Twentified 11.0 PTR Patch Notes - Release Date: July 23rd

Artisan Consortium Rep (Dragonflight)

A friend showed me this, passing it on:
You must have completed the Ohn'arahn Plains campaign quests on at least 1 character FIRST to be able to skip quests on future characters !

1: Create a new lv10 Dracthyr
2: Take portal to Bal'ameth (do Horde get a portal to Bal'ameth? or Dragon Isles?)
3: Fly to Ruby Life Pools in Waking Shores
4: Get the Spirit of Sharing buff at the Pilgrim's bounty table (58.2,67.6) for 10% more rep
5: Talk to Haephesta (57.9, 68.2) and select 1st chat option to skip quests (gossip text is in red). This gives you 300 rep. If you do not have this option, then you haven't completed Ohn'arahn Plains campaign on any character.
6: Fly a short distance south to Thomas Bright (60.2, 72.1)
7: Talk to Zherrak the alchemy trainer next to Thomas and take Dragon Isles alchemy.
8: Get quest !A Gift for Miguel from Thomas Bright, use alchemy to create the item. Turn in quest to Miguel Bright (59.9, 71.6) for some more rep. (I take the enchanting supplies reward because they are the most useful to me)
9: Fly to Valdrakken and get/complete quest from Azley (35.5, 58.7) for some more rep
10: Deposit quest reward in Warband bank. Delete and repeat. Takes around 6-8 mins. to do this for 450 total rep.
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