Vent Your Frustrations II

Those days where I just cant fc. Getting swarmed by enemy callouts, no voice communication, trying to type while running flag, getting cocky and not being about to out run hunters.
Days like these I just throw in the towel.
a frustration-thread? amazing idea °-°
(also love the original post i happened to actually read! positive quotes and stuff - love goodreads btw <3)

so what to rant about... hmm.. i know something!

im really frustrated for looking like a ZOMBIE last few days.
why does ppl think its okay to sneeze me right in the face (might exaggrate a bit^^) and give me infections?

this cold cant be my fault for im doing the "zwiebel-taktik" (layers of clothes) to its LIMITS! /bitchy-its-never-my-fault-attitude-off


im just feeling really low/sick x,x

and bored.
two things... ppl that calls me noob cause i am wearing embrace of fang to my f2p druid...i am happy when wsg and ab ends and i am first at healing... but the biggest pro when allies trying to assault farm and horde possessed all the other bases.
When Tampa Bay sucks so bad that your fantasy opponent's team gets better points than they would have had in a regular game because there's a whole half of garbage time because Atlanta is up 55-0 in the first what.. half?

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Also, why does everyone on my team like beating their family members?!

In game related: Objective play apparently is just dead.
At least you don't have loud mouth sherman screaming a bunch of nonsense.

Wait so what's the deal here? Do Seattle residents not like him? All the people on online forums that are Seattle fans (so maybe bandwagon fans from Texas or some shit (Lord knows the Cowboys need help #thanksRomo )) are ALL about Sherman's shit talking.
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hmm, more wow Ddos problems for battlenet? Getting another wait que to just log in. This is nice. (to be clear, my toon had intense latency and wouldn't dismount before I saw this)
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ye :( the server's are was sooo funny on ally side tnight, every bg 5 -6 hunters whit strong gear
When Alliance are too busy screwing around in middle to realize that Horde has capped twice, that really grinds my gears.
10 ally f2p ( 5 hunter, 2 feral, 1 rogue, 1 lock, 1 restro ) vs 10 france /spit champions ( 2 priest heal, 1 restro, 2 24 rogues 2 20 rogues, 2 24 hunters, 1 gurdian ) play a draw and farm kills

the other games all 3-0, just 1 lost cause not 1 heal on ally side ( vs 3 24s )
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