Vent Your Frustrations II

Make your computer your bae and she'll be generous to go even slower......min days to Download = 3-9 days depending on how goos she is...

Get onto it fast so i can pwn you in muh monk at 90

yeah , its already been 3 days and my pc still needs 9gb to download. Nah. My ret is gonn WRECK ANY1. lol
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Arrived school late (I start my classes at 8 am)... until then, it wasn't that bad...
but when I got off school (at about 8 pm), all avenues and streets nearby were closed, all of them. I have no idea why, Mexico City is a crazy place.
I had to walk with some friends for about 1 and a half hours (we weren't going slow, we were walking fast)
till we found "civilization". There were lots of cars in a traffic jam, so we couldn't take a taxi or a public bus to get out of there (my school is really far -about 2 hrs away from my home-).
So we walked and walked and walked, it rained lots (and we had no umbrella). We finally found a bus (after a lot of time walking in the dark - in a very dangerous city e_e)...
Long story, short... I arrived home after aprox. 3 and a half hours. Hungry, tired and wet.
To do homework... 'cause I have a lot ;___;

PS. I have classes tomorrow at 8 am, life is not fair.
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Arrived school late (I start my classes at 8 am)... until then, it wasn't that bad...
but when I got off school (at about 8 pm), all avenues and streets nearby were closed, all of them. I have no idea why, Mexico City is a crazy place.
I had to walk with some friends for about 1 and a half hours (we weren't going slow, we were walking fast)
till we found "civilization". There were lots of cars in a traffic jam, so we couldn't take a taxi or a public bus to get out of there (my school is really far -about 2 hrs away from my home-).
So we walked and walked and walked, it rained lots (and we had no umbrella). We finally found a bus (after a lot of time walking in the dark - in a very dangerous city e_e)...
Long story, short... I arrived home after aprox. 3 and a half hours. Hungry, tired and wet.
To do homework... 'cause I have a lot ;___;

PS. I have classes tomorrow at 8 am, life is not fair.
I am missing 2 essays and a crap load of classwork/Homework for my APUSH, AP English literature, and AP spanish classes, i have Ds and Fs as of now, trying to bring em up like trying to stop a forest fire with 100 gallons of water......all while the fire keeps spreading, i wake up and get to school almost when da bell rings....and going to sleep at 12-2am on a daily does suck... :( but at least im enjoying my animation class

Less than three
me three, I'm doing animation aswell :3
but it's hard to keep up with 10 classes at college >___<
at least they're fun (multimedia, digital animation, traditional animation, audiovisual production)...
ofc that requires almost all my time D:.. but in the end, I think it's worth it...
I was just frustrated for the insane times from school to home and back to school (average of 4 hrs daily). But compared to others, I'm lucky to have as much as I do and be studying and all. ñ_ñ
You are currently studying my dream, i want to know and do animation, alot of dedication for it to be worth it :D,

Btw do you use for your animation classes?
much macro
many broken
so blizzard
The 12-character restriction/absence of capitals other than first letter on toon names.

I occasionally think about rolling orcs, and since the new models came out (even though I currently have to disable them to get a framerate I'm comfortable with), I've been much more tempted to do so. I can't even begin to convey how sad I am that I can't have an orc named "ThrallsDayOff."
Well time to bump this one.

After a fantastic 6.0 patch I had hopes for this game. 29s didn't matter, you could actually play a caster. Things were balanced and everything looked great.

But then Blizzard just took a massive shit on everything. Frost is just trash now, I think I can melee harder. FoF 1 hits healers, just straight up one hits. Roll, roll roll, wait for FoF CD. Hit 1 button and kill someone. Feral is just stupid, but we already knew that.

I guess I should have know it would only be a matter of time until the P2Ps found the broken class and gravitated like the swarm of mediocrity that they are. I don't understand how back peddling and waiting for your 1 hit button to come off CD is fun. It's really sad that this is what you think PvP should be and that you'll never know anything better. But at this point it doesn't really matter.

The broken Qs, the insane loading screens, it's all just icing on the cake. Let me explain something; I'm not an expert developer by any means but I dabble in the stuff. And I'd be damn embarrassed if I put out garbage like this. Just a blatant, lack of concern for any other level then max, for 10 years. That's just absurd.

Hit is still broken, still. Resistance still does something. I don't understand how you can implement something like BG scaling and then NOT JOIN A BG AND TEST TO SEE IF IT WORKS?! Like what is this shoot from the hip coding, like "Eh f it, it's probably fine. It's not like we are a huge company making millions of dollars with 1,000s of developers" And there's no addressing the issues, no "Hey guys we didn't even test our bad, let me get your insane miss chance fixed for ya there" You know, for the 99 levels of people that might want to BG. Or all that "stat squish" and "PvP tank balancing" and no one noticed a 2k keg smash...

Well anyways gl out there agility wearers, fight to the death. I can't burn hours and hours every night for 2 bad BGs, it's just not worth it anymore :(
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Wait for the expansion to hit. Prepatches were always broken.

I tell you, atm at 90 a rogue is oneman army :))
It is so broken that it isnt fun anymore to play. So no, not only low lvl pvp is broken.
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Wait for the expansion to hit. Prepatches were always broken.
not only low lvl pvp is broken.

oh yes..i remember pre wotlk, when ret`s desrtoy everything whitout stun or 6 weeks later the first lvl 80 dk's was sooo balanced!
3000 dk's grip u non stop from bashin stabels to bagdad and u could do a shit^^
in low lvl i remeber the skillcaped 19s huntards whit full herb skill hot...or pre cata the ambush skillo0Rz...shadow step..ambush = win.

but atm in low lvl i like the balance...just need better que times and scaling in arena.
Just a blatant, lack of concern for any other level then max, for 10 years. That's just absurd.

Class balance is broken at max as well. At 90 ferals crush in their sleep, mages/rogues 1 shotting. At 100 it's only slightly less shitty. All that beta/ptr testing and they actually put this through to live. Ofc it's kinda hard to discern honest feedback when people won't admit how OP their classes are, or when other players will complain how OP something is that isnt etc. That said, I don't think blizzard gives a shit about feedback anyway, because its not just class balance that's broken. There are a ton of other issues outside of pvp that are ridiculous. More so when alot of it was reported, Months and months ago. That said, the beginning of each expac is mostly the same. Really broken, then somewhat better, to almost perfect, then right back to broken by the end of the expacs lifes cycle.
the beginning of each expac is mostly the same. Really broken, then somewhat better, to almost perfect, then right back to broken by the end of the expacs lifes cycle.

rerole = play time
play time = money
verry easy :)

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