EU+US Top tink Series 2015: Priest

Top Priest?

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You're mistaken, i have no ally twinks.

Ill be honest - i wouldnt vote for myself here, i havent proven anything. since coming back I have barely played priest except for the occasional arena. I dont pug on priest, infact i hardly pug at all. Unfortunate thing about these threads is that a lot of attention comes from pugs or forum presence. My teams priest style and recently fort are playing way more than me and are playing top calibre priest at the moment. Same thing with shaman thread, my shaman is OG as fuck and a beast but hardly pugs and doesn't arena.

P.S. just wait for the day my priest gets busted out in the gulch oooOOoOO bAbY

My world is shattered are you not a NE priest... What


am sad

am gon cry
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Bolt voted for himself in the best of shaman thread, so why does he think anything he writes has any merit or credibility whatsoever?

I'll tell you why.
Because of the '19 bracket effect'. :~)
Oh and it's pretty fair to say at 19 fake casting is almost 100% pointless in mid (and in such a high burst bracket can be extremely detrimental), only while you're around FC is there any point in attempting.

What Sudo does really well, besides his extremely high HPS, is start/cancel casting on potential incoming damage. Starts a flash heal on a player at 100% that might take damage, cancels at the very end if there's no need. I haven't seen the entire bracket's player list in game, but I've yet to personally see another healer do that. All the rest just let it finish and end up ooming themselves so much faster.
How can you blame EU people for voting for EU'? It's not like we didn't play 19's before we came to US. We have obviously seen a lot of gamplay that you havn't.
Can still go ahead and vote! The more the better ;x

Ty good Sir, I'll go ahead and vote fro Drugs then, solely based on TI persona tho :)

Edit: I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the TI mods for letting me use my avatar again! <3 ^^
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Going through a very busy few days, requesting lock on this one but I don't think I can do the next poll until later today or tomorrow.
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