Vashj Strong!

How is this thread still alive?? For the love of god somebody kill it!!

PS: Congratulations for commenting on every thread in the forum Embriophobia!

cuz vashj be goin hard in da paint yo. and we don't ever stop we keep on goin
Last time I checked out Vashj Alliance, nobody was using the Addon, has it changed since?
Last time I checked out Vashj Alliance, nobody was using the Addon, has it changed since?

whenever im on there is always atleast 1 person on, for both sides.

if this was at night time hours then that may be possible i think everyone gets off at night, i never stay up to find out. :p
Had a few good games with ya Ghoul, might roll a huntard over there, idk.
Recently, ally f2ps on Vashj organized and started doing stuff, thanks largely to the efforts of Licholas and Suntimehappy. We're still growing, and we've recently started fielding 10/10 premades. Not necessarily godhand caliber, but the rank and file is rapidly gearing up. My question is to AP, and any other server with f2p premades: is there an accepted method for cross-realm premade simulqueue? I think it'd be awesome to practice our tactics in arranged combat with other folks, and I don't have to tell anybody how much better it is than pugging.

We're pretty good, you guys should fight us.

My guild in cata noticed that when you leave a dungeon group (Doesn't matter what place, how many people, ect) youll have the 5 seconds to get an invite back before you get teleported back out. We never tested it but wondered if you could get an invite from your 10 man and challenge someone of the same faction within those 5 seconds when you still see each other in the dungeon. Maybe we could set something up in the future.
snagged AB perfection, beat a couple 24 premades today (lost pretty spectacularly to some others as well), recruited orkie to vashj horde :)D) and convinced some more peeps to roll horde alts
overall a good day
possibly the longest premade winning streak i've ever been in - still going.... hella fun, great time to try out new strats now that the 24s are asleep. vashj represent!
I think migrating to Vashj was one of the best f2p decisions i've made. Consistently enjoyable, helpful and responsive community with a bunch of insanely good players

Vashj Strong!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you guys lose a game w/ your 8 man Vashj last night?
we got rocked by some 24 premades early on, but after that it was incredibly smooth sailing
Any classes you guys need? Thinking of rolling a toon there
hunters, heals

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