.

But at least one aspect of the talent is relevant, at least a little bit. I mean obviously it's a horrid talent, but that aside - it does effect disengage.

One would hope that they would not allow a talent at level 15 that literally has no purpose at that level. I'm hoping that this is just a glimpse into the future re-work of warlocks and the re-distribution of spells at the lower levels.

Another example of this is the Malfurrion's Gift passive for level 10 RDruids, which lowers the CD of Barkskin and Tranquility. It seems more likely to me that Barkskin would be made accessible rather than Tranquility, but either of those would be huge boons to low level skill play.
Deterrence for hunters ? Nice , and ... heh , as far as i saw, our health in BGs will be like 3.5k or 4k. And explosive shot hits for 100 100 100 , maybe 150 150 150 crit. and Aimed Shot (?) , Kill Comand for 350 -500 crit or less.
So no more fun for dem huntardz... :3

F2P numbers are def balanced, but expect p2ps to be more op than they currently are on live. I won't even dare post the numbers I've calculated rofl. It's gunna be a patch day surprise unless someone else cares to do it.
F2P numbers are def balanced, but expect p2ps to be more op than they currently are on live. I won't even dare post the numbers I've calculated rofl. It's gunna be a patch day surprise unless someone else cares to do it.

Can i be the only 1 to know em pliiiiis :p ???
F2P numbers are def balanced, but expect p2ps to be more op than they currently are on live. I won't even dare post the numbers I've calculated rofl. It's gunna be a patch day surprise unless someone else cares to do it.

I've seen some calculations for them. Not looking good.

I think a lot of us are mentally banking on skirmishes at this point, haha.
Mmmm atm I think boomy Druids will be very strong . Feral isn't that good cause they removed the pounce stun . But the sp coefficients on a boomys moonfire is like 400% before u even factor in the increase from chicken form and from eclipse (even though it dynamically updates ) boomies will top all damage charts I'm guessing ( I'll run the numbers today after I finish another project so u can all see the pretty numbers .

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