Vanilla players tell Mists of Pandaria players about "Back in the day"

Thought this might be a fun thread, I'll start off by saying you obviously don't need to have played since Vanilla to participate, that's just the title.

Two example posts would be (Crude examples):

Back in my day we had to walk uphill in the snow from Thunderbluff to make it to Orgrimmar, we didn't have no Zeppelins catering to our transportation needs.

Back in my day we had to walk uphill in the snow both ways to get to our instances, we didn't have none of this insta-teleportatia-whatchamajiggies to get us there at the drop of a hat.
if you gave over 100g for a shadowfang you was super rich or insane, or both.
Back in the day before the day (beta and alpha) you had 4 trinket slots. Imagine that 4 AGMs :O
back in the day i had to travel by foot to acquire my warlock pets (that shit sucked no one misses that)
back in the day hunters had to use arrows and had less space in their inventory to need every single item that dropped
back in the day hunter pets needed food (lol)
back in the day tauren cat form was the ugliest piece of shit i have ever seen
lets not forget about the price of mounts (why i mained drood lul)
oh and plainsrunner

i could go on for hours but ill leave some things for others to rant about
Weapon skills, int buffs to make weapon skills skill up faster, arrows as mentioned before. Silithus rep grind, QQ. Hunter pet food to make them happy, and hit harder. Battleground commendation currency, 75k honor cap. Pre cata Xroads pvp/General chat, Southshore to Hillsbrad, and STV leveling on a pvp server. Summoning stones being relevant, rating requirements on arena gear in BC. That's off the top of my head, I think I have more but i'd have to really sit down and think.
Btw Kiraush<3
Back in my day, if you were under attack you constructed a farm to draw aggro, and then cancelled it while running away!
well before world of warcraft came out i used to play diablo 2 online so i was quite familiar with mmos(idk if you can call diablo 2 an mmo...).I was not new to grinding, and tedious leveling.Why?Because i did it before. Its those who never played a rpg online always complain on forums "vanilla is tough,i am boss, you are not, yada yada yada". No.It wasnt tough(sure it had some aspects).Diablo 2 had it tougher,even tougher then classic raids,say,to gear a full hammerdin.But enough of diablo twos, back on topic

there was a mount i helped my older brother grind, we shared an account. Before,before everything.Keep in mind gold was VERY hard to make,people were new. Sure, you could have ripped someone off,or started on a high population realm. Those like me who got offered a low population realm had if different.(daggerspine) I basically had to vendor sell EVERYTHING and collect 5-10 silver from mobs to get 500gold i think(i am not sure how much it costs anymore).Sure,there was my older brother too,but he usually left all the boring stuff to me and i swear what i did maybe 70% of the farming for it.So,the word "grinding" already started

What many players did not realize is what you had barely any quests in 50-60 areas,and i can assure you that.The way you did leveling was simple(akin to diablo 2); by killing regular mobs.Over ,and over,and over.Sure,it was tedious,but after ~3 hours of nonstop killing you would level,guaranteed.The more levels you would gain, the bigger the exp bar got. Dont let these idiots on wow forums fool you,it did not take 2 months to get to 60. I think we got the game when it came out, along with other stuff, and it only took us like 3 weeks to get to 60.But then again we were 2 people, me and my older brother, and we would take breaks between each other.

What you see now is a very ,well buffed itemization.Items sucked,and alot back then.A lvl 20 bow you are using right now is equal to like a lvl 40 quest item you would get back then. And i swear,say on my college essay which is due tomorrow what bosses used to drop green items.No kidding.Not every single boss dropeed a blue i clearly remember, they dropped green stuff too because i remember equipping it.Speaking of poor itemization, items had like spirit and str, this kind of thing.You get the picture.

I didnt get into raiding because my older brother didnt allow me to,he said i would screw up,so i cant comment there.

Well,and i guess you trials missed the pre-cata expirience.I remember quests being more fun and lore-worthy(altrough i can give 2 shits about lore and rping,it is still interesting to read what the npcs say frm time to time)

i remember paladins being very,very OP and warriors sucking at least at low level.At first i told my brother to roll a warrior,like the diablo 2 barbarian,i remember to this day the launch screen when we first opened the box.After like 5 minutes of gameplay my brother said "this sucks" we need another class. He picked paladin because he always played a diablo 2 hammerdin paladin before that.And he couldnt be anymore wrong.

oh and speaking of hunter pets when the game came out i dont even remember them having any abilties cept like 4-5.Its much different now,pretty sure they had different pet buffs prior to even wotlk or bc i think.I can rant on and on about this stuff idk if it matters
We had to quit like sometime in the end of Vanilla because we could keep up paying 2 subs,1 for wow and another for our xbox360(yes xbox 360 came out in like middle of vanilla)

i asked my brother what e-mail did he use on his previous account,and he said what he didnt remember.I tried to find payment records but if i remember we used the walmart pre-paid cards and my parent's credit card...
sob,i am sure there are lots of valuables on that old account.My brother no longer plays any video games, which is a shame too.
i still have my Beta test screenshot which is taken in like August 04....

you simply clicked the URL up top and it would take you to download the wow packet...
And no,you cant have my D2 character names.I was 11 years old at that time,and i guarantee you they sucked
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Seeing a lvl 60 for the first time [NERDGASM]
Grinding mobs for 30 playdays to get lvl 50 - questhelper only came in addon form, and i didnt know how that worked back then ;D
Seeing Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros - Item - World of Warcraft for the first time [MAJOR NERDGASM]
Running dungs with 5 DPS classes.
Spending 3-4 hours trying to complete a deadmines run.
Traveling was like 80% of the game back then - i really miss it though.
items had like spirit and str

back in the days, spirit wasn't as useless as it is today - spirit increased proc rates and also provided far more health/mana regeneration, if you had enough, you regained more than you lost in a fight - gg
back in the days, spirit wasn't as useless as it is today - spirit increased proc rates and also provided far more health/mana regeneration, if you had enough, you regained more than you lost in a fight - gg

They need to make spirit how it was back then. It would make gearing a good deal more complex.
Back in the days, mages got one shotted by rogues but raped pallies with CS.
Back in the days, Naxxramas was impossible lol literally but i was proud to own a cape from onyxia
Back in the days, .....Zandalarian Hero Charm - Item - World of Warcraft + arcane power + presence of mind +pyro = rape
Back in the days, world pvp was awesome. There were so many places to do that. cape of stranglethorn was the best place if i remember correctly.
Back in the days, wall climbing worked really good and other macros worked and not restricted like now
Back in the days, Hyjal was accessible by wall climbing. (there was a video i watched on youtube about it "how to get to Mt. hyjal") was pretty cool

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