Stance of the Fierce Tiger[FONT=Open Sans, Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]: [/FONT]Increases your movement speed by 10% and [FONT=Open Sans, Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]Increases the amount of Chi generated by your Jab and Expel Harm abilities by 1. [/FONT]Increases the energy cost of Jab by 10.[FONT=Open Sans, Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif] Reduces the global cooldown of all of your spells and abilities by 0.5 sec. Grants yourself and all allies within 10 yards 10% increased movement speed.[/FONT]
[FONT=Open Sans, Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]^ fun fun if they are available for f2p they may be essential to [/FONT][FONT=Open Sans, Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]
sturdy ox
Reduces damage taken by 25%, increases Energy regeneration by 10%, reduces the
, chance to be critically hit by 6%, reduces theand
chance to be parried by 3%, increases your3%.Increases
Stamina by 20%, and allows you to Stagger damage.ReducesEnergy regeneration by 10%, and reduces the Energy cost of Jab by 10.Fortifying Brew also increases your Stagger amount by 20% while active.Tiger Palm no longer costs Chi.After you Blackout Kick, you gain Shuffle, increasing your parry chance by 20% and your Stagger amount by an additional 20% for 6 sec.Also reduces
the global cooldown of all of your spells and abilities by 0.5 sec.StaggerYousec, and allows you to Stagger damage.While at or below 35% health, your Expel Harm has no cooldown.StaggerYou
shrug off physical attacks, causing 80% of the damage to happen instantly and the remaining 20% to be divided over 10 sec.
Stance of the Spirited Crane: Your attack power is equal to 100% of your spell power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of attack power. Also replaces your Energy resource with Mana.In addition, you also gain Eminence, causing you to heal the lowest health nearby target within 20 yards for 35% of the damage you Chi that you consume grants you a stack of Vital Mists, reducing the cast time and mana cost of your next Surging Mist by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec.Eminence healing from Blackout Kick heals up to 0 targets for 100% of the damage done.Blackout Kick grants you Crane's Zeal, increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec.Crackling Jade Lightning channels 0% faster and generates 1 Chi each time it deals damage.Haste effects lower the global cooldown of your spells and abilities.
Moonkin Form: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing Arcane and Nature damage you deal by 10% and increasing your armor by 100%.Grants 5%118% haste to all party and raid members within 100 yards.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Mortal Strike: A vicious strike that generates 10 Rage, deals 180%deals 400% weapon damage and causes Mortal Wounds on the target. Mortal WoundsGrievously wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received for 10 sec.
Stance of the Wise Serpent: Increases healing done by 20% and replaces your Energy resource with Mana.While in Stance of the Wise Serpent, Crackling Jade Lightning costs no mana and grants 1 stack of Mana Tea if channeled for its entire duration.mana.Your Spinning Crane Kick heals nearby injured allies for 0 every 0.8 sec for 2.25 sec.Haste effects lower the global cooldown of your spells and abilities.
im liking the hints they are making towards monks and the change to monk in form is really nice
hopefully we get them monks
for some reason formatting was all screwed up . but yeah arms warrior hitting for 400% weapon damage is stupid,
moonkin form gives 118% haste lullssssssss, also the monk aoe benefits are interesting.