Vent Your Frustrations II

yea as an alliance character you have to go trough eastern plaguelands just open a flight path to Northpass Tower and then its easymode 5 minutes of walking.

And I forgot this guy when u took a flight path to wetlands to buy them healing potions once you are done take a flight path to an adjacent zone for more potions scrolls Deneb Walker - NPC - World of Warcraft and all the NPCs are conveniently alliance friendly
ahhh but the horde has the 60 int buff .........
My wifi disconects me every 3 secs when I am playing with friends on Misha x____x
I can't play more than 1 nice bg 'cause it starts disconnecting me over and over and over
and if im not dcing, I am lagging too much :(((

why wifi? 'cause bed is comfy when premading at nights hahahaha
and here i was thinking i was the only one that played wow on my bed. desks are for shmucks !
omg you miss the point... we vent our frustrations about alliance atm >.<

your right... damn aliance with their front flips when jumping. way to damn op. and espectial that grimurs bait thingy from the fishing daily . nerf that already how can blizz be so blind. -.- bliz luvs alliance gg guys
QUOTE=Crystalpall;813172]omg you miss the point... we vent our frustrations about alliance atm >.<[/QUOTE]

on the contrary only 3 things piss me off

1) Alliance ( or horde, who are approximately 3x times less likely ) ganking, pking lower levels, emoting you and stacking Flavor of the month classes in every single twink bracket thus killing it ( with the exception of 19s, but hey alliance killed every other bracket)

2) Alliance human and night elf racials.( trinket has to be 3 minutes and night elves shouldnt be able to meld a chaos bolt). I dont like blood elf or tauren racials either

3) players farming kbs in every single twink bracket instead of playing objectively, also usually 70% of the time its Alliance doing it
on the contrary only 3 things piss me off

1) Alliance ( or horde, who are approximately 3x times less likely ) ganking, pking lower levels, emoting you and stacking Flavor of the month classes in every single twink bracket thus killing it ( with the exception of 19s, but hey alliance killed every other bracket)

2) Alliance human and night elf racials.( trinket has to be 3 minutes and night elves shouldnt be able to meld a chaos bolt). I dont like blood elf or tauren racials either

3) players farming kbs in every single twink bracket instead of playing objectively, also usually 70% of the time its Alliance doing it

Do you ever stop complaining? You complain so much about this game, wouldn't it just be easier to find another one...
Frustrations?? Yeah, here is 1, you sign up for the 10v10 sunday premade , and on sunday you get a messaege from your internet service , You wont have internet for like 2 days, then you be like ... SRSLY ..... -_-!!!!
Frustrations?? Yeah, here is 1, you sign up for the 10v10 sunday premade , and on sunday you get a messaege from your internet service , You wont have internet for like 2 days, then you be like ... SRSLY ..... -_-!!!!
Try downloading WoW twice....IN THE SAME WEEK!!!!
Waiting since 3:00 a.m. Central since the servers went down.

>In order:
Take a small nap @ 7:00 a.m. Central
wake up @ 1:00 p.m. Central
wait for a couple more hours
log onto forums @ 1:00 p.m. PST
Find this

Start feeling like this.

>In order:
Wait till 3:00 p.m. PST
Expect to log onto wow
Get smacked like this by Blizz, with this.
Start feeling like this
Start editing forum post
<cries deeply>
Last edited by a moderator:
I might not have anything in-game to complain about since im new but waiting for this maintenance crap is ridicules I wanna start leveling GRRRRRR
I might not have anything in-game to complain about since im new but waiting for this maintenance crap is ridicules I wanna start leveling GRRRRRR
Are yu getting a que to enter WoW ... i am too and im still downloading game.....followed by reinstalling addons.
It's a troll off!

The annoying whiner vs the lame joker

Who shall win!?

lets not forget your annoying whining for 2 years about ''horde premades or about me premading'' '(and then turn around and constantly premade on your own kinda ironic, eh) and OP 24s (still doing the 24 part) whilst playing a hunter and griefing more players than anyone else in this bracket

You think everyone has a short term memory and already forgot about your post history?
It's a troll off!

The annoying whiner vs the lame joker

Who shall win!?

Sorry lil, I'm addressing the other annoying whiner ATM. I'll be with you in a moment.

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