Vent Your Frustrations II

why is this bracket so OP

the queues are almost instant (horde side) and 24/7. Nothing else in the game can provide that level of consistency. In other brackets I sometimes have to wait 30 minutes-hour for a pop....
Majority of WSG BGs I enter have already started with Alliance winning and or farming horde. I check alliance que times... 10-18mins.. just like Cata days.

Agreed, it is terrible PuGging as Horde. People afk left and right. Blizzzard needs to put the account wide deserter buff back in place.
I decided to queue as Alliance while doing my dailies, twelve min. wait for a nine min. 3-0 win. Does alliance do this just for one piece of lousy gear? I prefer to play my Alliance healer, but my time is more precious.

This game is so bad. Must switch to Rift or jogging or stamp collecting or anything, really.

Deleted a toon I made 2 days ago feels better than a huge shit.
UV rays are great for anxiety. It would do many WoW players some good to get outside. Maybe we might have less afk rage quitters.
Enjoy the Sun, I know I will be out there!

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It feels like Horde around 12-5 a.m. get stupider and stupider every day. I was in Bgs with Bowchamp just now and the majority of players can't even target 1 healer, too busy fighting in mid, and so many undergeared jajas complaining about dying so much and bitching that we can't do anything right

Also alliance hunters roaming around facerolling every target that passes through the midfield

Not even the 24s in bgs can do something right

Posted through a sucky mobile device using Tapatalk D:
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Alliance facerolling hunters who gy farm and only fight in mid not mentioning any names and no Lil not you
and no Lil not you

Lol you don't need to add that seeing ik I don't do either of those and wouldn't assume you were talkin bout me.. Trust me though that ik how crappy ally hunts are but I also have seen how many 24s come out from hiding once the sun goes down so those ally hunts are needed for any kind of competitive bg, almost beat a 9 man HC failmade thanks to 5 hunts although that rly isn't saying much.
Lol you don't need to add that seeing ik I don't do either of those and wouldn't assume you were talkin bout me.. Trust me though that ik how crappy ally hunts are but I also have seen how many 24s come out from hiding once the sun goes down so those ally hunts are needed for any kind of competitive bg, almost beat a 9 man HC failmade thanks to 5 hunts although that rly isn't saying much.

Yea I agree there's too many 24s past the only thing that bothers me is seeing how many countless hunts and 24s que up and the first thing they do is run straight to combat and begin their "fun fest" gy farming, or how the 24s say it "gy containment for an easy win"
Yea I agree there's too many 24s past the only thing that bothers me is seeing how many countless hunts and 24s que up and the first thing they do is run straight to combat and begin their "fun fest" gy farming, or how the 24s say it "gy containment for an easy win"

How you fare in the first clash can be a solid indicator of how the game is going to progress. It's not a bad strat to go head on (if your team does the same of course ^_^). Playing aggressively (and controlling mid) isn't always wrong.
Yea I agree there's too many 24s past the only thing that bothers me is seeing how many countless hunts and 24s que up and the first thing they do is run straight to combat and begin their "fun fest" gy farming, or how the 24s say it "gy containment for an easy win"
Derping in mid while the 1.3k SoL Pally runs down the sidelides is a time-tested Ally tactic.
So I resubbed, got on my twinks..and it was the same shit 3 months ago...

nothing but gay hunters and rogues on alliance when I qued on my 80..same happened at 85s

and once it gets to around level 80-85...hunters and rogues get extremely gay like 10x times worse. 2x bubble, stealth, multiple traps....more instants yeah...and rogues...but that's another story.

Lets just say I highly dislike those 2 classes in particular for their extreme forgiveness and lame abilities.

Alliance y you do this to used to be my favorite faction now I almost despise playing as one or with those fotm
I hate Roues with that Nightstalker talent which they can bring no mail wearer like Locks for example
under 50% with one ambush. Andlv 24s one hit such classes with an ambush :(
So I resubbed, got on my twinks..and it was the same shit 3 months ago...

nothing but gay hunters and rogues on alliance when I qued on my 80..same happened at 85s

and once it gets to around level 80-85...hunters and rogues get extremely gay like 10x times worse. 2x bubble, stealth, multiple traps....more instants yeah...and rogues...but that's another story.

Lets just say I highly dislike those 2 classes in particular for their extreme forgiveness and lame abilities.

Alliance y you do this to used to be my favorite faction now I almost despise playing as one or with those fotm

There has been some sweet 1khp below hordies running around lately. Is that you with your alts?
uhh no I haven't really been playing f2p in 2? months if you don't count one WSG game on the 10th of April and it was enough for me. So no one can even say that 'I am gy farming and griefing underpowered alliance hunters''

but it sucks being the only horde person that doesnt blow in bgs, someone help me pl0x alliance premades trying my life. First world problems

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