Vent Your Frustrations II

oh yes..i remember pre wotlk, when ret`s desrtoy everything whitout stun or 6 weeks later the first lvl 80 dk's was sooo balanced!
3000 dk's grip u non stop from bashin stabels to bagdad and u could do a shit^^
in low lvl i remeber the skillcaped 19s huntards whit full herb skill hot...or pre cata the ambush skillo0Rz...shadow step..ambush = win.

but atm in low lvl i like the balance...just need better que times and scaling in arena.

Rets were Gods 3.0 and the shadowstep ambush horror was the most broken thing ever. Level 10 rogue with white daggers taking out a level 19 anything in full boa gear.
Glad I found this thread cause....I have frustrations to vent. So, been out of the WoW seen for a pretty long time now, close to 2 years probably. Bored tonight and decide, why not hop on my Dartols Rod wielding paladin and see what's up? Instant confusion and anger... Arenas are 20-29, BG's are 20-29 (normalized or w/e but still all jacked up) healers out of control. I go ret, dmg seems poopy, I go prot, dmg even worse, I go holy, heals are smaller than ret. WTF has been happening to WoW the last couple years?

OH OH OH! Last thing. I go to gurubashi 15 minutes before midnight...and there's already 2-3 different groups of 90's there. So that's all fucked now. I'm guessing they're just there for the achievement -_-??
All thes druids, druids everywhere!!!!!!!

I prefer hunters over rakestun rakestun rakestun rakestun

and it even continues to be 5 sec after 5 sec

im going mad overherr!!
2 derp paladins with already 1 agm kill my rogue for chest. They aren't human either.

Lost RoP twice on the same char...rng roll is a bitch :mad:

It should be like the endgame rolling system, where only class/spec specific toons can roll need.

And also...

NaruHina is Canon!!!

Also the last movie coming out is canon to the manga also. And there will be a part 3, but it's a mini series most likely about their children.

Yea but there are people who would argue that anything that isn't written in manga isn't legit. I somewhat feel that way as well. Like seriously feel bad for all of the Naruto followers who prefer manga or collect the issues. They're going to have that one dvd and be like "uh yea.. that's canon"

one of the biggest moments of the series and its not in written form.
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More than having a bad day, I'm having a bad week, a bad year...
I know not many people will care about this, if any.. but I just had to get it out >_<
I'm tired of the situation in my country at the moment, I'm tired of living in fear,
of being unable to trust the policement, I'm tired of corpses being found all around the country,
I'm tired of all the people missing, tired of my dumb "president", of people being repressed...
I'm like.. lost in all the stuff going on atm.
and on top of that (?) ... the end of semester.
It's like living in two different worlds... pretty much done with this.
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More than having a bad day, I'm having a bad week, a bad year...
I know not many people will care about this, if any.. but I just had to get it out >_<
I'm tired of the situation in my country at the moment, I'm tired of living in fear,
of being unable to trust the policement, I'm tired of corpses being found all around the country,
I'm tired of all the people missing, tired of my dumb "president", of people being repressed...
I'm like.. lost in all the stuff going on atm.
and on top of that (?) ... the end of semester.
It's like living in two different worlds... pretty much done with this.
Where are you from?
Where are you from?

Didn't wanna spread the word, mainly due to the large amount of racist people that exist and take their own conclusions
to give bad reputation to my people.. what is screwed is our government not the peoplle...

but anyways, thought you already knew. I'm mexican, living in Mx City.
Didn't wanna spread the word, mainly due to the large amount of racist people that exist and take their own conclusions
to give bad reputation to my people.. what is screwed is our government not the peoplle...

but anyways, thought you already knew. I'm mexican, living in Mx City.
Nah don't worry about rasism, they only critisize mexican and braxilians based on skill. Im mex/american :) and yea i hear that its getting crazy with the gov in Mexico. All i can say its good luck and stay safe :)
my stupid laptop keeps overheating... HP can kiss my ass. i'd say their customer service sucks, but there isn't any.
Lvl 90-100s lurkin at Guru still.

WoD just came out, with hundreds of new achievements (many are easy as hell to get), including new BG's/Arena, a ton of more content, and Gear to grind (plus nearly everything else that's new), and yet, the endgame player remains bored, ungrateful, and crawling back to the arena. Half of these nukkas don't even know there's a chest that spawns there. So they happen to just be "flying by"?

Go to Pandaland, go to Draenor, do some Arena's and begone. Those of you who are nearly done with your agm achievement, get it over with. I've honestly meet like 10 people who don't even know achievements are account-wide yet.

Sounds stupid as hell but, in this scenario, casual players are actually fuckin' up the hardcore player's experience. (qq)

tl;dr/old news/etc. But gets under my skin every time.

If you disagree, Vent Your Frustrations
my stupid laptop keeps overheating... HP can kiss my ass. i'd say their customer service sucks, but there isn't any.

My old HP would over heat as well, so I just took the panels off, propped it up using a little box for checks so it wasn't holding heat between my desk, and then I had no more issues. Also dust it out if ya can.
my stupid laptop keeps overheating.

Also dust it out if ya can.

Yes, there should be instructions on the web where you can take off the keyboard and get some compressed air onto the fan/heat sinks/etc. If it's picked up a lot of dust, the cooling will be very inefficient.

Patch 6.0 made my laptop obsolete :(
My old HP would over heat as well, so I just took the panels off, propped it up using a little box for checks so it wasn't holding heat between my desk, and then I had no more issues. Also dust it out if ya can.

Hm, I'll give it a go. Thanks.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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