Vanilla players tell Mists of Pandaria players about "Back in the day"

Back in the day, if you wanted to be a Shaman you had to play Horde and if you wanted to play a Paladin you had to play Alliance. Also, hunter's used mana and everything was more of a challenge. <3
-Grinding for rank 14 (Grand Marshal / High Warlord)
-IIRC, wasn't it possible to take another BG pop while in a BG? I remember we had scouts. Queue for AB and WSG, if WSG was a bad game; take AB.
-Farming resistance gear for raids/getting attuned
-Opening the AQ gates. grats, Syres: lmao, that UI.
-server only BGs
-Remember Hunters had a dead zone?
-The first server transfers from Warsong to Bonechewer
-Several 3% Vael wipes.
-Turning in cloth for rep, having a mount that wasn't respective to your faction
-Remember when Alliance complained that Horde had it easier encountering Razergore because they had Earthbind Totem?
-guild forging the server's first UBRS key
-dishonerable kills being added, putting a stall on world PvP

it was so shit, idk why people are horny about vanilla.
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I remember when vanilla was just a flavor of ice cream, and I didn't even know it was a kind of bean.
Back in my day it was skill and hard work above all else, including PVP/PVE, since every new patch from TBC the game was more and more idiot friendly - ofc that progressed so much that now the game is retard friendly.....
When there were no boas.

Every1 used smexxy talbar or mega costy naxx pads.

Clefthoof/nethercleft/spellthread at those pants.

Paying 1k for epic mount.

Being roflbushed by rogues....

I will walk 500 miles just to do an instance.

when having 1000 hp on ur twink made u a real pro.

when the barrens was huge and filled with chuck norris refrences and jokes.

when gy farming a bg for 3 hours was nothing special

when achivments didnt exist.

when every server was loaded with players and you still saw more players around than you do on most server today even with x-realm.
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Just went thru each post and i admit i nearly teared up. What i miss the most was the way the game made me feel, how i had fun and everything was new.

And yes i did not play vanilla as i started in early tbc, but does that really matter towards how the game made us feel ?

I miss being a " noob " and having to learn everything from the scratch.

Edit : yes i do not f2p but this post really made my day.
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Just went thru each post and i admit i nearly teared up. What i miss the most was the way the game made me feel, how i had fun and everything was new.

And yes i did not play vanilla as i started in early tbc, but does that really matter towards how the game made us feel ?

I miss being a " noob " and having to learn everything from the scratch.

Edit : yes i do not f2p but this post really made my day.

I have some fond memories of being a noob too. Some are cringe bad lol. MeleeMage with a sword /facepalm

Vanilla sucked donkey nuts. Cata and MoP are the best things to ever happen to WoW.

That... IS a joke right? I mean like, I know your entitled to your opinion and all, but when I read that I have to start looking for the dislike button on this site... THERE HAS TO BE ONE.
Long ago warriors has a neat little ability that cost 10 rage and interupted spells , rip shield bash., now we have shield slam but sadly slamming doesnt interupt like bashing did, burning crusade gave way to world of caster craft , warriors where given a back seat to the emerging pink dot army.

and to all the tea bagging that has been going on to my corpse , congradulation on your lvl 300 enchants now go #$%^ #&^%**&^!^#

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