Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

Will all gear 1-90 be modified to use the new 'primary' stats as well? Are secondary stats static or random on new gear?

Except for hit and expertise, most of the gear changes will likely only affect new gear. We'll have to see though.


Updated the main post to reflect this new information.

Also, after going over some of the more recent comments - this thread is supposed to be about the changes WoD brings for F2P players, not the whole F2Ps vs. 24s argument, etc. Please try and keep posts reasonably on topic in the future!
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Ok, one, I didn't ask for your second opinion, I got it the first time and I'm moving on right over it. Two, your logic is kinda weak, your stand is that since people do it anyway you shouldn't worry bout it??? That's like sayin: 'Aw people always gonna steal stuff, what's the point of complaining bout it?' I don't buy that. Anyway I know I can't change it but I want em to know what they are. I want them to realize we don't respect them. And I ain't gonna spend $15 a month for a game. That's a big waste of paper, I got REAL stuff to spend my dough on.

Then don't complain. They pay the "waste of paper" and get to "waste" you.

I respect p2ps. Trafikr is a objective player and i give kudos to him for that.

And this is a forum. I have te right to voice my opinion, and you liking or not, i really, REALLY, don't give a damn about.

Now, back to WoD: Maybe when the xpac hits, we get MoP added to the battlechest and get monks? That would be nice.
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I want trolls to have beards and earrings like Vol'jin.. And nice tauren hairstyles... Maybe a few beautiful female troll faces...
Yeah he's right, I've never actually been in a f2p community like this, always been a lone wolf, so I'm kind of voicing penned up frustration to kindred spirits. Besides Ima never give up giving the 24s what they deserve. I'd love to somehow hack a BG and bring a level 58 DK into a BG and grave camp the hell outta the helpless 24s to show em what it's like. They deserve no better.

Does someone knows what the warlock changes will be?
There probably wont be any major skill tree overhauls like there was going from wrath to cata, and cata to mop. Just from watching some of the blizzcon panels it sounds like the devs are happy with the current iteration. Skills tweaks here and there are possible though. Expect alot more info to come in when closed beta starts.
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Just found this blue post:

"There aren’t plans for any broad, sweeping changes to racial abilities in 6.0. We’ll probably tune some numbers so some racials feel less mandatory in certain cases. Also, due to the changes we announced at BlizzCon, there are several hit and expertise-based racials that will need to be replaced with something new—hopefully we can use those new racials to help shore up racial balance overall :)"

So best case scenario blizz puts in the effort to give new interesting racials instead of merely tweaking the old ones to give a bonus to a different stat, say crit for instance. From the blue post above it hints that they will take the time, Ive also heard it stated that they want to bring older racials in line with worgens/goblins and now pandaren.

So Draenei hit bonus, Dwarf, Gnome and Human weapon expertise, and Orc and Troll weapon racials may be replaced with new stuff.
I wonder how the item squish will affect us:

The nerfed hp down to 6.18% of the current amount.
My hpala has 2051hp:

2051hp * 0.0618 = 126.8hp

Item squish as explained by Mathew Rossi in the Queue on WoW Insider. This was in response to a question how the squish would affect a level 60 tank.


How will the item squish affect lower levels? If we are being squished to around 30k for Mists, then what can we expect at level 60, considering the end game, raid geared tanks had about 7k. We are talking a rough 10:1 ratio for conversions, much less actually, considering I see most ToT geared players at 450-500k. Does this mean around 700 hp for level 60 tanks? Even scarier, what does this mean for level 1 players? 10 hp? Just speculation.


As it was explained at BlizzCon, they're basically going back to the start of the level 60 raid tier and squishing those items closer together, then squishing each expansion to match, with most of the squish taking place in the currently inflated raid tiers. So, as an example, the Wrath of the Lich King raids with their heroic modes will see a lot of compression, with gear no longer expanding in stats so greatly from, say, Naxx to ICC. This will have been done at every raid level, so every expansion that follows will see stats downsized to match - so a level 61 doing quests in Hellfire Peninsula will get quest gear that's similarly downsized to the vanilla raid tiers. So level 60 tanks will see the least effect from the squish, ultimately. Level 1 players won't be affected at all.
Not sure if this is the official model... but for the few of us that roll the 100% stylish female troll, look at this and tell me what you think:



Me loved!
And here also comes the female forsaken that will make your necrophilia thoughts happen way more frequently



Blue answers question about whether the gear changes will be for lower levels as well as WoD gear...

Q: Will these changes to stats only affect items in Warlords of Draenor, or will older items from, say, Burning Crusade also change?

A: At this time, changes to gear are planned for drops in Warlords of Draenor. We are, however, considering modifying Siege of Orgrimmar gear to help players make the levelup process as smooth as possible, but aside from the removal of Hit and Expertise from all gear these changes will not be retroactive.

Straight up, other stat changes for F2P level gear beyond hit/expertise was always pie in they sky, never made sense, and has been flat out shot down by Blizzard so can we put the idea to rest now guys.

Im much more interested in the possibility of new racials.
Straight up, other stat changes for F2P level gear beyond hit/expertise was always pie in they sky, never made sense, and has been flat out shot down by Blizzard so can we put the idea to rest now guys.

Im much more interested in the possibility of new racials.
Changes to hit and expertise in racials, possibly.

As for changes to hit/expertise beyond end-game content (and more importantly, if there's any changes to miss/dodge/parry mechanics itself), that remains unclear, or unlikely.
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Players are now able to mail account-bound items to other characters that reside on a different realm on the same account. To send cross-realm mail: enter the character's name, followed by a hyphen "-", followed by the realm name. Note that cross-realm mail can only send account-bound items

So maybe loom tab with guild looms for trials is overhyped after all.
I'm sure it will be. It's not like it's some super exclusive feature like mail. I'll have it's own tab just like mounts and such are account-wide.

The BoA ui is also a major expansion feature, like battle pets (which you cannot do as on a starter account). You most likely will not have access to the BoA UI as a F2P (since starter accounts are designed specifically for new players, and new players don't have tons of BoAs). As nice as it sounds to be able to have unlimited account access to BoAs, Starter accounts are meant to limit your access until you pay for the whole game. Allowing you access to the BoA UI does not sound like something they will let you do.

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