I joined a wsg late and saw the alliance was up one. Being a demo lock you really have a few options, support, fear bot and burst. Seen two 24 healers and shook my head and pushed to the GY from the base. I seen a few people were being contained/camped. Instantly feared hunters back and fourth until DR ran out and we broke free! Suddenly, lol monk caps flag and someone rages, a priest joins, 24 shadow priest, hp barley over 1500 hp and started his attack. Team gets pushed to GY again, both e-heals 24s are pushing us in. Fear bombing healers, paladin/hunter target me. Disarm hunter and kite paladin (no hoj up), pushed my defensive CDs that announces literally "I'm peeling for healers and fearing e-heals/dps. Heal if you can!" No! The 24 shittow priest heals someone else and I die. When the healers and he die he starts bitching about bad team and shit. I facedesked my desk and watched as he called out people for being bad, people got mad and started bitching at him. All I had to say was...
"A 24 shittow priest with 1500~ hp, complaining about bad players. I am peeling, CCing and doing as much damage as I can but I'm focused without heals because I fear bot people. Go back to 90s if you can't stand PuGIng in this one".
Not saying all 24s are retarded but my lord....