Vashj Strong!

dat 7 man dps simulque premade. Dem enh shaman heals.
We recently did a 4-5 man premade and consistently beat a 24 premade or a team with 6 prots. We're on skype and having a riot. FTW!!! We're eventually lost to 1 24 premade because of lack of heavy dps. To be continued...
Vashj recruiting! Ally and Horde players! Premades, and Arenas. We have a couple 90s that are usually on almost all the time to group on. We like to hang out in random places sometimes like Redridge mountains or Darkshire. We like to have fun and explore around. Come join if you want some friendly players!
I have been doing Arenas a little more often now, and am currently working on my Horde Character.
Com play with us!

Pepsi and Oddie are also shouting out to Vashj veterans to return and play with us. We miss you and want to have some sick Arenas and Pres to record!!!!
Vashj had three EPIC premades today! Two WSG, one AB. Comp was Blazinsaddle (Protadin), Magicus (Disc Priest), Cakrin (Frost Mage), Presque (Arms Warrior), and myself (Surv Hunter). Excellent coordination, DPS, CC, and communication. I haven't had good premades like that in a LONG while. Our AB win was over a scrolled BWL group (I counted 8 from BWL, but it's possible not all of them were in the group). I wanted to say good game to BWL, I look forward to rolling with you soon, and awesome job to Vashj! Keep it up guys!

Vashj Represent!
We recently did a 4-5 man premade and consistently beat a 24 premade or a team with 6 prots. We're on skype and having a riot. FTW!!! We're eventually lost to 1 24 premade because of lack of heavy dps. To be continued...

Props, we were recently talking about "good" players/classes/specs from cata in Moon Guard chat and your name came up. Shout out to all Ally communities that have stuck with it through the recent parade of hordie 24s. Solidarity brothers and sisters!
Props, we were recently talking about "good" players/classes/specs from cata in Moon Guard chat and your name came up. Shout out to all Ally communities that have stuck with it through the recent parade of hordie 24s. Solidarity brothers and sisters!

Whoa. I'm honored. I'm trying to diversify to some other realms and meet new players. What is MG lacking specifically in terms of a role?

On topic there's a bunch a new people on Vashj, although many veterans (including myself) have been fulfilling other obligations recently.
Any Horde 20s ( vet or f2p) on Vashj ?? where is the hangout spot for all of u lol. New to server and did not see any1 on here :((
Any HORDE guilds on Vashj ?
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I occasionally hop on my old toons on Vashj, just to do a daily or something. I haven't seen anyone other than Vol on Ally side in half a year. Well, I take that back, I saw Ironclaw in STV once.

Horde side, it's been nearly a year since I've seen anybody I knew on, or anybody at all really.
Me Bop and Oldspike ran into a Vashj 3v3 team months about while Qing Fire WMD - I think a lot of smaller community servers are a ghost town until Legion hits.

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