so what class will be an seife bet in warlords of draenor?
@kc414fm sad #coffeebird to inform you that heirlooms tab is something we'd like to do but it will likely not make it in for 6.0.1.
From a recent tweet .
my man...I thought you played in cata? And rets have ALWAYS been about putting out fucktons of damage. That's why they suck @ 20 and 90 right now.
I did, they were at best a 2nd/3rd tier spec.
Anyone who thinks F2P Ret wasn't just below Hunters and Rogues in Cata probably didn't play Cata
Almost all work long I was thinking about how awesome a double belf ret pally team will be in wod . (Looking at you [MENTION=8592]Brov[/MENTION] or [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] )Ret isn't bad in arenas now. It's pretty consistent - actually has more pressure than Protection.
I'd like to see a good Ret/DPS 2's comp stream some games.
My 1.2k TVs said otherwise.
Yes yes yes! Playing prot pally in cata was great with different sets for better healing. Made for much more flexibility. At the start of the game, if you were short on healers, you could throw on more int gear, buff with int, and put up pretty nice heals. Blizz's bottlenecking of what abilities, gear, and talents we should use is good for some reasons, but I really miss flexibility in specs, talent trees, and gear. Especially for hybrid classes. It's kind of a bummer for me with WoD that we have even less options in regards to certain specs losing class abilities. Shammy water shield and earth shock for example. Spec playstyles start to be extremely predictable and cookie cutter.i miss the mana mechanics of CATA where if u wanted a decent mana pool u had to stack int.
Dude bro model update
Cant decide if its worse or better. I think the human males might just be a lost cause at this point.
Edit: LOL look at the chest hair and those pepperoni nipples, is blizzard serious with this?
Dude bro model update
Cant decide if its worse or better. I think the human males might just be a lost cause at this point.
Edit: LOL look at the chest hair and those pepperoni nipples, is blizzard serious with this?